We introduce this crowdfunding campaign to promote a social project to make visible and claim the figure of migrants residing in Spanish territory and criticize and protest against mistreatment, hypocrisy and the lack of legal solutions from the institutions, which deprive basic rights to citizens of the world who, as human beings, are equal to everyone else.
TITLE: Mounir
TYPE: Short film
GENRE: Drama/Social
DURATION: 15 minutes
LOCATION: Padrón and Santiago de Compostela
ORIGINAL LANGUAGE: Galician, Spanish, Arabic
FILM DATES: 06/07/2023 - 09/07/2023
Mounir arrived in Spain when he was only 7 years old. After a childhood spent in juvenile detention centres in different autonomous communities, he settled in Galicia where he learned a trade, got married and had a daughter. He is now 32, but still without a residence permit because of an isolated incident when he was a teenager. While waiting for his situation to be regularised, Mounir leads a modest life, unable to travel, which prevents him from taking his 2-year-old daughter to Morocco to present her to his dying mother for fear of being refused permission to return to Spain.
The aim of the short film is to show the reality of this disadvantaged group of ilegalizad migrants in Spain, and to make the problem visible. It is a first step in the debate so that one day this situation can be regularised and finally the ghosts can become visible to the Administration and be full citizens, as human beings who participate and collaborate actively in our society.
Mounir is a short film project produced by Abella Creativa and the directors Javier Rúa and Xose Dopazo, which will be filmed between the towns of Padrón and Santiago de Compostela during the first week of July 2023.
This project is the result of Javier Rúa's (filmmaker, anthropologist and with extensive experience in social work with groups of different origins) desire to tell Mounir's personal story. .
The tandem formed by Javier Rúa and Xose Dopazo previously made several short fiction films. Here are the links to view the last two projects:
Sacrificio (2023) - Teaser
Pai Noso (2020)
Mounir Jadivi: Leading Actor
Javier Rúa & Xose Dopazo: Direction, screenplay and editing.
Lucía Catoira Pan: Director of photography.
Andrés Rozados: Production
Pablo Bermejo: Script
Alberto Blanco: Direct sound and sound postproduction.
Marcos Blanco Romero: Art Director
Trinidad F. Silva: Make-up
Leticia T. Blanco: Image post-production
We understand the cinema with a strong social charge, a combative cinema where we give a voice to the most disadvantaged, in this case, the group we deal with are irregular immigrants. We want to bring the camera closer to reality because we understand that it is a way of humanising cinema, as we trust in the power of the gaze as the fundamental way of discovering and getting in touch with our surroundings. This approach to reality is not essential to direct it towards the outside to contemplate misery and suffering.
For the construction of the story, the director and scriptwriter Javier Rúa uses his experiences as a social educator in different centres for minors, synthesising the life experiences of the social group in the actor Mounir Jadivi, his former ward and friend nowadays.
Using a style close to documentary, halfway between the social cinema of Ken Loach and the Dardenne brothers, Mounir aims to be an exercise in docufiction.
The staging of the short film refers to many of the key points of the so-called cinema verité: hand-held camera, participation of non-professional actors, natural lighting, diegetic sound and use of real locations.
The short film will be shot at the beginning of July 2023 between the towns of Santiago de Compostela and Padrón, the latter being Mounir Jadivi's place of work.
The money raised will be used for:
Rental of lighting, camera and sound equipment.
Travel and accommodation for the technical-artistic team during the filming.
Post-production expenses: sound mixing and colour correction.
Distribution of the film through a professional distribution company that will allow the widest possible dissemination of the short film.
We have a very interesting reward system that we hope will motivate you to collaborate with us. We have Javi Bermejo's Robotizz, "arts and crafts" that he creates by recycling all kinds of materials, each one unique and unrepeatable. Quintas Estudio Ceramico presents us with its craftsmanship from Galicia, its ceramics reflect the experience and talent of the Galician artisan sector.
Follow them on instagram:
Filming: 06th to 09th July.
Editing: 17 July to 21 August
Sound post-production: 01 to 15 September
Colour post-production: 15 to 30 September
Final mixing: 01 - 15 October
Premiere: November 2023
Receipt of rewards: JANUARY 2024
+ Info
For any updates about the project follow us here:
What is Verkami?
Verkami is a crowdfunding platform that works with contributions to finance a project, in exchange for rewards.
To become a sponsor of the project, first of all, you have to go to "Contribute to the project", register on the platform if you have never done so before and, on the: Mounir - A ghost for the system: the strug-gle of the "undocumented" page, choose the option you like best to make your contribution.
Finally, you have to enter the details of the payment method Card or Bizum and that's it!
Emigración (Manuel Curros Enríquez)
*¡Que aquel que deixa seu natal curruncho
e fóra dos seus eidos pon os pés,
cando troca o seguro polo incerto,
motivos ha de ter!
Preguntaille, e diravos que sin rego
o milleiral, o lume sin cardés,
sin herba o gando e sin traballo o home
non se poden manter.*
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
Victoria Penide López
Viel Glück Javi!
Franziska Schwab
Let's do this 🫶
Pau Rodriguez
Josep Juan Poetica.cat
Grande projeto meu querido! Torcendo por vocês ☀️
Ánimo de parte del cojo!!