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Who is taking care of me?

A documentary warning about how the organization of the Spanish Health System has a deleterious impact on frontline professionals

Maria Mont Mart

A project of


Created in

From 8.500€
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Working in a system which has forgotten to consider the well-being of the people who make it up has its consequences.

We want to make a short documentary that shows how the current organization of the national health system can have negative effects on the health and vocation of the medical professionals. Professionals, people; that increasingly, are forced to respond to a productivist and dehumanized health system. A sick system that makes sick those who (under the deontological code) get involved in it.

We want to collect more than 20 testimonies from medical professionals from the National Health System in different provinces of Spain.

We want to accompany it with testimonies that inform the legal and scientific framework of this situation.

We want to give voice to the discomfort, and the reason for the discomfort of a large part of the doctors who try to carry out the work that corresponds to them.

And we want to alert of the risks of this being ignored.

Get exclusive rewards

Thanks to your patronage we will be able to make this project a reality. But we also want to offer you a series of objects and/or experiences that we think you could enjoy.

From appearing in the acknoledgements credits, having the digital copy of the poster, the original soundtrack, to exclusively watching the documentary online. Also for people who prefer to experience the creative process firsthand, you could participate in pre- and post-production meetings. Finally, adapted to the needs of the topic discussed, we have designed the possibility of attending 2 Gestalt therapy workshops(in spanish) that could help interpersonal relationships, especially doctor-patient.

About us

María Montoya - Producer: Medical specialist in Geriatrics. He has worked at CatSalut and the Murcian Health Service. Experience in the clinical field, research and during the pandemic, management. Currently very concerned about the working conditions experienced, her own and those around her.

María Montoya Martínez. Doctor
María Montoya Martínez. Doctor

Twin Freaks Studio - Production company: Twin Freaks Studio is an audiovisual production company founded in 2015 by brothers Juan Poveda and Pedro J. Poveda. Based in Murcia, the producer combines commercial work with personal film projects, with 6 feature films to date and 5 multi-award-winning short films internationally.

As independent directors and producers, the Poveda brothers seek to carve out a niche for themselves in the complex national film panorama, in which they already have 4 feature film co-productions released commercially, 'Donde el Bosque se Espesa', 'El Siglo de Galdós', 'Emilia ' and 'A Diente de Perro', produced together with Trilita Films and associated production of Caballo Films, and which was part of the Official Selection of the Seville Festival 2021. In addition, they have 2 pending release: 'Mr. Nobody' and 'Instinct'.

David Perea - filmmaker: David Perea is a Murcian filmmaker with a long career as a filmmaker, both in the field of fiction and documentary. In this last discipline he has directed works such as “The destiny of Ulysses” and “Matrix School” (projects for the Health Department of the Region of Murcia, General Directorate of Addictions), “In the center of Spartaria” or “Hasta la orilla”.

In fiction he has done various works for both TV and cinema, highlighting the making of the feature film “The Adventures of Moriana” in 2015, with Terele Pávez, Enrique Villén and Carolo Ruiz.

What will we use your contributions for?

The first objective: €8,500; will be used to finance the various costs of hiring equipment and production conditions, insurance, etc. that assure us that the documentary strictly complies with the legal requirements.

Everything we get extra will expand the distribution possibilities of the short documentary film, which will surely have a lot of international potential to publicize our situation in other countries.
MMS distribution will be in charge of the distribution strategy, whose ambition will be highly determined by the final figure.

Planned schedule

  • Crowfunding: April 15th to May 15th

  • Filming: May 15th to 30th. Recording of interviews with 25 professionals from all over Spain. Recording of resources and images in hospital facilities.

  • Editing and post-production: June. Audiovisual editing, sound and foley editing, grading and color, sound mixing.

  • Reward delivery of online documentary viewing, downloadable, soundtrack: August.

  • Reward delivery of the Gestalt workshop: May-June.

Follow the project also on Instagram Twinfreaks studio.


  • Is it exclusive saying "frontline professionals"?

    We want to clarify that when we talk about "frontline professionals", although this documentary deals only with the medical profession, we are aware and we acknowlesge that medical professionals are one of other professionals who are in the frontline health system; and that, without the interdisciplinary teamwork of nurses, nurses assistants, social workers, tecnicians, administratives, etc., good health managament and care cannot be provided.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • Félix Martínez Monje

    Félix Martínez Monje

    9 months

    ¿Y a mí, quién me cuida?

  • Angeles Alba

    Angeles Alba

    9 months

    Gracias por esta iniciativa.

  • Maria Mont Mart

    Maria Mont Mart

    9 months

    Muchísimas gracias

  • Morcar


    9 months

    Espero que te sirva para continuar

  • Alba Sánchez

    Alba Sánchez

    9 months

    Un proyecto muy interesante, ¡mucho ánimo!

  • Maria Mont Mart

    Maria Mont Mart

    9 months

    ¡¡Muchísimas gracias Catherine!!

  • Catherine


    9 months

    Un poquito para la distribución. ¡Vamos!

  • Maria Mont Mart

    Maria Mont Mart

    9 months

    Gracias Lourdes!! Gracias Reme!!

  • Lourdes Gaona

    Lourdes Gaona

    9 months

    Vamos!!! Solo falta el empujoncito final

  • Reme Frutos

    Reme Frutos

    9 months

    Preciosa idea. Suerte!!

#11 / Últimos toques. Seguir novedades por Instagram.

Buenos días. Os deseamos un 2025 tranquilo y pacífico. Estamos ya acabando los últimos toques ténicos y pronto podréis vuestra recompensa. Os pedimos diculpas por el retraso. Afortunadamente ha habido mucho contenido a mostrar y necesitábamos hacer una muy buena selección. Consideramos que hemos obtenido un muy buen resultado, impactante y en ocasiones duro de seguir.

Vamos a usar el instagram para difundir noticias del tema, y clips cortos del documental.
Aquí os dejo el perfil por si lo queréis seguir o pasar.


Hola compis y mecenas del documental.

Ya queda cada vez menos para que podáis disfrutar del visionado on-line del docu.

Os escribo un email para comentaros que el nombre que pusisteis al hacer la suscripción y donación sería vuestro nombre de aparición en los créditos de agradecimiento.

Algunas personas no pusisteis el segundo apellido y otras el pseudónimo. Os agradecería que respondieráis para especifiacr, si es que lo consideráis necesario, cualquier cambio en vuestro nombre.

Muchísimas gracias por todo.


Buenas noches. Disculpad y gracias por la espera. Aquí os compartimos el trailer, para empezar a saborear el magnífico proyecto que hemos hecho posible entre toda/os. ¡Salud!

Good evening. We are sorry and thankful for your patient wait. Here we share the link to the trailer documentary; a way of starting to taste the great proyect we have all contributed for. I wish you good health.



Thanks to everyone!! We finally collected the budget needed to be able to make the documentary properly. Thank you.

We hope this will have an impact, generate discussion and above all, "be a drop in the ocean" for the change we all need for a better health care system.


¡¡Muchísimas gracias!!

Gracias a todas vuestras aportaciones vamos a poder continuar con el proyecto del documental "¿A mí quién me cuida?". Muchísimas gracias.

Esperamos, de todo corazón, que las historias y conversaciones que se mostrarán generen impacto, abran debate y sobretodo; que sean un grano de arena más, en el cambio que el sistema nacional de salud necesita. Un abrazo, y ¡Salud!.
¡A seguir luchando por el cambio!

#05 / Prolongados 3 días más!!

Hemos podido prolongar el crowfunding para poder obtener el presupuesto que nos permita llegar a los gastos de distribución, ¡¡Lo más importante para poder generar un mayor impacto!!!

Gracias por ayudar a que continúe su difusión!!!!

#01 / Objetivo conseguido

¡¡Hemos conseguido el objetivo que nos propusimos al inciar el proyecto!!
¡¡Muchísimas gracias a todas las personas que béis hacontribuido!!
¡¡Ahora vamos a ver si seguimos para poder conseguir el presupusto que nos permita realizar la distribución que merece y llegue a todos los públicos!!!!

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