We are a group of young enthusiasts, we love music and we try that others enjoy with what we do. Our music is a mix of styles, ranging from the most modern Rock with some punk or folk tones to alternative music. Each member gives her personal style to the song, that makes it catchy and powerfull.
With one year, we have done more than 15 shows. We didn't win any money, but people leave the show satisfied and wanting to see us again. We have won a contest in Vic and we have recieved good critices. Cd gives us the chance to promote our band in more places with better ways. So thats the way to make shows in more other places.
Make money isn't our objective. We only want to broadcast our music, and It means that our cd will be free.
Obviously, the money is only for the recording and production of our first record. We plan to record before the year ends and we want to make 500 copies. So the CDs will be ready for Christmas.
Of course, we will present our humil CD with a show to inaugurate the new era that Galcats, with your help, will begin next year.
Verkami is an aid to our project. Most of the members are students, so our income is minimal. We need financial support to continue with our music but, we don't want a huge production, remember that our project is our debut album. The micromecenas allow us to do something that we couldn't do alone, also help us to know people who like music and to grant them something in return.
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Davide Brea
Hola!! De moment tenim el maig liat pro a partir del juny tenim tot lliure. Nosaltres volem tocar i tocar, asiq no demanem res, a no ser el desplazament, sopar y birrillas. Jjeje. Moltisimas graicies por interesarte. Si vols contactar amb nosaltres pots ferho aqui. [email protected]. I perdona el meu catala, preo soc el gallego del grup. jeje
salut i rock&roll!
com teniu el calendari y si no es masa demanar...;) que de maneu per bolo...gracies estem en contacte :)