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Do you want to take part in Niño Burbuja's new album?

As you can see in the video, we are not that good selling cereal ... so we ask you to take part in the first edition of our New Release "CALPICO" to receive an exclusive CD before launching, or to put your name in the credits among other rewards.

Niño Burbuja

A project of


Created in

From 1.200€
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Niño Burbuja are Cris, Dani, Guille and Marco. We produce electronic music with an organic twist with lyrics in Spanish. Our music is based on synthesizers, guitars, vocals and drums. We have a 10 track new album on our hands that we want to manufacture, and it contains songs like these:


Your help to finance the manufacturing costs of 500 units of our new album in digifile CD format.

We invested all our savings in producing our album with Santi García (Ultramarinos Costra Brava) and mastering the CD at The Exchange in London, and we want to share this final stage so that you can be part of this project.


Our exclusive signed CD before its official launch with the chance to include your name in the credits, official T-shirts, tickets for the tour 2012/2013... and even a Dj Set or Acoustic Set in your living room! ... but above everything, the enormous satisfaction of having boosted the career of a band you've come to appreciate just before everyone else ;)


If we reach the funding target, we will send to you the CD, "fresh" from the factory, in late October 2012. You will have the copy before anyone else.


Just choose any of the rewards of the right column. The higher the price, the bigger the reward is. The money will only be charged if we reach our goal. Then and only then, we can order the manufacture of the disc and a few weeks later you'll have it at home.

You can also help by spreading the word of this project. Send it to a friend or post it on facebook or twitter to keep doing our music without depending on others.


Besides writing songs we also do a lot of nonsense. Our drummer Marco colour is "Choco" and always calls Cristian with her perfect-Roman Italian accent: "Grizzianè!" The absurd of this joke and the amount of hours we spent stuck in the rehearsal studio ended in this fictitious cereal brand Choco-Grizziane, a nice metaphor for what musicians often have to do to get the money to keep on creating songs.

But .... YOU CAN AVOID IT! Don´t let us end up selling a super chocolate-cereal brand! Support our project and become our sponsors!


Cris, Dani, Guille and Marco

Niño Burbuja


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#04 / Objetivo conseguido!!

Hemos llegado al objetivo!! Podemos sacar edición física del disco!!! Gracias a todos nuestros Mecenas que lo habéis hecho posible…os irán llegando mensajes privados en breve para vuestras Recompensas exclusivas!. Mil Gracias de verdad :..) Ahora este proyecto también os pertenece.

#02 / Calentando motores

Ya podéis escuchar al completo las diez canciones de las que constará vuestro disco, porque ahora que os habéis convertido en mecenas, una parte de este trabajo os corresponde ;)

Entrando en la web de Mondosonoro podéis escuchar el disco al completo con una pequeña descripción de cada tema:


Esperamos que os guste! Nosotros mientras tanto seguimos trabajando en la edición física :)


Cris, Dani, Guille y Marco

niño burbuja

#01 / Buen comienzo!!

Muchas gracias a esos primeros mecenas incondicionales!

Llevamos ya un 20% del objetivo de reacaudción en sólo unos días, sí!! pero que no decaiga el ritmo! publicad en vuestras redes sociales, que el mundo sepa a qué saben los CHOCO-GRIZZIANE!!


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