In just four days we reached our aim.
Red Federica Montseny statement after the spanish government abandoned its plans to drastically limit access to abortion. They've not gone over our ovaries
Who are we?
The Red Federica Montseny is formed by groups of people in different countries seeking to ensure a free and safe access to abortion for all women. Women's reproductive rights in the Spanish State are being endangered by a new draft of the law that regulates abortion in the country, the "organic law for the protection of the unborn's life and pregnant women's rights" (also known as Gallardon Law), ending the access to a free and legal interruption of pregnancy covered by Social Security.
The aim of the Network is double: on one side, assisting and helping women, on the other, exerting political pressure to avoid that this law is passed.
The project was conceived as an initiative of the nodes: Vienna, Brussels, Prague, Lisbon, Central America and Berlín.
How can you support the Network?
With our T-shirts "They shall not pass" !
In order to recognize women's reproductive rights and give visibility to the Red Federica Montseny we want to create a large volume of t-shirts with a tropical uterus and the slogan "They shall not pass." We need help getting started on this project. In exchange you will receive one of our t-shirts so you can spread our message.
You can also help by sharing the crowdfunding campaign in your circle of family and friends and through social networks.We want to reach as many people as possible!
Why is the tropical uterus?
We decided to work with a uterus as a symbol of the female reproductive's system and giving it a Hawaiian-tropicalista upturning. "Tropicalia is a mental state. Fuck pessimism, we still see the sun shining over this shit" fauna mongola. With the slogan "They shall not pass" we want to express our determination to defend the right of a free and safe abortion.
Where will the contributions go?
Mainly to the production costs of the shirts and shipping costs.
The aim corresponds with the minimum number of t-shirts necessary to go into production. When we reach our aim, we guarantee a t-shirt to all who took part in the project.
When will you receive the reward?
Once the campaign is finished, we will produce the t-shirts and ship them.
You will receive your reward within 30 days approximately.
How do the rewards will be delivered?
We have two options:
.collection point in different cities and collecting the reward there
.shipping them to your private adress
We encourage the first option because we believe in the team organization and work. In this way we will avoid unnecessary shipping.
When the crowdfunding campaign has finished, you will receive a form. Please fill it out so you provide us the address, size and color of the t-shirt.
+ Info
Visit the website of the Red Federica Montseny:
Contact: [email protected]
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
I would like to buy a shirt please? A men's black tshirt, either medium or large, my bust is 46 inches, which tshirt will fit me? Such an amazing campaign and celebratory tshirt. BRAVO!! Xx
Sabela Tarabela
Hola! Todavía no he recibido ninguna información para recoger la camiseta... ¿Están ya disponibles en Santiago de Compostela?
Tiriri Quetevi
Hola buenas!! Debi recibir donde ir en cadiz a recoger la camiseta pero no se porque o aun no ha pasado el tren o no me llegó el email correctamente! Gracias por todo!!
Hola, no pude recoger mi camiseta cuando las repartieron en Viena. Intercambié un par de mails con la encargada aqui y desde hace mas de dos semanas me devuelven mis e mails y no obtengo respuesta. Podría tener un contacto que no sea email por favor
Red Federica Montseny
Acabo de contestarte por e-mail. Sentimos el retraso. Como te indico, vuelvo a ponerme en contacto contigo cuando cuando esté todo solucionado.
Ana Guzmán
Hola!! Tenía que recoger mi camiseta en Barcelona en La Ciutat Invisible, pero allí, en la lista, no consta ni mi nombre ni me email... Os he enviado correos pero no he recibido respuesta... Saludos!
Red Federica Montseny
Hola Mario,
en el caso de Gijón el encargado del punto de recogida de camisetas ha mandado ya varios e-mails para la entrega de camisetas. Escríbeme a [email protected] y te facilito su e-mail para que puedas ponerte en contacto directamente.
Hace ya unas cuantas semanas que recibí el correo de que las camisetas se habían envidado a Gijón y ni a mí ni a otras personas que la han pedido nos ha contactado nadie todavía para recogerlas. Ni siquiera sabemos si han llegado a su destino.
Red Federica Montseny
Hola! ya no hacemos más pedidos pero como hay muchas personas interesadas en la camiseta y que no llegaron a tiempo a hacer el pedido en verkami, hemos pensado en subir el diseño a nuestra web en alta calidad para que os lo podáis descargar e imprimir por vuestra cuenta. Avisaremos por facebook más o menos en un mes saludos!
Hola Red Montseny, soy María una admiradora de vuestro proyecto "no pasarán". Me inscribí para conseguir la camiseta, pero hubo problemas en las transferencias de pago y luego fui yo quien tuvo problemas para reintentarlo..puedo conseguirla aún? thxs