Diagonal keeps you up to date!
Diagonal is a fortnightly, self-managed newspaper, published by activists and communication professionals, thanks to the support of almost 5.000 subscribers and hundreds of people collaborating with the project. In the six years since it was first published, the newspaper has contributed to the spreading of a communicative model based on cooperation and autonomy from economic and political powers.
After consolidating the newspaper as an information reference with a different approach on important current affairs, and focusing on what does not appear in the mass media, our main objective now is to launch an online information portal with daily updates. For some time, we have been able to verify how our news, when published on the internet, reaches hundreds of people who discuss, share and enrich these contents.
At this moment, www.diagonalperiodico.net is the digital version of the printed newspaper. At present we want to create a permanently updated information portal which will be a tool, not only for providing critical and independent information, but also for the use and activity of social movements.
We have decided the focus on the new website is important and this is the reason why we are asking for your collaboration to obtain the 10.000 Euros necessary for its launch.
Our website will be transformed into an information portal based on a content manager (Drupal) developed completely with free software which will allow easier reading and higher visibility of our news. This tool will include:
- Newspaper portal and news manager
- Local editions as sub-domains
- Integration with social networks
- Blog aggregation system
- Intranet shared with subscribers, collaborators and distribution points
- Integrated Newsletter system
- Multiuser edition system
- Cloud cache system
- Semantic web to improve access to information through key words
- Optimisation for browsers and SEO
- On demand advertising manager
- Dynamic online shop
The updating of news in multiple formats will increase our visibility as an information medium included in movements for cooperation, free culture and social economy as a real alternative to market economy. Diagonal, as a publication of free access, intends to contribute to the struggle against companies and governments which threaten public and open use of the internet.
We need stable projects with strong social support to ensure independence and continuity. *We depend on you! *
- Donate 5 Euros and be part of this project
- Share this campaign with your friends and relatives and invite them to participate too!
- Tell us why you support the new web of Diagonal.
Important: If you want to help but do not have credit / debit cards, prefer to make a bank transfer or other payment method you choose, contact us through administracion@diagonalperiodico.net or phone (+34) 91184184 6 (EXT1) and 657 96 98 63.
A newspaper independent of large company funding, political parties and multinational publicity.
Ethical advertising: We promote the exchange of advertising for collaborations or services. Moreover, advertisements in Diagonal cannot exceed 20% of income.
Subscription: Our independence relies on a large network of people and groups subscribed to the printed edition
Free information(creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.es): All our contents, licensed with Creative Commons, can be copied, distributed and communicated publicly, as well as works derived from the same
Journalism with gender perspective We approach gender on every page of Diagonal. It is not just a matter of using non-sexist and inclusive language, but also providing information with a non-androcentric perspective which represent other individuals and gender identities.
Social and supportive economy networks: We are part of COOP57, , a cooperative of supportive finance based on the principles of ethical banking. We are also an active participant in the recently created market of social economy in Madrid.
Beyond prison walls We deliver the newspaper at no charge and on request to people deprived of liberty
Distribution Diagonal can be found in the newsstands of Madrid and in more than 300 alternative selling points and bookshops throughout Spain
A newspaper with no directors or bosses, published by a group organised horizontally.
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
Periódico Diagonal
Hola, qué raro! Hemos escrito a todos y todas, incluso varias veces a las personas que no nos contestaban... Me podrías mandar tu correo a diagonalweb@gmail.com para poder buscar tus datos y hacerte el reenvío?
Un saludo y disculpas,
Apoye el proyecto con 100€ y nunca supe nada de las recompensas :(
Periódico Diagonal
Hola Marcos
Todo el dinero recaudado irá para el proyecto de la nueva web, es el compromiso que se adquiere en este tipo de campañas.
Cuando pensamos la campaña nos dijimos que conseguir 10.000 euros en 40 días era un objetivo realista, pero realmente sabíamos que el cambio a la nueva web requerirá una cantidad muy superior. Además del cambio en el diseño y en la estructura, aparte de las nuevas herramientas de gestión integradas, la nueva web requerirá de un nuevo puesto de trabajo, dado que todo esto lo hacemos para tener un portal con actualización diaria.
Además, debes tener en cuenta el porcentaje de Verkami -la plataforma con la que hemos hecho la campaña- por su servicio, y los gastos de envío de las recompensas para las 563 personas que ya han aportado.
Muchas gracias por tu interés. ¡Un abrazo!
10.000€ son para el proyecto de la nueva web. Los 9.150€ que "sobran", ¿a que los vais a destinar?
Periódico Diagonal
Hola D.
Gracias por el seguimiento exhaustivo! Esto va mucho mejor de lo que esperábamos, la verdad. Sobretodo por lo masivo que viene siendo, hasta ahora ya son 411 personas que se han apuntado al "mecenazgo" éste sin contar todo el apoyo indirecto que nos llega.
Muchas gracias por el ánimo,
Ahora en serio, ¿esperábais superar por tanto los 10mil? ¡y aún queda!. ¡Entro dos veces al día, solo para ver cómo evoluciona!, enhorabuena. Un "mecenas" agradecido :)
Periódico Diagonal
Hola Félix!
Muchas gracias por la fuerza!
Ojalá que crezcamos con este nuevo salto adelante y que más voces se puedan escuchar a través de este medio.
Un abrazo desde Diagonal.
Creo que la campaña está siendo un éxito. Yo hasta he repetido como colaborador. Da gusto apreciar la necesidad que la gente tiene de un periódico como el vuestro. Ojalá D crezca en sentido proporcional.
Periódico Diagonal
La verdad es que no teníamos pensado ofrecer servicios de correo.
Ya existen muchos (y buenos) servicios que no pasan por grandes empresas como nodo50.org, sindominio.net o riseup.net.
Un abrazo!
¡Enhorabuena por lograr el objetivo! Ahora a por los 20000 ;)
Mi pregunta es... dentro del cambio planeado, ¿váis a ofrecer cuentas de correo electrónico? Estoy harto de yahoo y google...
¡Muchas gracias!