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BromHome is a wall hanger designed to fit your Brompton bag.

Amor de Madre

A project of


From 3.000€
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We've done it!!

Thanks to all that make it posible!!!

Now available at:

Got a Brompton? So do we!

BromHome is a piece designed for hanging your Brompton bag on.

Creating space so you can leave everything in order, it’s been designed with all necessities in mind. You can hang up your bag, helmet, jacket, raincoat, or even tie your dog to it.

We’ve designed it to be comfortable for daily use.

Because we believe in “less is more”, we’ve reduced the piece to essential elements, using materials that best respond to its function: the rack is beech wood and the hook is aluminium with an anodized finish. The result is a warm, yet robust piece.


You can choose between the matt silver or matt black versions.

Also in blue mat, green mat and red mat

Extra color! gold mat

Installation is easy peasy, there are only two screws included in the pack.

In essence, this is a product that has a personality of its own and clean, elegant shapes, just like your classic bicycle.

How your contributions will be used

Your contribution will help kick-start production of the first series of BromHome. It will enable us to offer it to you at an affordable price. You’ll be helping us produce the aluminium and wooden pieces and the packaging, each with different suppliers.

We’d love to hear what you think of the piece. Thank you!


February 2014 – First ideas and models.

May 2014 – We already have the first functional prototypes. Full steam ahead!

July 2014 – We receive the first prototypes with definitive materials and finishes.

August 2014 – We prepare the material to present it on Verkami, and it’s accepted in a flash!

September 2014 – The BromHome hits Verkami!

October 2014 – The campaign ends, and with your help we can move forward.

October 2014 – BromHome production gets underway.

November 2014 – We send the BromHome to our patrons, who are hopefully spread around the globe.

November 2014 – Presentation party! We’ll make a special delivery in a bar in Barcelona for folks who want to receive it in person and meet us – by inviting them for an aperitif.

Who’s behind it

Ernest Perera is a great user and fan of these bicycles. A product designer, who, since 2006 has directed Amor de Madre(http://amordemadre.com), the Barcelona publisher specialized in items for the home. Each project is conjured and designed with freedom, coherence, simplicity and usability in mind. He works with noble materials and regard for the environment. In each object, he seeks to bring a new perspective and deliver ingenious solutions that make our daily lives easier - often with a touch of humour. Useful, timeless and additive-free objects that echo quality and respect for the material.

To summarize:

Sex, BromHome and Rock & Roll!!!


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  • Amor de Madre

    Amor de Madre

    about 10 years

    Hola Olga!

    28€ amb l'alumini plata i 29€ en alumnini negre.

    Els pots trobar a la nostra web:




  • Olga


    about 10 years


    Quina bona idea. I quin preu té?


  • Amor de Madre

    Amor de Madre

    about 10 years

    Hola Fausto,

    Gracias por interesarte por el proyecto. La campaña de Verkami ya ha terminado. Entiendo que no podiste participar. Estamos haciendo la producción, pero aún admitimos pedidos. Envíanos un correo con el pedido que quieres al mail: [email protected] y te informamos como realizarlo.

    Muchas gracias!


  • Fausto Uribe

    Fausto Uribe

    about 10 years

    ¿podrian avisarme cuando puedo hacer mi pedido? Gracias

  • Amor de Madre

    Amor de Madre

    about 10 years

    Hello Walailiao,

    Thanks to contact us and your comments. We are producing the BromHome right now. We hope that it'll be finish in 3 weeks.

    Please, tell me how many units and colour you want and I'll reserve them to you.

    Best regards,


  • Walailiao


    about 10 years

    I am from Singapore and I think your idea is awesome. When can I order a few from you?

  • Amor de Madre

    Amor de Madre

    over 10 years

    Hi BumbleB,

    We love yellow color too!!

    We just add an especial GOLD MAT color version (you can see the image below other colors). It is the most similar color to yellow that we can make

    Hope you like it!!

    The price is the same than other colors.

    Thanks for share this project!!

  • BromptonBumbleB


    over 10 years

    Are those the only colours you'll be doing for this product? I would really like to get yellow if at all possible to go in line with the rest of my Brompton's colour scheme.

    Great concept

  • Amor de Madre

    Amor de Madre

    over 10 years

    Bones Jonatan,

    Gracies per preguntar.

    Vaig fixar el BromHome en una paret de pladur amb tacs (de paret normal, amb els de pladur aguantarà més) i vaig penjar-hi 10kg durant dos dies. Va aguantar perfectament.

    Això funciona així: feu l'aportació econòmica, si s'arriba a l'import total (3000€), us cobraran la vostra aportació i podrem fer la producció i servir-vos-la.
    És important fer-ne difusió per poder arribar al l'import total.


  • Jonatan


    over 10 years

    Molt bona idea, a mi també m'agradaria sapigué si es pot pensar en una pared de pladur i el pes que soporta.

    Això com funciona fas l'aportació economica i si s'arriba a l'objectiu es serveix la comanda, o s' envía tot i que no s'aconsegueixi?

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