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'Avant-guarding Mompou' on CD!

After a successful 'Avant-guarding Mompou' world premiere last June in London, a new exciting step is coming soon: to record it on a CD!


Un proyecto de


Creado en

Londres, Reino Unido
De 6.350€
Aporta al proyecto
Ver proyecto en English y Català

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Haz una donación altruista al proyecto sin recibir ninguna recompensa a cambio:

“During the period between 1918 and 1978 the great composer and pianist Frederic Mompou composed a set of fifteen pieces called ‘Cançons i danses’. The particularity of these works is the Catalan composer’s ability to weave masterpieces out of his own native folklore.

The project ‘Avant-guarding Mompou’ arised from my wish to perform Mompou’s complete ‘Cançons i danses’ cycle together with a new one created especially for that occasion by composers of our time. New works have been also based on Catalan folklore as were those written by the Catalan master. Thus, the result of the iniciative meant to be an interaction in between the existence cycle created by Mompou alongside new avant-garde approaches with the personal stamp of the composers who participated in the project.

The nine composers who accepted taking part in this project come from different parts of Europe, including Catalonia and the rest of Spain. I am truthfully amazed how the project has been so positively received amongst some of the most prolific and active classical music creators of nowadays: Moritz Eggert, Konstantia Gourzi, Nicolas Bacri, Antón García Abril, Joseph Phibbs, Joan Magrané, Josep Maria Guix, Jiri Gemrot and Victor Estapé.

'Avant-guarding Mompou' world premiere at the Conway Hall, London

After the world premiere performance at the Conway Hall in London last June a new exciting step is approaching: I would like to materialise all this beautiful music in a discographic recording project.

'Avant-guarding Mompou' world premiere at the Conway Hall, London

Would you like to be part of it? Your help will be very much appreciated!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!



About the rewards

An idea without supporters remains just a dream. I am very grateful for all your help and support to make all this a reality.

I thought the best way to compensate your trust on my project is to provide the product final result as a reward. From my side I am very excited to give you the best musical quality I can.

For those who will contribute 15 euros the digital album will be available to download.

Those who will contribute above 25 euros will receive a copy of the CD.

Those who will contribute above 70 euros will also receive (apart from the CD copy) a complementary ticket to attend my recital at the Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona on the 19th February 2019, where you will have the chance to listen to 'Avant-guarding Mompou' Live in concert.

For 100 euros you will get CD as mentioned above and 2 tickets for my **recital at the Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona.

About us

Maria Canyigueral has been described by La Vanguardia as 'a pianist of great personality'.

Her most recent highlights include the world premiere of her project 'Avant-guarding Mompou' at the Conway Hall in London, which includes the commission of pieces by nine recognised composers around Europe. Her latest Cd together with violinist Lana Trotovsek is a winner of the Global Music Awards 2016 in California, as a result of which they performed in Belgium, Spain, Japan and the UK.

Maria has performed in venues such as el Saló dels Miralls at Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona, Fundación Juan March in Madrid, the Auditorium la Pedrera in Barcelona, the Auditorium in Girona, Sala María Cristina in Málaga, St. Martin in in the Fields and St. John's Smith Square in London, and the Holywell Room in Oxford. She has participated in important festivals such as “Mas i Mas”, “Concerts de Mitja Nit” in Sitges, Chamber Music Festival Fundación Monteleón, Festival Portaferrada, la Schubertíada and for Ibercamera. Her performances have been broadcasted by Radio Catalunya Música, BTV and UPV-RTV.

What do we need the money for

The budget includes:

  • The Hall renting fee for three sessions (Auditorium at the Conservatori del Liceu, Barcelona).

  • Piano tunning

  • Recording engineer: Dr Iker Olabe. Recording and post-production fee.

Estimated calendar

  • The recording sessions are scheduled in Autumn 2018.

  • The audio demo will be ready around February 2019.

  • The CD will be published at the end of 2019

+ Info




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5 comentarios

Si ya eres mecenas, Inicia sesión para comentar.

  • Masako Ohma

    Masako Ohma

    más de 5 años

    Hello Maria. Good luck.

  • Jordi Carreras

    Jordi Carreras

    más de 5 años

    Moltes gràcies, Maria, per fer-nos arribar ben endins la delicadesa i subtilitat de les notes de Mompou. Un plaer.

  • Sara Mitjà

    Sara Mitjà

    más de 5 años

    Molta sort!

  • Michal Bryks

    Michal Bryks

    más de 5 años

    Good luck, Maria! :)

  • Tsukasa Takahashi

    Tsukasa Takahashi

    más de 5 años


#01 / Thank you very much! Gràcies de tot cor! Arigatou!!

Dear my lovely patrons/ Benvolguts estimats mecenes,

I am very pleased we all together achieved the goal!

Thanks to your help and kindness, 'Avant-guarding Mompou' will be on a CD!



Estic molt agraïda que entre tots hàgim aconseguit l'objectiu proposat!

Gràcies a la vostra generositat 'Avant-guarding Mompou' prendrà forma de Cd!



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