"Insideout" is a graphic novel by Morcky. A galactic adventure set in a futuristic rusted universe where the ‘Inside’ imaginary world of the characters comes ‘Out’ and takes over reality.
The book, which consists of 164 pages of black and white watercolor drawings, is finished and ready to be published. This crowdfunding aims at achieving both a printed and a digital publication.
The printed version will be a hardcover book whose size is 16,5 x 22,3 cm. The final price in the bookshop will be 19 €.
The digital version will be an e-book for tablets and mobile readers.
This graphic novel combines, in a way, my passion for drawings and videos, bringing to life my latest illustrated characters.
Differently from my previous monographic book ‘Day and Night’, which was published in the conventional way, I would like this one to be self published. This way I can manage the whole production myself, from the insight to its fulfillment. I believe that crowdfunding is a great way to promote the project and share it with you. Moreover, it can be a good chance for you to get your own copy of the book directly from me to your home at an affordable price. If you like, you can even get original drawings, posters, stickers and other stuff, contributing, this way, to make the project achievable.
What is really important in order to succeed is to spread the word as much as possible. And you could be definitely important in this process by sharing, posting and talking about ‘InsideOut’ project.
The book is structured in seven chapters, each of which tells the story of different characters lost in their own explorative journey through the galaxies. The characters, initially untied from each other, eventually meet up in a void and timeless dimension, where everything seems to be harmoniously merged.
The journey is the leitmotif of the novel. It is a metaphor of the subjective interpretation of the world through experience and the way it turns into reality. Imagination plays a central role in this ‘InsideOut’ trip, taking the form, from time to time, of its characters.
Three kids – one little girl and two boys – are the protagonists. They act out of instinct and tend to merge their dream state with reality. Their journey has a playful and bittersweet taste, and is experienced as an imaginary discovery.
The explorer, on the contrary, is a wise mythical creature in search of the truth. His pragmatic imagination always leads him in the ‘right’ direction. Another figure of importance is the gentle giant, a mix of childish innocence and mature control. He never acts with a hidden agenda and represents a bridge between the kids and the adults.
If you want to get to know these and all the other characters, just follow the heli-cat. He will be your trusty guide all along your ‘InsideOut’ trip.
Morcky is an Italian artist who has been living and working in Amsterdam (NL) since 2002. His first involvement in graffiti and street art has evolved in what is now his passion for drawings, on the one hand, and videos, on the other.
His illustrations and paintings are mostly a figurative representation of inner experiences that tend to highlight contradictions and paradoxes. His style well expresses such a contrast, since the very detailed images appear sometimes sketchy and not complete. His work has been shown across the world in museums, galleries and art festivals. Among the others, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Den Haag (NL), the Auditorium in Rome (IT) and Scion Gallery in Los Angeles (USA). In 2010, Morcky released his first monographic book ‘Day and Night’: a collection of black and white drawings that explores emotional contradictions.
His video work is widely diversified in style and rhythm. The way he uses and mixes different techniques defines his peculiar approach. He mostly works with ‘Hello, Savants!’, a collective of creative people that focuses on multidisciplinary projects, especially animation and video clips. They have worked for the likes of artists such as Anouk and Roger Sanchez, and they have been featured in different festivals, among which RestFest and OneDotZero.
This budget will cover the expenses for the book/ebook publication and for all the prizes and their shipping. It will also support the presentation of the graphic novel in Amsterdam and Barcelona.
InsideOut website:
Insideout blog
You can find more information at:
Morcky on facebook
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Carta Gráfica
Buenas tardes
Soy Juan José Franco de Carta Gráfica, dedicada a la impresión de libros y posicionamiento en redes sociales , blogs, tiendas online…….
Nos ofrecemos para presupuestar futuros proyectos.
Un saludo,
Encara no he rebut el llibre, i volia tenir-lo a punt per fer-lo de regal de reis. Us prego si us plau si em podeu dir com està la tramesa, i si hi ha alguna solució al respecte.
Moltes gràcies per la vostra atenció.
ciao Emilio,
gli invii saranno tutti assicurati.
In particolar modo gli ordini da 150€ in su saranno effetuati con ricevuta di ritorno.
Ora e' il vostro turno!
"buongiorno, rappresento 3 persone che vivono 1 in italia, 2 in inghilterra, volevo sapere che tipo di spedizione fate, se potete darmi il nome del vostro corriere, se sono assicurate. Grazie Emilio"
ciao emilio,
grazie per l'interesse e per la voglia di contribuire. Stiamo contattando il corriere e appena possibile ti faccio sapere tutto sulle spedizioni e le assicurazioni. Hai comunque la mia parola (nero su bianco) che se ci fossero problemi con le consegne ci impegneremmo a inviare nuovamente il tutto.
credo di poterti far sapere tutti i dettagli entro domani (venerdi).
Ciao e a presto!
buongiorno, rappresento 3 persone che vivono 1 in italia, 2 in inghilterra, volevo sapere che tipo di spedizione fate, se potete darmi il nome del vostro corriere, se sono assicurate. Grazie Emilio