Cabanyal Íntim is an urban and independent festival that specializes in intimate, close up and experimental pieces. It takes place over a weekend inside the historic homes of El Cabanyal district in Valencia, located on the shores of the Mediterranean , the artistic haven of creative artists such as Vicente Blasco Ibáñez or Joaquin Sorolla.
Artistic Itinerary
The Festival annually charts an artistic route through the neighborhood which approaches a theatrical event from a multitude of artistic interpretations. Theater, dance, circus, live music, clown, underground cabaret, mime, video art or poetry is all at home in the bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens and patios of Cabanyal households.
A route of home theatre , giving life to a dozen pieces of living art, created expressly with the theme of each issue in mind, which lasts no longer than 25 minutes. Fresh, daring work, which moves away from established conventional formulas and languages; which can be experienced in the privacy of real neighbourhood homes 6 to 8 times a day during the weekend. Intimate and domestic spaces, altruistically lent by their owners or tenants, to be transformed for a few days into stages that play host to the first performance of some of the most innovative pieces around.
Organized by Francachela Theatre and the Civic Platform Salvem El Cabanyal, the Festival was created as a social and cultural event, and under this dual commitment has the following objectives:
To offer unprecedented, quality programming, away from the commercial standard, accessible and close up to the public, with affordable prices.
To breathe new life into the Cabanyal neighborhood, officially declared to be “of Cultural Interest” in 1993, with the implementation of a theatrical and performance route to attract citizens, and bring its heritage of unique architecture and houses to the attention of a much wider public, converted into performance spaces during the Festival.
To promote, encourage and give visibility to the creation, research and contemporary stage production that is forged in our community and offer their creators a space to exhibit their work.
The third edition of the Festival will take place in spring, the 26th, 27th and 28th of April 2013 under the theme "celebration of life"; a theme that will be common to all the shows in this year’s program.
Cabanyal Íntim is designed for intellectually eager and curious audiences of all ages-infants, children, youth and adults- wanting new theatre experiences with a desire to support the emerging culture that develops in the city.
The public response to the first edition brought in an audience of over 2.000 spectators, a figure that was doubled in the second edition, managing to attract more than 4.000 people to the festival.
The team of Cabanyal Íntim consists of a group of professionals from various cultural areas. They, along with a group of altruistic supporters, creative artists and volunteers make this pioneer adventure in the Valencian Community possible, bringing performing arts to private homes.
Artistic directors: Isabel Caballero y Jacobo Julio
Production: Sara Sevilla
Press and Communication: Marta and Esther Borcha Melo.
*Now is the time! Support the independent performing arts
Since its inception, self-funding has been the financial model of Cabanyal Íntim; a festival that focuses on the fringe culture, marginalized by traditional power structures and their deficient cultural policies. Since its second edition, the Festival has chosen the formula of co-financing crowdfunding, with which it has covered, thanks to the economic contributions of patrons, the minimum costs of production of the Festival. A model which is still maintained in its third edition- and so we ask for your support again. A collective support that encourages and helps give birth to new productions of quality and ensures the survival and exhibition of independent theatrical creation in Valencia, mistreated and maligned by the current government with their sterile management policies.
Support the Festival Cabanyal Íntim. Now is the time!
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Si el período para hacer aportaciones ha terminado, ¿hay alguna manera de comprar entradas para este fin de semana (27,28 abril)? Gracias!!!
pásate por el punto de información a partir del día viernes 19. de 18.00 a 20.30 horas en C/Sant Pere 35
Tizi Shakti
hola , quierrìa saber las fechas , la hora y el lugar en el que se impartirà el workshop de flamenco. NO he llegado a tiempo para comprar las entradas en verkami : puedo contribuir comprando el 19/4?y proyecto habana tambièn?gracias
para los mecenas nos pondremos en contacto con ellos en unos días para explicarles como hacer las reservas. Para el resto de publico será a partir del viernes 19 en el punto de información de Festival C/ Sant Pere, 35. Horario de 18.00 a 20.30
Un saludo
Hola! Cómo puedo hacer para reservar dos entradas para el espectáculo de Paladar Habana? Muchas gracias!
Pedimos un donativo mínimo de 3 euros por espectador y función. A partir del 19 de abril el punto de información (l´Escorxador Carrer Sant Pere, 29) estará abierto para poder dar tu donativo y conseguir tu pase
francesc escriva
Voldria saber com funciona el proyecte per poder col.laborar en posteriors edicions i com podem anar a disfrutar del proyecte algun dia. Es compren entrades o invitacions. Gracietes.
Hola, la programación se hará publica el 9 de abril. Cada invitación te sirve para un espectáculo a una hora determinada. A los mecenas os escribiremos más adelante para explicaros como podéis gestionar vuestras invitaciones y como adquirir alguna más
Hola, he colaborado con el proyecto, cómo puedo conseguir el programa? La idea que llevaba era pasar el día en el Cabanyal y ver algunas actuaciones, pero, ¿es cierto que con una invitación sólo puedes asistir a una?Si quisiera asistir a más de una?
Hola Mrina,
cada invitacion es para 1 persona, para 1 espectáculo, para la hora que elijas