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This is your Falla 2: "La replantà"

"La replantà" is a children's falla, an animated forest, which pays tribute to Valencia's European Green Capital status for 2024.

Created in

From 3.880€
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“A FALLA PLANTS 150 TREES TO COMPENSATE THE CO2 FROM THE CREMÀ” (burning of the Falla) so explained this newspaper article on 15th September 2014 about the pioneer activity from the innovative Falla Plaza de Honduras in Valencia (Spain).

On that occasion, the committee planted willows, poplars and ash trees to repopulate the Devesa de la Albufera, fulfilling its commitment to partially offset the carbon footprint generated by its festive activity..

That year the Falla was the first one in history to measure its carbon footprint from its activity, now many of this trees will be very big.

10 years after, on this 2024 Valencia is the European Green Capital.

Sketch from the Children
Sketch from the Children's Falla Design: Socarrat Studio Fallas artist: José Luís Platero


We would like to pay tribute to the European Green Capital with our children's falla, made with ecological products: wood, polystyrene and special paints, it will also be inclusive and sustainable.

The Falla commission allows dozens of patrons to participate and be part of the monument through this crowdfunding initiative: as we did 10 years ago. To feel like a "fallero" and have the chance to experience and live this unique festival (World Heritage by UNESCO) from inside.

Like that year, the falla will be the work of artista fallero José Luis Platero and will be designed by Vicente Sanfeliu, from Socarrat Studio.

Planta tu arbol y colabora
Planta tu arbol y colabora


You can become a patron of our Falla from only 5 euros and choose between several rewards, which will allow you to get:

  • An illustration of the Falla signed by Vicente Sanfeliu.

  • An artisan wooden tree by the Fallas artist José Luís Platero (which you can "plant" and burn or pardon and take home).

  • Or enjoy with the rest of the falleros a typical "fallero brunch " or paella lunch in our casal.

  • If you have a company you can also collaborate and visibilize your brand next to the monument or in our llibret.


Falla Plaza de Honduras is more than 40 years old, always happy to share our traditions... in the picture you can see the visit we had from people from China and Saudi Arabia last year.

The money raised will go entirely to the management of the rewards and to make the animated forest (falla) we plant bigger.

A Falla with international attitude
A Falla with international attitude

Burning from the falla crowdfunded 10 year ago
Burning from the falla crowdfunded 10 year ago


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  • Kate MJ

    Kate MJ

    10 months


  • Vicky Verdu

    Vicky Verdu

    11 months


#04 / Recepción de la Capitalidad Verde Europea

El presidente de la Falla Sergio Villanueva y la Fallera Mayor Yolanda Navalón fueron recibidos por el Director General de la Capitalidad Verde Europea de Valencia, Antonio Garcia con motivo del segundo premio "Por una Fallas neutras y sostenibles" de la ciudad de Valencia.

The president of the Falla Sergio Villanueva and the Fallera Mayor Yolanda Navalón were received by the General Director of the European Green Capital of Valencia, Antonio Garcia on the occasion of the second award "For a neutral and sustainable Fallas" of the city of Valencia.

#03 / La "replantà" ha sido premiada

Nuestra Falla ya está premiada y ayer recibió la visita de 3 jurados distintos. Hasta la fecha podemos confirmar que tenemos primer premio en ingenio y gracia y 5º premio en nuestra sección; además hemos quedado los segundos de tota la ciudad en el Premio "por unas Fallas neutras y sostenibles".

Muchas gracias por apoyar este proyecto... te esperamos en nuestra Falla, tu Falla.

(ENG) Our Falla has been already awarded and yesterday received the visit of 3 different juries. So far we can confirm that we have first prize in ingenuity and grace and 5th prize in our section; we have also been the second of the whole city in the award "for a neutral and sustainable Fallas".

Thank you very much for supporting this project... we are waiting for you in our Falla, your Falla.

#02 / ¡Lo hemos conseguido!

Muchísimas racias a todos nuestros mecenas por su ayuda, hemos logrado el objetivo (del que se han hecho eco los medios de comunicación españoles.

En los próximos días contactaremos con todos los mecenas para hacerles llegar su recompensa.

Thank you very much to all our backers for their help, we have achieved our goal (which has been reported in the Spanish media.

In the next few days we will contact all the backers to send them their reward.

Representantes de la Falla dan las gracias
Representantes de la Falla dan las gracias

Repercusión mediática
Repercusión mediática

#01 / Visitamos a nuestro artista fallero

Ayer domingo estuvimos visitando a nuestro artista José Luís Platero en su taller de la Ciudad del Artista Fallero.

La Falla en su estado actual
La Falla en su estado actual

Parte de la comisión infantil con el artista
Parte de la comisión infantil con el artista

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