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Muses Collection. The muse is in you.

Collection Muses project is a cooperative art book. A reflective discourse towards respectful human processes and its impact inside-out.


Created in

From 2.900€
Contribute to the project
View project in Català and Castellano

Choose your reward

Support it with a donation

Contribute without a reward
Donate to the project without receiving any reward:

The Muses 2020 campaign ends today!!!! Thank you very much to all of you who are collaborating! And we want to reach the second goal (€ 3,500). For the Muse!

New challenge >> The whole trilingual collection and in NEW FORMAT
New challenge >> The whole trilingual collection and in NEW FORMAT

The 2º goal is to reach €3,500 to ensure the TOTAL renewal of the collection (format and edition), improving the editorial assembly to the maximum. All on a square base, which will have a more adult image and with a hundred pages.

Want to see my TikToker reaction celebrating this moment? Click HERE

The 3rd goal is €4,000 to have the entire collection in French. If we do not reach this goal, I do not rule out doing so in 2022, if sales of the collection continue at a good pace.

It's great that you are here!

We connect through this campaign in an artistic adventure that I hope you enjoy.

We now focus on phase 2 funding, ensuring the availability of the 3 titles in the collection in CAT-CAST-ANG and fully updated in a NEW FORMAT.

So, share recommending the campaign every day, and if you intend to acquire any of the rewards, do so now, please (and don’t leave it for tomorrow). Thanks!!!

Let's continue THIS!

"Diversity out of home" ··· Muses of the RESPECTED Adolescence
"Diversity out of home" ··· Muses of the RESPECTED Adolescence

What is the Muses project about?

Muses project by SACEMAilustradora is a collection of illustrated reflections that provide a respectful and empowering look at a stage that every adult has experienced. My cartoons are the driving voice of the whole, which is intertwined with the voices of referents in the concept of RESPECTED Adolescence.

Don't have much time? Here you have a pesentation I made specially for you:

Brief description of the project

The Muses Collection is a materialisation of the concept that everybody has plenty of tools inside that are waiting to be used if we connect with them in some way.

"Conectada" by SACEMA, Muses of the FREE Education
"Conectada" by SACEMA, Muses of the FREE Education

Drawing with simplicity and humour is one of my most solids filosofies. I strongly believe that each trace of pencil is a marvellous expression of spontaneity. Living life here and now, is the most glorious capacity ever! And this is not necessarily easy. That's why I create this project. A tool to connect with these parts we have inside, in order you can exponentially invest then the outside.

"Parenting group" vignette ··· Muses of the EMPOWERED Motherhood ··· by SACEMA
"Parenting group" vignette ··· Muses of the EMPOWERED Motherhood ··· by SACEMA

Muses Collection has a personal shape too. In landscape sense, each book on the Muses collection open and close with my reflections as an author, around the concept I group in each book. In between, my black and white cartoons are the thread of other people's words. Texts that illustrate the vignettes and not the other way around. A work that defines me especially, because I don't like being the only voice. Cooperation and diversity are part of my way of seeing the world.

Availability in new languages: ENGLISH and ... FRENCH?

The collection is currently available in Spanish and Catalan, which are my father and mother tongues.

The third book of the Muses collection will be available in three languages: Spanish, Catalan and English.

I would like to have the three titles available in English because a year ago I started having contact with international democratic education movements and it is important that the project is more open to the world.

If we reach 3500 € the complete collection may be available in all 3 languages ​​and if we get 4000 € also in FRENCH.

You’ll see why French in the “about me” section (below).

Let's move on!

How it comes the First book?

The Muses Collection is a Project that was born in 2015, with Muses of ALIVE Education, as a result of my experience with the world of Free Education. This allowed me to believe in myself enough to dare to take out a first manual edition of the book.

I want to emphasize that, thanks to coming into contact with this broader vision of life, it moved me deeply and gave me many new tools and a whole world to rediscover again.

Initially self-published in Catalan, later also in Spanish. In this my first work you will find 23 black and white vignettes, and 23 related texts, from the hand of companions and/or pedagogical referents of a respectful education.

Backcover of Muses of the FREE Education
Backcover of Muses of the FREE Education

Second book: Muses of EMPOWERED motherhood (2017)

In 2016, I did a croudfunding and, with precious contributers as YOU, I got the funding to make the second book and have a greater online presence.

Cover of the Muses of EMPOWERED Motherhood
Cover of the Muses of EMPOWERED Motherhood

After that, being a self-managed project by myself, 3 kids and a new career as a teacher, the flame went out a bit. The intention to follow it layed latent.

Some people who collaborated in Muses of the EMPOWERED Motherhood with texts in this edition: Verónica Canales (translator), Judit Guirado (entrepreneur), Mónica Jiménez (doula), Mónica Manso (psychotherapist), Anna Sanés (retired midwife), Luís Ruiz (Pediatrician), Yvonne Laborda (Humanistic Therapist), Montse Catalán (Obstetrician), Georgina Rubí (educator), Ana Moreno (midwife), Aida Gallego (doula), Rosa Zaragoza (singer), Roser Pont (doula), Susagna Galindo (traveler),… Mothers, women and a father too.

Back cover of Muses of the EMPOWERED Motherhood
Back cover of Muses of the EMPOWERED Motherhood

To see the campaign I carried out in June 2016:

Third Book: Muses of RESPECTED Adolescence (new!)

Now, right at this strange moment, in which we are reinventing ourselves a little bit every day, and which reminds me so much to the adolescent stage..., I bet again on the art, to give strength to others and gain strength myself!

Portada Muses of the RESPECTED Adolescence (2021)
Portada Muses of the RESPECTED Adolescence (2021)

Don't you think that adolescence should be able to be lived without many limitations? With the same grade of responsability than freedom? That is, being able to lead a life more in line with what the body asks of you at those times. In rhythms. In silences. In spaces to experience what we have been missing; those who moved a lot in early childhood suddenly want to stop and listen, those who were usually shy are in a hurry to have partners and go out late... The head is tired, but eager to reset itself and relearn from new references and experiences. Everything previously learned loses strength; fades; and the critical spirit is debated whether to dare to go out or to drop that "I don't know" that comes out as protection against questions.

It seems to me such a precious stage! That most of us do not live with unconditionality on the part of our referring adults...

Muses of RESPECTED Adolescence ··· "love is no expectations"
Muses of RESPECTED Adolescence ··· "love is no expectations"

It was not until I spent a week at Summerhill School that I was able to observe in practice what I had read in some books or heard about in some talks on the subject. It was truly healing to finally find what I already thought was yet to be invented.

From these days and the experiences that I have already treasured as a mother, a free education companion or a teacher, the new Muses book came out. Another work where I will endeavor to express some constructive criticism, but above all: how to respect that adolescence that we all carry inside later.

I wish, as with the other titles in the collection, reach the hearts and consciences of all the people who get in touch with the book Muses of RESPECTED Adolescence.

"I see you, I am here" ··· Muses of the RESPECTED Adolescence (catalan version)
"I see you, I am here" ··· Muses of the RESPECTED Adolescence (catalan version)

Some people who collaborate in Muses of the RESPETED Adolescence with texts, in this edition: Farners Aymerich (Adolescent companion and therapist at Nuitat.cat), Henry Readhead (Dj, Music teacher and deputy manager in Summerhill School), Julia Sanchez Andreo (sociologist and teacher, specialised into child sexuality), Yvonne Laborda (humanist therapist), Mercè Prat Perpinyà,...

Didactic vassant

In the new edition I will review EVERYTHING personally, as I am editing it myself. It also includes as a novelty a pedagogical/didactic guide for workshops that can be done with the vignettes.

About rewards

Select the one you prefer! Once the campaign you can choose the new book in Catalan, Spanish or English you need.

See all Rewards PACKS on the right (computer) or top of the screen (mobile or tablet).

** You can take as many as you need and if you want to suggest new ones contact me immediately. We are in the last days !! **

Some of the rewards that you can take home. It
Some of the rewards that you can take home. It's a win-win!


  • You have 3 specific rewards with international shipping included. The rest I can only partially include at this time (5€ included).

  • For other international sendings: I will do my best to make international shipments as cheap as possible. * Let the co-operation flow! * For example, if there are 3 patrons from Sydney (Australia), I can send them all to one of them and then they can collect their reward in a co-operative way. Thanks!

  • Please note: if you go to the Summerhill Festival of Childhood in August 2021 (Leiston, England), I can hand it over to you there.

About me

I am Sara, ... It's difficult to write about myself. I go from describing in detail to being extremely synthetic. You may find it funny, but sometimes I summarize myself so much and I can't even find myself! So this summary is not all that I could tell you and it's perhaps too much for you. In any case, this is what I feel today may interest you to know about me:

Me, on 31st of october ··· Artistic picture from my daughter Martina
Me, on 31st of october ··· Artistic picture from my daughter Martina

I was born near Paris in 1977, I grew up in Barcelona and now I live in Arbúcies (El Montseny).

I was a student at the Lycée Français de Barcelone from 2 to 19 years old, with a repeat course included. I ended that stage, in the midst of post-adolescence, feeling mediocre, in a world where, no matter how hard I tried, I felt I could never be good enough.

I started working, I kept studying and I got married. With my second pregnancy, in 2009, the contradiction between my lifestyle and my personal vision of life was planted in front of me. After a year and a half, we made the decision to go to live closer to nature, to work and live in a reality less far away from ourselves.

"Instintos", of Muses of the EMPOWERED Motherhood, by SACEMA
"Instintos", of Muses of the EMPOWERED Motherhood, by SACEMA

In 2012 we became part of "alive", free and/or progressive education movements. Spaces where we unlearnt a lot and continue learning nowadays, but above all we celebrate cooperative conviviality and the joy of individual and collective growth processes of children, adolescents and adults every day.

After learning about free education, I have not stopped transforming myself! It was for me a "coming back to school". The experience came to reality that everyone has multiple versions inside eachone. That's why we are here today in same way! :)

Now I am Illustrator, but also Doula and Teacher. Of course, I am also mother, of 3 fantastic human beings!

"La transformación del Nacimiento" Muses of the EMPOWERED Motherhood
"La transformación del Nacimiento" Muses of the EMPOWERED Motherhood

What do I need the money for

I can explain you my general calendar, step by step. But if you don't want to read it all, I'll tell you the essentials in general:

  • Draw the new vignettes and create the written content for Muses of the RESPECTED Adolescence.

  • Coordinate with collaborators (referents in Respected Adolescence) the new texts.

  • Edit the whole.

  • Digital Marketing work during the campaign, and precampaign.

  • Pay the amazing job of the Verkami staff (this crowdfunding platform)

  • Pay the production and editorial costs of launching this wonderful product that is going to be more available than ever.

  • Benefits of this presale campaign will helps me to keep going with this collection that I would like to extense.

Phase 1: 2900€ >>> I Make the new book Muses of the RESPECTED Adolescence a reality.

Draw all new illustrations of the new book, manage all new texts of the new text contributors, edition of the new book in 3 available languages (Catalan, Spanish and English), and presale with the new editorial.

Phase 2: 3.500€ >>> Books 1 and 2 in ENGLISH and in the new format + new illustrations + new texts and edition. (I will add new rewards)

Phase 3: 4000€ I also dare with the French!

Phase 4: More than 5000€ I will grew the 3 books's pages and illustrations to 150pages.

Estimated calendar

November 2020: Precampaign and promotional content creation. Final design of the whole company. Home Campaigns Verkami (Catalan, Spanish and English): Prepare 2.3 posts per day present in Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and I open Mail Account Tik Tok. I’m starting to materialize (and can preview) some of the new vignettes. I ask for adolescents and experts in respectful support for adolescents to collaborate in the Project

December 2020:Finish Verkami campaign. I keep drawing for a new book and start assembling the new format that will have the third (if it reaches up to 3,500 I will also reissue the other two previous titles) I manage literary contributions to the Project

January 2021:I report periodically via email To the crowdfunders I continue to draw for a new book and start assembling the new format that will have the third (if it reaches 3,500 I will also reissue the other two previous titles) Collection by Amazon and the publisher's Channels.

February 2021:I report periodically via email To crowdfunders. Finish Self-publishing and creation (intense rhythm) of new book. I manage literary contributions to the Project "Coordinated programming of new presentations and campaign 21/22

March 2021:I report periodically via email To crowdfunders. If we reached 3500 or more, I give new format and add new illustrations and content to the rhyming two Books. First, I do it in ENGLISH. If we got 4000eur or more, also in Catalan and Spanish. I manage literary contributions to the Project

April 2021: Finish reissues of the first two titles in the collection in ENGLISH. If we got 4000eur or more, also in Catalan and Spanish. If we reached 3500 or more: I manage new literary contributions to the Project

May 2021:I finish ALL and give everything to the publisher

June 2021:Working with Editorial for at least 500 copies in total

July 2021:Delivery of rewards During the summer. Sale by AMAZON and EDITORIAL

August 2021:First public presentation of the new work at the Summerhill School Festival of Childhood 2021. (next year the oldest democratic school in the world celebrates 100 years!)

September 2021: Home Campaign for the face-to-face dissemination of the new work.

When do I calculate that I will be able to deliver the rewards? In the summer of 2021.

+ Info

If you like my project, please, don't forget to subscribe to my channels:

SACEMA, working on my compunter 80% of the time... ;)
SACEMA, working on my compunter 80% of the time... ;)

My links to my creator and project profiles are:

Collection MUSES website


Personal blog

I also colead a Free education experiential training course: EDUCAR DES DE DINS

I have the YouTube channel (although I don't use it much) and I will post at least one promotional video of the collection.

Tik Tok: I've dared to open a Tik Tok profile and get the most out of it while I learn with this new adolescent tool.

Let's play it!!


  • Can I contribute without register me in Verkami?

    The steps to contribute to the Verkami payment platform are as follows:

    1. Verkami will ask you to register (by email or Facebook account) because you will not be charged to an account until the end of the campaign (Christmas Day). And they have to do it for data storage policy.

    2. Once registered (it is free and secure) you can pay by card.

    3. If you do not have possible some of these steps for personal reasons, please contact me directly through any of my networks and we will find the way! ;)

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.

  • Yolanda


    about 3 years

    Que Bien!.Que ganitas de tener ya los libros 📚

  • Sara Cendan Masip (SACEMA)

    Sara Cendan Masip (SACEMA)

    about 3 years

    Hola Yolanda! Como estás, bonita? Recibiste mi mail de cuando entregué todo a la editorial? Hace una semana que está impreso y me lo mandan ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡la semana que viene!!!!!!!!!!! Voy a subir un pequeño post aquí en la campaña con un video improvisado que me hizo la editorial al recibirlo. Tic tac. tic tac.

    Estoy también esperando material extra de las recompensas. No sé si es tu caso, pero las libretas, pegatinas, chapas... en teoría también me llegan la semana que viene.

    Así que si todo va bien, porfín el finde del 6/7 de noviembre podré empaquetarlo TODO. Ueeeee

  • Yolanda


    about 3 years

    Buenas noches 🙂, cuando vas a empezar con los envíos?

  • Yolanda


    over 3 years

    Gracias Sara,seguro que merece la pena la espera,besitosss.

  • Sara Cendan Masip (SACEMA)

    Sara Cendan Masip (SACEMA)

    over 3 years

    Hola Yolanda! Ahí estás, atenta, así me gusta!! Pues en las últimas semanas he tenido algunos imprevistos, con la reedición del Musas 1 y el 2, y me he retrasado un pelín más... Tenía pensado anunciar la entrega a editorial de todo, en aproximadamente una semana. Qué nervios! está quedando precioso, y va a valer mucho la espera. Abrazo grande!

  • Yolanda


    over 3 years

    Buenos días, ya has empezado a enviar los libros?

  • Sara Cendan Masip (SACEMA)

    Sara Cendan Masip (SACEMA)

    over 3 years

    Hola Yolanda! Todavía no. Voy un poco retrasada, pero no mucho! Esta semana colgaré en el blog del proyecto un post actualizando todo. Muchas gracias por seguir ahí. ¡Me motiva mucho! 😃🙌

  • Yolanda


    over 3 years

    Buenas tardes ya has empezado con el envío de lis libros?,gracias

  • Sara Cendan Masip (SACEMA)

    Sara Cendan Masip (SACEMA)

    about 4 years

    Thank you SO much Lena!! Great to have you here.

  • Lena


    about 4 years

    Good luck with the final push!

#14 / Ja està imprès! · ¡Ya está impreso! · Already printed!

(cast or eng scroll down👇🏽)

Us comparteixo un vídeo que he editat en 5 minuts per a donar-vos la fabulosa notícia: A la fi de la setmana que ve, ho tindré a les mans!

Ha trigat més de l'esperat, però ja és aquí i espero que doni molt que parlar i que resulti en molt a canviar per a una adolescència respectada a tots els racons de la societat.

No m'estenc més de moment, però quan em posi a preparar els paquets pels enviaments, us ho faré saber també.

Per a tota la resta, ens veiem en la meva web: https://coleccionmusas.com/blog/


Os comparto un video que edité en 5 minutos para daros la fabulosa noticia: A finales de la semana que viene, ¡lo tendré en las manos!

Ha tardado más de lo esperado, pero ya está aquí y espero que dé mucho que hablar y que resulte en mucho que cambiar para una adolescencia respetada en todos los rincones de la sociedad.

No me extiendo más por el momento, pero cuando me ponga a preparar los paquetes para los envíosread more

#13 / Últimos andares y ¡a impresión! ··· Last steps and let’s go to print!

[english in below text]

¡Hola de nuevo!

Aquí llego con la actualización de cómo va avanzando el libro, a ritmo de madre de 3 (de 15, 11 y casi 7 años), y combinando con otros trabajos.

A probarse ··· Musas de la Adolescencia RESPETADA, de SACEMAilustradora
A probarse ··· Musas de la Adolescencia RESPETADA, de SACEMAilustradora

Uno de estos trabajos ha sido montar una pequeña plataforma para familias inquietas e interesadas en la crianza en movimiento y la educación consciente y respetuosa: Inspiral Campus de Familias en Ruta una serie de contenidos que abarcan una gran diversidad de temas y que se pueden adquirir en cualquier momento.

Por un lado, explicarte que la gran mayoría de referentes que me dijeron que colaborarían en el Musas #3 estaban tan ocupadas con las actividades primaverales y el desconfinamiento, que me contestaron mucho más tarde de lo previsto en el… read more




From now on patrons will receive updated information by a direct mail.

If you want to take part to support the project you can do it throught some available PACKS on my website (only before may 2021).

All projects are beautiful and unique ··· Muses of FREE education
All projects are beautiful and unique ··· Muses of FREE education



A partir d’ara els i les mecenes rebran informació actualitzada per correu directe.

Si vols donar suport al projecte ara, pots fer-ho mitjançant alguns PACKS disponibles a la meva web (només abans de maig de 2021).

Musas de la Educación VIVA
Musas de la Educación VIVA


A partir de ahora, l@s mecen@s recibirán información actualizada por correo directo.

Si quieres apoyar el proyecto ahora, puedes hacerlo a través de algunos PACKS disponibles en mi web (solo antes de mayo de 2021).


My adventures's friends!

WoW! I need a rest after this intense last days... haha Thanks to ALL the precious and warm supportive actions you made for this project. I know that some of you have other great projects on hands, too!

My heart will always remind this

You can follow the support to the Muses Collection entering in my web coleccionmusas.com
or throught my social channels in Facebook, IG or Tiktok.

Go and be the most of the gorgeous Muse you are already

SACEMAilustradora logo
SACEMAilustradora logo

Amics i amigues d'aventures!

Buf!!! Necessito un descans després d’aquests intensos darrers dies ... jaja Gràcies a TOTES les precioses i càlides accions de suport que heu fet per a aquest projecte. Sé que algunes de vosaltres també teniu en mà altres grans projectes.

El meu cor sempre ho recordarà.

Podeu seguir el suport a la col·lecció Muses entrant a la meva web coleccionmusas.com o a través dels meus canals socials a Facebook, IG o Tiktok .

Sigues el màxim de la meravellosa Musa que ja ets


Dear patrons of this edition (2020) or the previous one (2016),

If you are not a patron yet, what are you waiting for? :)

At this point it is perhaps obvious, but I want to thank you warmly for what you are contributing. Each one @ from their possibilities and feelings. THANKS, again.

There are few hours left until the Verkami campaign is closed, and the last 400eur to reach the second goal (about 10/15 contributions on average).

I am a little dizzy with so much "screening", and I think it will take a few days to disconnect, but... before that, I thought about preparing a special gift if we reach € 3,500 or more, since reaching this goal is super important for me and the collection.

I will add to all the rewards (yes, all) 5 vignettes digitized in high resolution. The ones you want, from any of the 3 titles of Muses:

  • Muses of FREE Education

  • Muses of EMPOWERED Motherhood

  • Muses of RESPECTED Adolescence

All ideas welcome!

Here are some:

read more


A 4 días de acabar la campaña, existen ahora 3 nuevas recompensas:

- A TU AIRE x1

- A TU AIRE x2

- A TU AIRE x3

Una de las recompensas A TU AIRE
Una de las recompensas A TU AIRE

La modalidad A TU AIRE se diferencia porque vas a poder escojer entre cualquiera de los 3 títulos, y a todo ello, se le suma 1 libreta, 2 pegatinas + estar en los créditos del tercer libro + invitación para la presentación online para mecenas + la/s portada/s en formato digital del/los título/s que hayas escogido.

Envío peninsular incluido. Para resto de envíos tenéis 3 recompensas similares con el nombre de "Musa Internacional" x1, x2, x3

Una vez finalizada la campaña, os pasaré un pequeño formulario para que especifiquéis título e idiomas escogidos.

Asímismo, os recuerdo que podéis adquirir tantas recompensas como necesitéis, para vosotr@s o para regalar, y que hay una recompensa específica para entidades que quieran salir en alguna de las portadas.

¡Que las Musas no paren! read more


New challenge >> The whole trilingual collection and in NEW FORMAT
New challenge >> The whole trilingual collection and in NEW FORMAT

The book will be a reality. Sure!!!! Thank you so much to everyone who is collaborating!

For weeks, I have been warning you that there is a 2nd goal that I would like to achieve: Renew the ENTIRE collection in a new format that will update the entire edition, improving the editorial assembly as much as possible. All on a square base, which will have a more adult image and with a hundred pages.

We are on the final stretch of the campaign and you can see that we have already crossed the minimum goal. And we can't stop, for the Muse! :)

We now focus on phase 2 funding, ensuring the availability of the 3 titles in the collection in CAT-CAST-ANG and fully updated in a NEW FORMAT.

So, share recommending the campaign every day, and if you intend to acquire any of the rewards, do so now, please (and don’t leave it for tomorrow). Thanks!!!

Let's continue!

Nou repte>> Tota la col·lecció trilingüe i en NOU FORMAT
Nou repte>> Tota la col·lecció trilingüe i en NOU FORMAT

read more

#07 / Booknotes covers ··· Portades per a les llibretes ··· Portadas para las libretas

Hello everyone again!

Fantastic news comes from Verkami today, since they turn 10 years old. Starting today, we will have 5 extra days to achieve our precious #1 and #2 goals.

Do not stop sharing these days every day the campaign. And if you are still eager to contribute, do so today. You can acquire as many rewards as you want.

Ah! If you need a gift voucher, write to me at [email protected] and I'll make it personalized for you in no time!

At the same time, I am sending you the 2 nominated covers for the special Muses # 3 book. I have a certain weakness for showing a woman's body, which is the one I know best, but the intention is to express expression processes (Moon Woman) or transformation of any human being.

Which one do you like the most?

Tearful ··· Llagrimosa ··· Lagrimosa
Tearful ··· Llagrimosa ··· Lagrimosa

Hola de nou a tots i totes!

read more

#06 / LAST WEEK ··· Darrera setmana! ··· ¡Última semana!

Last week for people who wants to add his/her energy to this project that has a pedagogical purpose and a simple joy-of-life purpose too!

You take the pledge now and it will be passed into your account at the end of the campaign (if the minimum quantity has been passed over)

ANY reward you take is a win-win to both sides.

I really hope that you join me on this! THANK YOU!

have you seen the updated music video? ··· Heu vist el vídeo musical actualitzat? ··· ¿Habéis visto el video musical actualizado?

Darrera setmana per a les persones que vulguin afegir la seva energia a aquest projecte que té un propòsit pedagògic i un simple propòsit d’alegria de vida!

read more

#05 / Pushing limits ··· Empenyent límits ··· Empujando límites

Today we have passed over the first 2000€ and as the days go by I get more and more nervous. AAAAHHHH!

I ask for your help to spread the word with all the intention of convincing other people to contribute. If we manage to reach the minimum in 2 days, better than in 5. Since then, I will have more strength to push towards objective 2: books 1 and 2 in the new format, republished, and also available in English.

If you are already a patron and want 2 extra books (whatever title you want) you can add the reward of 25€.

Remember: the Muse is in us!!

Pushing boundaries ··· Muses of the RESPECTED Adolescence
Pushing boundaries ··· Muses of the RESPECTED Adolescence

Avui hem passat els 2000€ i conforme van passant els dies em poso cada vegada més nerviosa. ¡AAAAHHHH!

Us demano ajuda perquè difongueu amb tota la intenció de convèncer perquè d'altres persones aportin. Si aconseguim arribar al mínim en 2 dies, millor que en 5. Ja que així, read more


[ENG] Muses from all over the world!

Those of you who support adolescents in their development, loving their processes, without expectations, wanting to continue improving your clean gaze towards this beautiful journey that is continuing to grow within a body that is moving towards adulthood ...

The Musas project needs you to reach 100% of the first goal as soon as possible and move on to the challenge of phase 2, which will allow the entire collection to be in the 3 languages ​​(English, Catalan and Spanish) .

To motivate you, today I leave you a more extensive post, with two new vignettes from the Muses of RESPECTED Adolescence.

Liberated ··· Muses of RESPECTED Adolescence
Liberated ··· Muses of RESPECTED Adolescence

Muses of Adolescence RESPECTED is the expression of adolescence that accompanies us wherever we go. It is breaking with our limits or beliefs to reinvent ourselves in the joy that overcoming brings us. It is undressing before a situation that is going to take us to new perspectives until then unimaginable.

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#03 / Let's keep going ··· Avancem ··· Avancemos

Hello again my dear patreons!

In the middle of the campaign, contributions have stopped a bit, and they should keep going in order to reach the maximum quantity and pass to the second phase!

Today I propose you to extend as much as possible the Muses project to english-speakers, in all over the globe! As you already know, EVERY collaboration helps a LOT. So don't forget about my artistical cause and I am so grateful that you be at my side for this.

Important! If you only have Paypal account (mine is [email protected]) you can also do it just advising me with a direct message to and I will add you as a patron🤩💓!

"Love is no expectations" ··· Muses of RESPECTED Adolescence

Hola de nou, estimats/des mecenes!

A la meitat de la campanya, les contribucions s’han aturat una mica i haurien d'avançar per tal d’assolir el màxim possible i passar a la segona fase.

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#02 / Sharpening ··· Esmolant el llapis ··· Afilando el lapiz

Drawing for Muses #3
Drawing for Muses #3

[ENG] When I have to sharpen the pencil more than 3 times, I am really inspired. I hope in a few days to share with you some of the vignettes that I am already raising. :)

Tell you that the goal of reaching 50% is yet to be achieved and I ask you to encourage your contacts to contribute this weekend, since people work during the week you can watch the campaign more calmly now.

I press a little because, as you know, I would like to reach goal number 2 (3,675€) in order to have the three titles in English and reissued (not just the third).

Anyway, I keep searching and knocking on new doors. My energy is very focused on this and I am going to put all the vegetables on the grill (I'm a vegetarian. Jjj) so that it can be.

Let's go on and again THANK YOU for being here!


[CAT] Quan he d'esmolar més de 3 vegades el llapis és que estic realment inspirada. Espero en uns dies compartir-vos de les vinyetes que ja estic plantejant.

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#01 / Keep the FAITH. Let's go for the 50%! Anem a pel 50%! A por el 50%!


Dear patrons,

First of all I want to thank you very much for the contribution you have made. 25% has already been exceeded!

Secondly, I share with you, fresh out of the oven, the color cover of Muses of RESPECTED Adolescence, which as you know, will be ready in early summer 2021.

Third, tell you that my goal is to reach 50% today, to be able to reach phase 2 with firm footing, which ensures the availability of the 3 titles of Muses in English, Spanish and Catalan. The Muses # 1 and # 2 also reissued. For this, it will be great that you share the link of the campaign (https://vkm.is/muses) accompanied with your own words, and if you tag me on your networks, I will also share you and we will continue to co-create the Muses network! :)

Finally, with much affection I tell you "see you on the next communication!"


Benvolguts mecenes,

Vull en primer lloc agrair-vos enormement l'aportació que heu realitzat. Ja s'ha sobrepassat el 25%!

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