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Kristoffer Lund Mejer

Kristoffer Lund Mejer


Piano player and teacher. I am Kristoffer Lund Mejer. I am from Denmark, but i live in Spain, Mallorca. I am 50 and played the piano since the age of 9. I never really learned to read the notes, but did have classes with some masters such as Frans Bak, Søren Svagin, Lars Brogaard. Also a trip to Cuba, (6 month) an intense jazz-curse at Vestbirk Højskole (8 month) opened my horizon. But Love has always been the game changer. My first love, with a beautiful woman from Istanbul, Made start to play my own sensitive music. And after my divorce 7 years ago, I started this journey. The Beginning Of Everything.

Kristoffer Lund Mejer aún no ha apoyado ningún proyecto, ¡pero puedes descubrir otros proyectos en marcha!

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