ANIMA is about the last moments of Emilia`s life , an anonymous women like others, goes to a transferable travel to the corners of a memory full of experiences, emotions and contrasts. ANIMA is a social film and a melodramatic action , which shows that sometimes the choice we make of the souls should accompany us for life, is not correct .Through our protagonist, the viewer will travel down a river of poly-poetic feelings . In a present time will be transported to a harsh social criticism , through the vivid memories of Emilia in the 80s , up to the tender childhood nostalgia .Anima is a completely independent feature that has not received any assistance or grant and is produced in the form and manner of union among all professional actors and technicians who make up the Laboratory of film stars Joan Frank Charansonnet .
Anima is a completely independent feature that has not received any assistance or grant and is produced in the form and manner of union among all professional actors and technicians who make up the Laboratory of film stars Joan Frank Charansonnet Anima has been entirely shot in a Catalan -language 80 % and 20 % remaining in Castellana language. With all your help we could make that ANIMA could be seen in theaters of cinema.We had painstakingly produced film`s dream, we have showed a raw montage and trusted on its result for the distribution. Now we are very close to achieve our goal . In advance we thank you for your support. " The best dreams have always awake "
The December 16, 2005 at an ATM in Barcelona, the indigent Maria de Rosario Endrinal was burned alive by a group of three young men. During the days following the press of the country was discovering the victim 's past . Maria had had in the past a normal life working as a secretary in multinational companies . A personal story of success that ended in a long agony .This news got the attention of the director and writer Joan Frank Charansonnet . The ANIMA feature film script comes from the idea that in times of social CRISIS , CRISIS of values, any middle class person or shelf, can be found in the future in a marginal situation of social exclusion at high risk putting their own existence
Joan Frank Charansonnet wrote and directed the film Anima. The assembly and editing are handled by Ruben Aranda Vilchez . The original score was composed by Richard Boya. Makeup has designed and developed in collaboration with Jessica Molano Sandra Giménez . Joel Moritz in assisting Robert Moreno direction and production support tasks . Advice content , promotion and distribution through the collaboration of José López Pérez and Santi Lapeira .
The film stars are Montse Ribadellas , Alba Lopez and Juna Charansonnet that give life to the protagonist in different life stages , actors that complete the cast : Dani Bernabe , Efren Casas, Carlos Tubino , Cecilia Moretti , Josep Enric Soler , Sinuhe Tuurna , Maite Fortuna , Dani Rodriguez , Miriam Macias , Monica Serra and Laura Perez. We have the collaboration of actors Miguel Folch , Carlos Martinez , Alberto Esparza , Ilenia Field , Angels Castuera , David Ciriano , Arugula and Joel Moltbé Xavi . The role of Emilia 's father is played by Joan Frank Charansonnet .
Different organizations and companies have collaborated with the shooting locations . Thanks to the City of Granollers- culture Department , Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol , Local Police Station Granollers , Bar Oasis - Barrio de la Finsobe -Can Gili -Hotel Sant Celoni CAL BATLLE.
We also thank all the helpers who selflessly wanted to collaborate with their bit with ANIMA.
The film is already fully rolled ANIMA and today has a copy of gross 84minutos mount duration. Anima will be distributed in theaters by Verne Films. Complete budget for this campaign will go to the post - production sound , color grading and BSO ( Sync , mixing, dubbing some sequences , sound effects , mastering and grading of the film) .
When we finish the campaign micro patronage , on the third week of November , we'll go to work the sound in different studies (Study of sound and music studio ) to try to have the final copy of the film for the month of February 2014 .
The film through the distributor will try to be selected in different national and international festivals , While private screenings will be by way of pre - releases in different localities of Catalonia .During April-May is scheduled to deliver the rewards of the film's. Premiere commercial cinemas final and is provided between the summer and fall of 2014 .
-Contraportades de La Vanguardia, El Mundo, Pravda
-Entrevista a Afers Exteriors Tv3
-Entrevista A FONDO de Matias Prats - Noticias Antena 3
**Opinion articles published by Joan Frank Charansonnet on the
cultural and crowdfunding:**
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no he vist el film i tampoc el veure,però he reflexionat sobre la historia i hem pregunto:heu demanat permís a la família per utilitzar el nom d'aquesta noia? Heu pensat en el dolor de la seva família?i per ultim quin interés hi ha ?
Javier Barco Guardado
Hola fui figurante de la película este verano en la escena del teatro, quería saber cuando se podrá ver la película en Internet, gracias.
Patchouli films
Bon dia, la pre-estrena en cinemes esta prevista pels mes de març del 2014. De totes maneres us anirem informant en quant tinguem dates i ubicacacions definitives. Merci per la teva col.laboració.
i la pre-estrena en cinema??? quan calculeu???
Patchouli films
Ja esta estrenat....el pots veure per facebook al mur d'Anima o be en aquest enllaç de verkami.
Sandra Villalobos LLorca
Quan s'estrena el makin off d'Ànima per venir a veure'l amb la meva mare?