Hello everyone! Thanks for stopping by!
My name is Albert Freixas, "Albie" for most of my beloved international family & friends.
I am here to announce the forthcoming release of my fourth solo album, which I am really excited about!
It will be entitled 'Personal/Universal' and, once again, it will signify a solid step forward in my artistic career, always willing to surprise and offer something different, away from mainstream trends.
Trying to make music that stands the test of time and that, overall, connects with and positively alters the lives of its listeners: YOU.
Having said that, this new album, albeit incorporating a certain element of risk and signature "free-falling dives into the unknown", it will be a more accessible album, classically-cut but always looking forward.
The themes will be those which everyone can relate to (the tribulations of adult life, going back to basics, escaping the matrix, re-connecting with the source, living and loving in this modern life of ours...), and its message will be aimed at all people of all ages, backgrounds and lifestyles.
This time, it will be recorded in both Catalan, my mother tongue, and English.
After the great press reviews gathered by my previous 3 solo albums ('{u}', 2011; 'Oopalana', 2028 and 'Chroma', 2021) in Catalunya, Spain and beyond (Brazil, UK, USA, Canada...) and with a reasonable degree of airplay within the Catalan and Spanish territory, the time has come for a new effort, to satisfy both my soul and the fans that are slowly growing after each release.
Choose your reward
There are several rewards to choose from and you will be able to choose the right amount for you.
But really, the idea behind this campaign is also PART OF THE CREATIVE PROCESS.
You will become an essential part of it and this will make it truly special.
And it matches perfectly with the idea behind the title, where we are all connected really and what is mine is in part yours and viceversa.
The main reward is being part of it.
Those who know me can be certain that the songs in the album will be soothing enough so, this ain't no "leap of faith". It is a way to participate and to help me with some of the upfront costs.
I am taking care of the recording, mixing, mastering...
But this money in advance will help fund other important actions that need to be taken for a successful release.
Who am I?
Behind this project there is me, Albert Freixas (or Albie Mangoes, internationally :)).
Active musician with a career that spands the last 20 years.
Music Lover, first and foremost, multi-instrumentalist and singer, second.
I have been in cult bands such as ix!, Hysteriofunk, Ventriloquist Band, Martha Rose, Rampaire, etc.
Nowadays I am working with a variety of great artists such as Lluís Cartes, Rampaire, Dídac Rocher, Hysteriofunk, Egon Calle, etc.) and in London, where I lived between the wonderful ages of 19 and 27, a developed my particular solo style, using harmonies and loops.
What are your contributions going towards?
Basically they will hel fund the physical copies, the communication costs and record label costs.
Being an independent artist is no joke and having to cover all the costs upfront is virtually impossible.
Record label release expenses 1000
Basic inital promotion campaign 1000
Mastering and manufacturing costs 1000
The overall cost of the process is obviously much higher than this, more towards the 10000 ballpark, but this financial boost will make everything more feasible and less painful.
The recording will take place during December 2023 and January 2024.
The manufacturing of the albums and the rewards will take place in spring 2024.
The physical rewards will be sent out in summer 2024.
but you'll get the digital copy of the album much sooner, if everything goes according to plan.
Thank for your time and contribution!!!
Love ya
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Molta sort Albert💫
molts èxits i a tope!!!
Mundo Nómada (Mundo Nómada)
Molta sort amb el projecte! Ets un crack. Ramon Comaposada.
Albert Freixas
Let's go!!
Ferran Mauri Lopez
Quina alegria poder colaborar amb un creador tan gran com l'Albert Freixas!! Si us plau! Gràcies!
Ferran Mauri Bria
Molta sort Albert ets un crack. Forta Abraçada
Bona sort Albert! Amb ganes d’escoltar-lo