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"Olaria" is the name of the director that we want to portray in this documentary. A man who has dedicated his life to daydream and realization of science fiction movies outside from what is believed good or properly at his time, decades ago. Currently, he's preparing his latest film.


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From 7.500€
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It's wrong to describe "The man from Ganimedes" as a Trash movie. But then, What is it? The easiest answer is considere it one of the juiciest secrets of our cinema. Thank God, this documentary might give us a better answer. Nacho Vigalondo


Our documentary wants to present the figure of Juan Carlos Olaria, director of science-fiction cinema in the 50's and 60's that made several short films in Super 8 through his own vision of the genre, culminating in the ‘76, with the completion of a film that made him, until today, a representative figure of low budget genre films of our country. This feature was called "The Man of Ganimedes".

Currently, Juan Carlos wants to make the sequel of his first film, which will be called "The Son of the Man of Ganimedes". Our desire is to show you how Juan Carlos is going to face the trials and pre-production of his new film, developing new tricks and effects to be updated respect to those used since more than three decades, dealing with some honor the style and technology used today by big productions.

Through this journey of trial and error about the style of his new film, we join Olaria in his day by day, sharing his taste and passion for movies and learning the craft with which he defended himself in his productions of yesteryear. Also we will remember the mistakes he made in the marketing of his film, his second feature film called "The Red Diary" shot in 1982, and we will try to help him to overcome the fears that today prevent him to take decisions for fear or possible failure, as “The Red Diary”, still unreleased after 30 years.


Our documentary talks about the Olaria’s desire of filmmaking above all. Desire for make a film with his own ideas and visions, away from all kinds of conventions and standardization. Doing it without any shame or need to feel it. Doing beyond the opinions of the others, of the vicissitudes and obstacles that arise during the realization of his ideas. But also how these things affect the sensitivity of Olaria and interfere in the course of his career as a director.

Many people want to tell stories and make movies in his way, driven by passion they have for a certain type of movies that are considered minor, such as science fiction B series films. Juan Carlos Olaria is the paradigm of all them. A man who decided to take that way at a time and country much less prepared to understand this kind of films.

Alongside him we will see how necessary is to balance the hopes and ideals of oneself with the reality that lives, to balance our fears with the need to undertake our projects and face the audience.


The film is in pre-production process, deciding where, why and how things can we do with Olaria. We are spending a budget for all the work done until now preparing the pre-production.

The money will go to basic production needs (diets, transportation, etc ...) as well as rental and purchase of necessary equipment to film the documentary.

We also need the money for post-production processes, soundtrack and distribution, as well as the cost of the rewards that we give to those who support us.

THE RED DIARY, the unreleased JUAN CARLOS OLARIA feature

"The Red Diary” is a black and white drama that Juan Carlos shot in 1982. The film reflects on maleness and consequences involved when male infertility is mismanaged. It has never been released due to the insecurity of Juan Carlos on getting a premiere that promotes the film as he really wants. One of the highlights that are planned for this documentary is organizing a premiere of the film where Olaria can face some of the things he fear, one of them, the audience reaction.

At premiere can attend friends and professional colleagues of Juan Carlos, known, and people involved in the film as part of the cast or crew. For those who make contributions equal or greater than 100 € is scheduled to present them (in addition to the corresponding rewards) with a double invitation to the event, if it may become possible, given the nature and variable disposition of Juan Carlos to access to such a thing.

If finally makes possible the presentation, we can not guarantee the quality of the projection print because of suspicion with which Juan Carlos currently protects the film.


After the crowdfunding, if it reaches the goal, we plan to begin recording in mid/late March to June, according with the diversity of events that will happen, between natural periods for the emergence of facts that form the content of the documentary. The post production will take place throughout the summer. The goal is to have the film ready in late August or September.

If we failure to achieve this financial goal, will alter the dates and production approach for find alternative financial ways.


We are also open to collaborations with interested producers who have an interest in help us with material (cameras, microphones, etc…) collaboration or co-production. Contact us at [email protected].

Note: The images of the teaser project were recorded specifically for this video. They aren't part of the final film and they're not representative of the documentary style.


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  • Astroblema


    over 11 years

    Hola Álvaro, en el caso de la peli, seguramente la colguemos online bajo contraseña, en Vimeo o alguna plataforma similar. La BSO, os la podréis descargar via Dropbox, Wetransfer, o algo parecido. Las recompensas esperamos repartirlas durante el próximo otoño. Gracias!

  • Hola chicos.

    La descarga online de la peli y de la banda sonora, a través de qué plataforma se hara?. Amazon cloud..., o yousendit, o algo asi..., gracias y suerte, álvaro

#04 / El final del crowdfunding

Primero las malas noticias: No hemos conseguido el crowdfunding. Hemos aprendido que para lanzar una campaña de estas características hay que ser muy insistente, estar encima de la gente, remover cielo y tierra para conseguirlo. Y admitimos que no hemos sido capaces de ello. Hemos barajado seriamente la posibilidad de hinchar con capital prestado lo que nos restaba por conseguir, pero hemos llegado a la conclusión de que esta estrategia no va con nosotros.

Pero no todo son malas noticias. Gracias a la difusión que ha habido a través de la plataforma Verkami, varias productoras se han interesado por nuestro documental, por lo tanto nuestras necesidades económicas dejan de ser las que marcamos como objetivo, y existen posibilidades de que podamos tirar adelante el proyecto por vías más tradicionales. Tenemos gran confianza de que el proyecto Olaria se llevará a cabo,… read more

#03 / Olaria en Fotogramas y Notodo.com

Los amigos de Fotogramas nos reseñan:

"El clásico de Juan Carlos Olaria es una rareza, un objeto de culto no del todo identificado que tiene mucho de comedia involuntaria, sin menospreciar en absoluto la valía de un film que explora los fantasmas de la mente de un escritor de ciencia-ficción, incorporado por Richard Kolin, también conocido como José Coscolin, un galán maduro de corta trayectoria. Un visionado imprescindible."

La reseña completa, en el Blog de Fotogramas.

También se hacen eco del proyecto en Notodo.com:

"A medio camino entre el cine trash, el proto-cine-indie y el cine low cost décadas antes no sólo del término sino también de que en España sepamos decir dos palabras seguidas en inglés, las películas de Juan Carlos Olaria son el primer precedente subterráneo de un método de hacer cine de ficción tan limitado en recursos como diferente, raro, expresivo, único."

Y otra entrada en la Newsletter del Notodofilmfest.com.

¡Nos quedan 24 días!

#02 / El Velo

Pablo Ríos es el autor de "Azul y Pálido", el cómic del momento sobre fenomenología OVNI, un interesante relato sobre encuentros en la tercera fase basados en casos reales, exceléntemente documentado y narrado por el propio Carl Sagan.

Pablo nos dedica una ilustración en homenaje al proyecto Olaria. ¡Gracias Pablo!

#01 / Primeros días

Estamos muy contentos con la recepción que ha tenido el proyecto estos primeros días, tanto por la gente que ha compartido en las redes sociales como por los primeros mecenas que han querido aportar su granito de arena.

Os dejamos con el primer cortometraje que rodó J.C. Olaria a los 16 años: "Robo al amanecer" (1957). Olaria interpreta él mismo a los tres personajes de esta historia muy influenciada por el cine negro de la época, donde ya demuestra una pulsión natural por querer contar historias. Fue rodado en Super 8 y de forma totalmente intuitiva, el sonido original se perdió en los 60, pero Juan Carlos lo restauró por su cuenta en 2008.

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