Modes, & rhythms inspired by Arabic, African & Indian traditions, combined with a modern jazz approach that draws from Funk, Dub, Electronica, and many more such genres, and you get the unique sound of Sinouj. The union of the alto sax & the oriental violin, along with abstract contemporary harmonies and experimental electronic textures from the keyboard, and an unstoppable momentum of its African rhythm section give Sinouj’s music it’s unmistakable seal
Sinouj is an Afro-Mediterranean band (Spain-Tunisia-Nigeria-Italy) that mixes musical traditions from the Maghreb and the Middle East with contemporary Jazz, Funk, and African Music. Sinouj integrates its Arabic rhythms and modes into a modern vision of Jazz and Funk with a light electronic flavor. The group's sound is marked by its unique combination of the Saxophone and the Oriental Violin with a powerful African rhythm section as well as with harmonic and electronic touches provided by the keyboards. The universality of Sinouj’s music has allowed the band to play in many jazz & world music festivals in countries like Tunisia, Cuba, Spain, France, Algeria and Belgium. Sinouj published its second CD, Were (2012), after Live at Play (2009), a CD & DVD with the collaboration of the flamenco master el Guadiana. Musicians such as Jorge Pardo, Javier Paxariño, Fabrizio Cassol, and Sylvain Cathalà have also played with Sinouj. For this new project, Sinouj will present a new repertoire with an electronic touch by Towards Green, plus the collaboration of great musicians like Adedeji Adetayo (Nigeria) Ariel Bringuez (Cuba) Nantha Kumar or Javier Paxariño.
Listen to Haka Aka, feat. Javier Paxariño
We need your help with funding to cover the following expenses:
renting the studio for three days, editing, mixing & mastering of the album and
printing 1000 copies for you to be the first ones to have the CD!
Recording dates are planned in March. Editing, mixing and mastering will take place during the months of April & May. If everything goes smoothly, with your help we’ll have the digital album at the end of May, and the hard copies in June.
Through this crowd funding, sponsors and donors will have access to our music before anyone else and for a reduced price. In addition, we’ll have more freedom to work our music in the studio (recording, editing & mixing). The budget we’re asking for is 4500 €. This a minimum/ bottom line to pay the studio, the mixing & mastering of the album, the expenses for our violin player, Larbi Sassi, who’s coming from Tunisia to Madrid, and to pay our collaborators. The more we can achieve, the more we can spend on the recording, and that time will definitely help us to work on a new material that’s going to surprise you!
Listen to our music Bandcamp, Soundcloud or Youtube
Free download here
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Paaablo vi qe cumplisteis con el objetivo pero no recibí el disco en formato digital, y me encantaría tenerlo Co. ..un abrasongo, y salü2, que exitos os los cocina is vosotros sólos! !! Ole
Jose "Gato" Molina
Más que una pregunta es una felicitación al grupo en su totalidad, al proyecto "Sinouj". Felicitaciones por la música que hacéis, y que compartís con todos nosotros. Muchas ganas de escuchar el cedé que pronto recibiremos. Un grande saludo a todos...
Hola Ximo, estamos a punto de empezar la mezcla, hubo algunos problemas técnicos que la han retrasado, pero ya está todo listo. A finales de septiembre/principios de octubre estará lista la edición digital, y poco después la edición física. Aquí puedes ver fotos de la grabación.
Muchas gracias por tu apoyo, saludos cordiales
Ximo Lázaro
Hola, soy uno de los mecenas y no he recibido ninguna comunicación vuestra, Cómo va el disco?
Suerte gente! Seguro que lo conseguís!!!
Hola Silvia Julieta, si tienes una tarjeta de crédito lo puedes hacer desde esta misma página, tras darte de alta en "iniciar sesión" (arriba en el centro -derecha). También puedes hacernos el ingreso a través de Paypal, en la cuenta [email protected]
Muchas gracias por apoyarnos, un abrazo!
silvia julieta
Como puedo mandar la ayuda economica desde México para grabar nuevo disco