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Organic T-shirts for unique people

Sustainable fashion has come to stay and we are here to update your wardrobe with our designed organic cotton T-shirts.


A project of


Created in

From 3.000€
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View project in Castellano

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Welcome to Polp!

Polp is not just an graphic t-shirt brand, Polp goes much further... Do you want to find out?

Polp is a lifestyle, a twist of expression, a call to action, but above all we are a community of people who are committed to both social and environmental issues. We believe in a more inclusive society in which art and equality cohabit. And we use our designs to spread the word.

What do we want to achieve?

Since the beginning of Polp we have always wanted to focus on a more sustainable production. In order to reduce our carbon footprint and environmental impact we have been taking small steps from using recycled and reusable packaging as well as producing sweatshirts made of recycled materials to the big step of making all our products 100% organic.

With the aim of changing people's way of consumption we want to create a new collection of T-shirts and sweatshirts made of organic cotton and recycled materials. We try to reach the largest number of people possible and so influence them to consume more consciously.

Our process of creation

We set our heart on preparing our products in a traditional way using a silk-screen printing technique and eco-friendly inks. All social and environmental claims as well as our creative director's most crazy stories or ideas go directly from their mind to the canvas. Then we transfer our designs to a screen with which we print the given illustration on our garments one by one. The final touch consists of attaching our brand's name tag made of cork to the garment.This hand-made carefully-prepared process allows us to develop our work without using any kind of polluting machinery.

Illustrated designs
Illustrated designs

Manual screen printing one by one
Manual screen printing one by one

Do you know that moment when inspiration comes to you and you cannot let it go? When the brain lights up you have to keep it on ... 💡 And this is how our designs are born: creativity, art, a lot of inspiration and our secret, to see things from another perspective.

Following this approach every design tells its own story and so we create meaningful garments whose messages embrace a range of topics such as women's empowerment, environmental initiatives or music.

F*ck plastic! If the packaging is funky and recycled cardboard it's much better. 🍃 🤘

From the beginning we knew that we wanted a brand that was environmentally conscious so we refused to use plastics for the packaging of our T-shirts. But we wanted to be more unique and go further so instead of just using paper bags we came up with the idea of a reusable container.

Made of recycled materials it is waterproof and reusable so you can give it a second life since it is perfect for storing pencils, using it as a plant pot... because we give more value to the planet by reusing.

Recycled cardboard packaging
Recycled cardboard packaging

You can reuse it
You can reuse it

Our designs

These are the 12 designed T-shirts made of 100% organic cotton that we want to offer you.

6 illustrations in different colors, so you can choose the one you like the most.

T-shirt designs
T-shirt designs

And also 4 different designs for our sweatshirts made of 85% organic cotton and 15% recycled polyester.

Sweatshirt Designs
Sweatshirt Designs


All clothes are certified, as they respect the work of people and the planet.

Only for the campaign

We have exclusively created some prints for this campaign that you will get with your purchase so you can redecorate your walls matching your Polp T-shirt or sweatshirt.

Every print has its own story explained at the back so feel free to reinterpret the story and make it yours!

The rewards

You can choose the design and size of T-shirts and sweatshirts.

The prints will match the pack's T-shirt or sweatshirt.

All the information about your size, personal data and shipping details will be requested once the campaign is over and we have reached our goal.


All rewards include shipping to Spain.

If you are ordering from another European country you only have to acquire the "International shipping" reward.

What will we use your contributions for?

The budget obtained will be used for a more ecological change in the brand, as we could produce and launch the new totally organic t-shirt campaign, joining the sweatshirts of organic and recycled materials and the reusable packaging that we already have.

In addition, part of the contributions will be used for advertising aimed at making people aware of responsible and ethical consumption.

When will you receive the rewards?

As we screen-print all the t-shirts ourselves one by one, we would start preparing all the rewards once the campaign is finished in order to be able to send them in November.

So this year you have the opportunity to anticipate your Christmas shopping 😉

Do you want to meet us?

We are Andrea and Román, two fools who decided to start Polp when we joined forces with Roman's illustrations and Andrea's handmade technique.

We wanted to create a brand that represented us and many others who are passionate about music, reading, travelling and of course art. And at the same time, we wanted to represent people committed to the world who are concerned about how society works and how we all can contribute to make it a better place for us.

Are you joining our world?

We are pretty sure that if you all contribute we can start taking good care of our planet in the way that it deserves it since the Earth is not just a place for us to dwell but our home.
🍃 Thank you for helping us to be 100% eco! 🍃

Find us in:

-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/polpstore

-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/polpstore/

-Twitter: https://twitter.com/polpstore

-Web: https://polpstore.com/

And for any questions we are always in [email protected]


  • When and where can I choose the model and size?

    When the campaign ends, if we have achieved the objective, we will contact you and we'll ask you for the address shipping, size and model of T-shirt or hoodie.

  • In packs with several articles, can the sizes, designs and colors be different for each garment?

    You will be able to choose each pack to your liking, being able to request a different size, design and color on each t-shirt or sweatshirt in the pack.

  • When is my contribution charged?

    The contributions of the backers will only be made if the objective is reached. And they will be charged at the end of the campaign (within 10 days).

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


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  • MarPG


    about 4 years

    Que ganas de que lleguen mis recompensas! Ánimo!

  • Rober


    about 4 years

    Gracias por apoyar la moda sostenible! Deseando que llegue mi pack de camisetas :D

  • Inés Bolufer

    Inés Bolufer

    over 4 years

    Fet ! Espère noticies vostres !

  • P.Juan


    over 4 years

    Me encanta este proyecto!!😍 Que ganas tengo de ponerme vuestras sudaderas.... es que ya va haciendo fresqui!

#03 / ¡¡Sorpresa!! ¡Regalo eco al llegar al objetivo!

Estamos ya cerca de acabar nuestra campaña y queda muy poco para conseguir el objetivo, poco más de 600€ para poder hacer esta colección realidad.

Así que queremos ofreceros algo a todos los que habéis colaborado y a los que seguro estáis a punto de hacerlo 😉

Si conseguimos el objetivo, incluiremos este colgador de gafas de corcho natural en todos los pedidos realizados durante la campaña. ¡Sí, sí, uno por cada pedido realizado!

Es de corcho natural, muy flexible e impermeable y además a juego con la etiqueta de corcho de todas las camisetas y sudaderas de Polp. ¡Nos gusta lo natural!

Además, se acercan unas fechas muy especiales en las que hacer regalos es lo principal, este año no esperes a última hora. Camisetas, sudaderas, bolsas y ahora un cordón de gafas de corcho para ti o para regalar a ese ser querido. Tú decides, ¡regala eco!

#02 / ¡Lanzamos Sorteo!

Sí, sí, como leéis, ¡lanzamos sorteo en Verkami!

Para todos los mecenas que participéis en la campaña o ya lo hayáis hecho, ¡sorteamos un 2x1!

Con la compra de cualquier pack podéis ganar otro pack igual (con diferentes diseños y colores si queréis).

➡️ El único requisito es haber hecho alguna aportación a la campaña, no importa el valor de esta.

➡️ Y si habéis hecho o hacéis varias aportaciones, tenéis una participación por cada una de ellas realizadas.

➡️ El sorteo finaliza el 12 de Octubre. Diremos el ganador en Instagram Stories el día 13 ¡corre que el tiempo vuela!

Si aún no te has decidido, este es el momento de hacer clic y convertirte en supermecenas 😜

#01 / ¡Salimos en la prensa!

¡Buenos días familia!

Estamos muy emocionados con este nuevo proyecto y noticias como esta nos hacen querer gritarlo a los cuatro vientos. La prensa se va haciendo eco de nuestros propósitos y nos ayudan a seguir dando grandes pasos para conseguirlo.

Estar en la sección de "Lo + visto" del diario Xàbia al Día nos da la energía y positividad para seguir creyendo en esta campaña.

Pincha en la imagen para ver el artículo
Pincha en la imagen para ver el artículo

¡Gracias a todos los mecenas que ya formáis parte de nuestro mundo atípico!

Y compartid la campaña con toda la gente que conozcáis que le guste llevar camisetas o sudaderas originales y ecológicas. ¡No las dejéis escapar si todavía no habéis aportado!

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