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Night Shift

This will be Izaskun Arandia's first time as a director in a professional short film. With a social subject matter, the script won the Screen Academy Short Script Competition (2008) in the UK.The short film will be shot in San Sebastian in September. 75% of the crew is made up of women!

From 2.500€
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Wellcome to our crowdfunding campaing. I embark in this adventure with the invaluable help of a wonderful and talented team. We are all very excited to be working on this very special and technically challenging project.


We thank you in advance for your contribution as, no matter how small, it will definitely help reach our final goal.

In the last few years I have managed a number of crowdfunding campaigns, but in this campaing, for the first time, we are offering that you are part of our filming experience as a reward. Go on! Be our extra!


Night has fallen on the outskirts of San Sebastian. MERY (45) gives her cigarrette a few last drags leaning against the only window in her shabby bedsit.

She recently moved to San Sebastian from her homeland in South America leaving her two children behind and their loss is unbearable when she is alone.

She gets a bus into town every night, as she works the night shift as a cleaner at a San Sebastian theatre.

She arrives after the show. The public and the actress have left and the theatre is empty.

Mery starts cleaning the hall area, slowly and with the apathy that comes with doing a job without motivation.

But tonight's shift won't be the same monotonous thing for Mery. Today she will access the only room she has ever cleaned: the actress' dressing room.

And this change her life... if only for a few minutes.

What we need the money for

I received a small bit of funding for this project last year and with some investment from the production company we decided to carry on with the production. The money that we raise in this campaign will be used to cover postproduction costs.

Cast and Crew

75% of the team is made up of women! We also have some wonderful men with us. All professionals with a great deal of experience in film and television.


MERY: Enriqueta Vega

ACTRESS: Patricia Urrutia


DIRECTOR: Izaskun Arandia

DOP: Amara Mosteiro

SCRIPTWRITER: Izaskun Arandia


ART DIRECTOR: Lierni Izagirre

ACTING COACH: Olatz Beobide

1st AD: Maider Oleaga

PRODUCER: Kristina Zorita

HAIR & MAKE-UP: Aloña Gallastegi

CAMERA ASSISTANTS: Uxue Jimenez eta Heidi Otaduy

SOUND: Jokin Valenzuela

EDITOR: Iban del Campo

ART ASSISTANT: Natalie Garrido

LOCATIONS & CREDITS: Angel Aldarondo

DIT: Maitane Carballo


We are currently in the middle of preproduction having secured all locations, team made up, technical script finished and we are now finalising the production details.

Shooting will be on: September 29th, 30th and October 1st. We will film all scene in San Sebastian.

Throughout October we will carry on the editing and the sound postproduction will take place in November.

History behind this project

I wrote the script 8 years ago. I was living in London's Stoke Newington at that time. A unique place and huge socio-economic differences could be seen in the neighbourhood. People working on TV and film lived there but also a lot of immigrants. The glamourous middle class mixed with the unemployed and the poorest with amazing easiness.

I met Mery in this context, a woman from Bolivia, an illegal immigrant. She lived in the flat above mine, in a shabby bedsit with 4 other family members. She had to flee Bolivia and leave her 5 children and husband. She worked day and night and used the money she saved to bring her family membersto Europe one by one. When I met her she only had one son and one daughter left to bring.

I used to have long chats with her and I always saw a heartbreaking sadness in her eyes. The loss of her children was unbearable to her and she cried everyday thinking about them.

Mery was my inspiration to write NIGHT SHIFT. I have now translated and adapted the script to be shot in San Sebastian this Spetember.

Subject matters

In this humble homage to film and theatre, a very important element is the lack of dialogues. What I want to achieve with this is for pictures and sound to tell the story so that we can "hear" and "see" the scrpit. These are fundamental dramatic elements that will help us tell the story.

The importance and strength of this story is based on the following themes/subject matters: socio-economic differences, immigration, women, voyeurism, empathy, theatre, film.

Visual References

Info +

Production Company's website:





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#06 / Azken Berriak | Últimas Novedades | Latest News


Azken urte honetan gure filmaren banaketan murgilduta ibili gara eta zuei jakinarazi nahi dizuegu Night Shift (Gaueko Txanda) nazioarteko hainbat zinemaldietan hautatua izan dela. Hona hemen zerrenda:

Huhezinema Short Film Festival 2017

Roselle Park Short Film Festival 2017 - FINALIST

Lekeitioko Zine Bilera 2017

Eurasia International Film Festival 2017 - FINALIST

Chicago Feminist Film Festival 2018

Everyday Arias Film Festival 2018

Hautaketa hauez gain, Laburbira programak Euskal Herriko hainbat txokotan, Londresen, New Yorken, Parisen etab. proiektatuko du filma. Oso pozik gaude lortutakoarekin eta batez ere, filma jende askok ikusteko aukera izan/go duelako.



We have been working on the distribution of our film in 2017 and we wanted to let you know that Night Shift has been selected in a number of Film Festivals internationally. Here's the list:

Huhezinema Short Film Festival 2017

Roselle Park Short Film Festival 2017 - FINALIST

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#05 / MUSIK-A

NIGHT SHIFT-en garapen eta preprodukzio prozesu osoan musika pila bat entzun dut. Film batean musikak izugarrizko garrantzia du elementu narratibo funtsezkoa delako eta gure NIGHT SHIFT-en ere halaxe izan da.

Oso eklektikoa da entzuten dudan musika eta film honen prestaketan Jorge Drexler-etik hasi ta La Lupe, Liza Minelli, Ethel Merman, Julie Andrews eta Baccara-ren abesti finak entzuten aritu naiz. Eta Mursego. Eta Mursego. Eta Mursego. Mursego asko. Eta zorioneko gu, filmaren sekuentzi garrantzitsuenean bere abesti bat erabiltzeko aukera izango dugulako, "Cumbia Villera de la Ciudad Armera". Beste Eibartar batek, Ane Urkiolak, aurkeztu zidan lehenengoz Mursegoren musika, orain dela 3 urte Ingalaterratik itzuli nintzenean. Eta superfan bihurtu nintzen. Luxu bat izango da bere musika gure filmaren narratiban barneratzea...


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#04 / ART - E - A

Gaur izan dugun arte bilera ez da lehenengoa izan baina bai gure filmaren itxura nolakoa izango den irudikatzen argi lagundu didana.

Bi lokalizazio garrantzitsu ditugu guztiz eraldatu beharko ditugunak: protagonistaren pixua eta antzokiko kamerinoa. Biak ia hutsetik sortu behar ditugun espazioak dira. Eta ditugu esaten dudanean "dute" da. Arte Zuzendaria Lierni Izagirre eskarmentu handiko profesionala da, izugarri trebea, eta Arte Laguntzailea Natalie, zine munduan hasi berria baina jadanik bere lana estimatua, eta eskertua da, bere profesionaltasunagatik eta proposamen freskoengatik. Eta taldea osatzeko Christian Truppster fitxatu dugu aste honetan. A ze lasaitasuna ematen didan hainbeste jende talentosorekin lan egiteak...


La reunión de arte que hemos tenido hoy no ha sido la primera pero si la reunión que me ha hecho ver claramente el "look" que tendrá nuestro corto.

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#03 / Lokalizazioak... Localizaciones... Locations...

Uda aurretik lotu genituen lokalizazioak. Lasai egoteko. Argi neukan Donostian filmatuko genuela eta bertako kaleak erabiliko genituela kanpoko sekuentzietarako. Baina ez nuen postaletan ikusten dugun Donostia. Gidoia idatzi nuenean munduko edozein hiri irudikatzen nuen, eta izan ere, gidoia Londresen idatzi nuen, bertan girotuta zegoen istorioa. Beraz, gure NIGHT SHIFT-eko Donostia ez-Donostia bat izaten saiatuko gara. Hirira iritxi berri den pertsonaiaren isolamendua, bakardadea eta arrotza sentitze hori, denok sentitu izan dugulako noiz edo noiz. Eta hori islatzea Donostia erdian lortu nahi dugu, Bulebarren, Alderdi Eder inguru horretan. Beste bi lokalizazio garrantzitsu Antzoki Zaharra eta Lugaritz izango dira, antzerkia zine barruan.

Conseguimos las localizaciones antes del verano. Para estar tranquilas. Tenia claro que rodaríamos en Donostia… read more

#02 / Taldea… El equipo... The Team

Proiektu hau film bihurtzea pentsatu nuenean beti irudikatzen nuen 10 inguru lagunekin egingo nuen produkzio bat izango zela. Eta horrela hasi zen, oso jende gutxirekin. Baina proiektuan aurrera egin ahala, hazten joan da gure familia. Momentu honetan 20 pertsona pasatxo ari dira lanean edo lanerako prestatzen, ilusioz, orain dela 9 urte Ingalaterran idatzi nuen gidoia pantailaratzeko. Oso talde berezia da: bizkaitarrak eta gipuzkoarrak, 40 urtetatik gorakoak eta 30era iristen ez direnak, emakume asko eta gizon batzuk, esperientzia handiko profesionalak eta esperientzia gutxiago dutenak… denak sartzen dira gure taldean. Benetako #dreamteam


Cuando decidí hacer esta película siempre me imaginé producirlo con unas 10 amigas/os. Y así empezó, con muy poca gente. Pero según avanzamos con el proyecto la… read more

#01 / Gutxi falta da.... Falta poco....

11 egun geratzen dira gure crowdfunding kanpaina hau bukatzeko, kanpainaren erdian gaude beraz. Eta diru asko geratzen zaigu gure helburura iristeko. Kanpaina laburra egitea erabaki genuen sarietako bat gure filman extra izatea delako eta filmatzen irailak 29an hasiko garelako. Egiteko asko dago eta beldur pixka bat ematen du, tartean Donostiako Zinemaldia dagoelako eta oso aste kaotikoa izaten delako hau zine munduan aritzen garenontzat. Baina lantalde osoak daukan ilusioa eta energiak konpentsatzen du guzti hori. Izugarri lasaitzen nau taldekoekin biltzen naizenean edo beraiekin telefonoz hitz egiten dudanean, eta nere indar guztiekin aurrera egiteko motibazioa ematen dit.

Zu ere izan zaitezke proiektu berezi honen parte, bai diruz lagunduz (10 eurotik aurrera) edo/eta sare sozialetan esteka elkarbanatuz. Gutxi falta da... Mila esker!


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