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Sophie Maricq

Sophie Maricq


My name is Sophie Maricq, I have been a musician my entire life. The sounds and music of the world flow through my blood. I have travelled all over and lived in five different countries. I have been extremely privileged to have had the chance to integrate and immerse myself in culture and language. I am completely fluent in Spanish, English, French and Italian. Over the years I have used my musical experience and qualifications to not only teach children and young adults but have written my own music, which I now want to put into the world for more people to enjoy. When I make music I feel life lights up, I am the music, I am a channel to interpret and materialize beauty, sorrow, heart ache.

Sophie Maricq aún no ha apoyado ningún proyecto, ¡pero puedes descubrir otros proyectos en marcha!

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