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"The Beginning Of Everything”.

Kristoffer Lund Mejer. First CD projekt: Producción de Un disco, con mis propios canciones. En smuk CD, med mine egne klassiske melodier.

Kristoffer Lund Mejer

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"The Beginning Of Everything":

.....To be able to expand and see myself as a musician, this is an important step forward. Thank you so much. Kristoffer.

Listen to the songs on Soundcloud. Click here to listen!!!. Selected songs are available.

Playing the piano for me is a means of expression - an intense mixture of communicating feelings and thoughts. 'The Beginning Of Everything' is a very personal collection of compositions created in the aftermath of my divorce.

Once was said “Let there be light” The Universe as we know it began. Duality with light and darkness, mass and dark matter. Suns, worlds, and even life, was created.

I relate my songs to the Universe around me.
"The Beginning Of Everything"

Here is a list of the songs included on the disc.

1- The Beginning Of everything. - The moment after the Big Bang everything expanded so fast. Yet, 5-6 billion years later here we are. We are a reflecion of that moment. …in every moment. Just listen !!

2- Hymn to father. - When my father died, I played this melody at the funeral. He heard this melody, and asked me to call it "Fathers Blues". I think "Hymn to father is more appropriate.

3- Stardust. - We are all made of same magical matter .

4- Memories. - Life lives and life carries on. DNA is one type of memory. The body and mind becomes an image of experienced memories.

5- The Door. - When a period of life ends, a new will start. The Door is the possibility to start afresh. Be open, and be aware. What kind of door, do you want to open ?

6- Blue. - The small planet. The little place called Earth. An unfinished piece

7- Mother – Love – Home. - A song for Mother Earth and My mother. For the longing to be with her. Feel her Love, and be…. home.

8- Waves. - I was rolling up and down with the waves. The water made me become a stone, like the ones under my body. Coming home from the beach I played only with my fists at the piano. Let yourself be a stone. Waves rise and fall, finding the one to surf is the key to play...

9- Peace. - As I sat there with this lovely piano, birds were singing and I was finally recording these songs. This melody of peace just took place

10 Love. - This is when you realize that sailing a boat alone or with no oars, is the lack of love. When someone is missing. The moment when Love for oneself is All, And it is time to go home.

11- Kristoffer

12- Stardust variations.

13- UDO. - Udo played by Johannes Kuchta

14- Puig Mayor. - Piano for art. Song made specifically to a painting made by Kathrin Hufen. Photo can be find in the booklet

15 Rebirth. Piano for art. Song made specifically to a painting made by Kathrin Hufen. photo can be find in the booklet.

About Me

I am Kristoffer Lund Mejer, a Dane living in the beautiful island of Mallorca, Spain. I started playing the piano at the age of 9 and was fortunate to receive classes by masters such as Frans Bak, Søren Svagin and Lars Brogaard.

After many years of musical experimentation which included being part of a Danish rock band - I found my passion in jazz and classical piano. A six months trip to Cuba and an intense 8 months¨· jazz-course at Vestbirk Højskole had a great influence on me, but Love has always been my main motivation.

My first love, a beautiful girl from Istanbul, motivated me to compose my own music. And after my divorce 7 years ago, I began working on ‘The Beginning Of Everything’.

Your Support

With this debut album, I would like to bring my music to a wider audience. Would you like to help me make it possible? Your contribution will allow me to cover the costs that were incurred for the professional recording and mixing of my songs in Bonn with the help of Johannes Kuchta. It will also cover the costs of producing the CD and the creation of a 8-page booklet in collaboration with Kathrin Hufen, a local artist and friend who will take care of the design and create a special painting that will become the cover page.

Rewards And Estimated Calendar

For helping me to make the creation of my debut album possible, you will receive a signed copy of the final CD. All backers living on Mallorca can meet me in person by choosing to have their CD delivered to them by me personally.

The Crowdfunding campaign ends at the end of January 2022. Production starts in February and the CDs will approximately be ready to deliver at the beginning of March.

Special Thanks To Those Who Offered To Help Me With The CD:

Recording and mixing: Johannes Kuchta
Booklet design and cover painting: Kathrin Hufen
Print of CD: Duplicat

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  • Kristoffer Lund Mejer

    Kristoffer Lund Mejer

    almost 3 years

    Hi.... I JUST WANT TO INFORM. I AM WORKING ON THE PROJECT.....Got a fantastic cover. SORRY TO LET YOU WAIT. Kristoffer

  • Kristoffer Lund Mejer

    Kristoffer Lund Mejer

    almost 3 years

    This is Amazing.!!! The Beginning Of Everything is on track. You did it. Thank you so much. I am really looking forward to work with the design, and finish this project. I Send you Soon an Email, from here, asking all information, so when we are finish and ready to send, we got addresses and so just right.

    I can let you know, we got about 77 min of music. A real oil painting prepared and photographed by Kathrin Hufen as the front and back cover. It is a surprise. But I love the idea... Inside you will find the text about each song and Two paintings as well by Kathrin Hufen. They are together with last two song, a music to art project. I am so excited!! Lots of love from Kristoffer, The Cd should be ready in end feb, start of march. I will post here some updates !! I will also start to look for a concert location.

    Thaaaaaaaaank you so much. Love Kristoffer

    Vamos. esto es increíble Estoy tan agradecido. Muchas gracias a todos por el interés y la ayuda.

    Tengo muchas ganas de trabajar con el diseño y terminar este proyecto. Le enviaré pronto un correo electrónico, desde aquí, solicitando toda la información, de modo que cuando terminemos y estemos listos para enviar, tengamos las direcciones y todo listo para enviar.

    Puedo contaros, tenemos alrededor de 77 minutos de música. Una pintura al óleo real pintado y fotografiada por Kathrin Hufen como portada y contraportada. De lo que se trata es una sorpresa. Pero me encanta la idea...

    Dentro de album encontrarás el texto de cada canción y Dos pinturas también de Kathrin Hufen. Juntos con las dos últimas canciones,es un proyecto de música a arte. ¡¡Estoy tan emocionada!!

    El CD debería estar listo a finales de febrero, principios de marzo. Voy a publicar aquí algunas actualizaciones !! También empezaré a buscar un lugar para un concierto. Un abrazo muy fuerte. Kristoffer.

    Sådan. I gjorde det. I var med til at nå målet....og mere til. Tusind tak alle sammen. Jeg går nu i gang med designet af selve albumet. Der skal males et lille maleri, som udgør for og bagsiden. Inden i vil man kunne finde et lille 8 siders hæfte med information vedr. de 15 melodier, og der vil være to foto af de to malerier som de sidste to melodier specifikt er lavet til.

    Jeg sender en mail, hvor i kan skrive tilbage med information om jeres post adresse osv.

    Nu glæder jeg mig til at kunne præsentere det færdige produkt.

    Mange knus fra Kristoffer

  • Charlotte


    almost 3 years

    So excited ♥️☀️with love from Charlotte

  • PeterHertz


    about 3 years


  • PeterHertz


    about 3 years


  • toskdk


    about 3 years

    Nice, Kristoffer! I'm in!

  • Kristoffer Lund Mejer

    Kristoffer Lund Mejer

    about 3 years

    Wooow. This is amazing. Thank you so much. ....love you guys.💯😘

  • Kristoffer Lund Mejer

    Kristoffer Lund Mejer

    about 3 years

    Du kan osse vælge Sprog oppe højre hjørne. vælger du engelsk, er betalingssiden osse på engelsk.

  • Kristoffer Lund Mejer

    Kristoffer Lund Mejer

    about 3 years

    Tryk på den blå knap. "Quiero esta recompensa !" , dernæst vælges (tarjeta) som er kort. tryk på knappen "Aportar"... Næste side kan man så vælge på dansk. tryk oppe på Castellano og vælg dansk. Udfyld kort nr. og send. Senere sender jeg et spørgeskema ud om en adresse o.s.v.

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