Since I was a child I already knew what I wanted, I wanted to become a Singer. It has been a little difficult but I got it and I’ve been sharing my songs with you guys for 10 years!
My first song was La Meva Nit after that La Pluja No És Eterna and 7 singles more have followed my first one. It couldn’t be possible without my dear friends ALBERT KICK and SAK NOEL.
We used to be called MAK & SAK feat. XANA and we made history producing electronic music in a peculiar language, in CATALAN.
We decided to promote for free and by Internet our songs so many people from different countries could listen to our songs. However, after several years working together we decided to take different roads and we broke up the band.
Albert Kick (MAK) continues producing electronic music but in English, Sak Noel (SAK) has travelled around the world thanks to his hit Loca People and I’ve started my career by myself this year as a SINGER/PRODUCER as a Xana Blue with 2 new singles called LLUITARÉ FINS AL FINAL and COM EL VENT
So you can imagine it’s really hard and expensive releasing an album on your own and even more if you also want that your songs to have a video. In fact, I made the LYRIC VIDEO of COM EL VENT that you have just watched with Sony Vegas Pro 11 because I didn’t have enough money to make a music video.
That’s why I’ve decided to use crowdfunding to afford my FIRST ALBUM. My goal is to release that through your collaborations. You’re my only choice and I really trust you to help me collaborating in this Project in order I could share my melodies, my lyrics and my experiences with you guys.
It means that we just have 40 days to get the budget and if we don’t get it this Project won’t be go on so now I really need your help to keep on my compositions, singing and producing dance music in Catalan. I’ll gift you for pre-buying my album with exclusive rewards just for you.
Your pledges will allow me to:
Mastering and Mixing every song
Editing, Designing and Manufacturing your pledges
And cover the rest of expenses of this Project.
First at all everyone who collaborates in this Project will have the digital download of the album before than anyone. Besides, you’ll have unique rewards such as a DEMO of a new song, being special backers or if you choose the ‘VERKAMI Special PACK' you’ll have the entirety discography of Mak & Sak feat. Xana with all of lyrics and extended versions included.
In summary, you’ll get really interesting rewards to make possible that I could release this album which I hope to share with you guys!
It’ll be between 6-10 months because it’ll be composed by 12 songs and there’ll be 1 remix of SAK NOEL and 1 remix of ALBERT KICK in it.
Anyway, I’m thinking about give you some tracks before I complete the album to thank you all of you your appreciated collaboration.
What do you think? Can I count on you?
Follow me on my social media and don’t lose anything new!
• Youtube
• Google+
• Website
Don't doubt in contacting me through any of the media up here or directly through [email protected].
Thanks u so much guys for your support!!
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Xana Blue
Hola Cèsar! Creia que era més original el que vau veure de mostra però afegiré 2 PÒSTERS més de REGAL que seràn com les portades dels meus 2 Nous Singles "LLUITARÉ FINS AL FINAL" i "COM EL VENT" :D Una abraçada!
No hi ha pòsters de Com el vent i Lluitaré fins al final? El pòster de la recompensa esta bé, però no te se veu la cara.
Copias de CD's
y como te he hago publicidad por verkami, ya que trabajo con casi todos los grupos, si te interesa la fabricación hablamos :) mi telf es 620.731.170, un beso!!
Copias de CD's
Hola Xana que tal? estaba haciendo publicidad y te he visto por aquí, soy Isaac Dios nos conocimos en Dadà Badalona cuando le hicimos le sesión del fotos al Sak, te explico en breve me dedico a la fabricación de CD's