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Minimal Wanders: help us get rid of plastic!

Help us clean the oceans: explore the world with our 100% recycled t-shirts.


A project of

Created in

From 7.000€
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View project in Castellano

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Why Minimal Wanders?

Our mission is to offer a minimalist clothing alternative that uses 100% recycled fibers and is produced in a sustainable and ethical way.

Our pieces are timeless, genderless and versatile. We believe in slow fashion and responsible minimalism and that's why we offer quality pieces that are meant to last.

Our mission
Our mission

We know you want something a bit different, and that's why our t-shirts are designed by hand, with our unique pattern (that fits great! 😎) and we use a higher GSM (this means better density) than most brands (no see through t-shirts, thank you). They will be everything you need on your next adventure 🌍.

We take this minimal thing seriously, and that's why we use post-consumer plastic (from plastic bottles) and pre-consumer cotton to make our clothing, saving 2700 liters of water per t-shirt (we know! 😮). That way we also avoid using new fabrics and unnecessary nasty chemicals.

With every single one of our t-shirts, you are taking real action to clean our oceans 🌊, and you are saying yes to change, challenging unsustainable and unethical fashion.

Why Minimal Wanders?
Why Minimal Wanders?

How do we make our t-shirts?
How do we make our t-shirts?

Available designs

In this campaign, we have included 5 unique designs from our collection + 1 limited edition design 🐢, that will be available only during these 40 days. They are all designed by hand by us!

We have chosen to put our tortoise desing in the centre stage and make it available for a limited time only for a few reasons. First, because the fight against plastic and the protection of our oceans are and will be our main motivation and purpose. But we also feel this limited edition symbolises the urgency and need to take action now, because the planet really can't wait ✌🌴 .

Our designs - which one is your favourite?
Our designs - which one is your favourite?

Sneek peak
Sneek peak

Once the crowdfunding campaign is over, on the 30th of September, we will get in contact with you to ask you for some details:

  • Your name and shipping address

  • The design or designs you have chosen (it will be difficult to choose, we know 😉)

  • Your size

We count on you!
We count on you!

The rewards

Early bid
Early bid

We could have included only our t-shirts in this campaign (that would have been a lot easier 😂) but we wanted to take this opportunity to spread our "eco-message" and, along with our beautiful t-shirts, send you something that makes sustainable living a bit easier and more practical for you and your family. We have included some products that will make your laundry much cleaner and sustainable, so that you can say goodbye to nasty chemicals and plastic forever.

That's why we have created the following reward packs:

Our reward packs!
Our reward packs!

If you can't afford to make a pledge, don't worry, you can still help us! Share our campaign details on social media, and help us spread the message :).

Size guide

Here's a chart with our size guide, so that you can choose the one that fits you the best. There is a lot of work behind the pattern we use for our t-shirts in Minimal Wanders, so it's very important for us that you are happy with your size (in case you are wondering, the pattern is what makes the t-shirt fit you well).

Take one of your t-shirts, measure the total front length (from the neck to the lower end) and then the width at chest height.

If you don't want to overcomplicate things, just choose your normal size 😊.

Our size guide
Our size guide

Remember that we will get in contact with you once the crowdfunding campaign is over to get your details and the size and design you have chosen.

Who's behind this project?

Hey there, we're Marina and Carlos, and we're so happy you're here! 😊 We are two engineers and self proclaimed plastic warriors on a quest for simplicity.

Join us in our mission to clean our oceans - one t-shirt at a time. Together we can make an impact! 💪

Hey there!!!
Hey there!!!

How will we use the funds?

Your contributions will help us cover the expenses of a first edition of at least 400 units, including related costs like admin, plastic-free packaging and shipping.

A small part of your contributions will help us research new fabrics we want to be able to offer you in the future, like those coming from plants such as the banana tree & the orange, this is just the beginning!

Yes, we are plastic free
Yes, we are plastic free

Estimated delivery dates

You will get your t-shirts and other rewards in December, in time for Christmas 🎅.

Here's a timeline so that you know what to expect (we have included a few past milestones because we're proud of what we've done so far!😊



We need you!

We have put so much love and effort into this project, now making it a reality is up to you! We only have 40 days to reach our funding goal. With your help, we can take this one big first step, but we promise you This is just the beginning 😊.


If you want to stay in touch and be the first to know what we're up to, follow us on social media:


If you have any questions, get in touch with us on [email protected] or send us a DM on Instagram. Thank you!

Our values
Our values


  • Can I get your t-shirts on your website?

The only way to get our t-shirts at the moment is through this crowdfunding campaign. If the project is successfully funded with your help, they will be available on our website in the future, but likely at a higher cost.

  • When will I get my reward?

You will receive your rewards in December, in time for Christmas 🎅. (Please note this is subject to disruptions caused by the Covid-19 outbreak which are out of our control) . We thank you for your understanding.

  • When will I be able to choose my size and design?

Once the crowdfunding campaign is over, on the 30th of September, if we have reached our funding goal, we will get in contact with you so that you can choose your size and design. Please make sure you provide a valid email address so that we can reach you.

  • If I choose the 3x2 Pack Pro deal, do I get to choose 3 different designs?

Of course 😍.

  • The funds have not been debited from my account, is that normal?

Yes, the pledged amount will only be debited if our campaign is successful when the 40 days are over.

  • Shipping outside Spain

You will only have to get this reward if you need us to ship your reward outside Spain.


There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • minimaorganics


    over 4 years

    Muy importante el proyecto! Apoyados y con ganas de recibir esta camiseta tan chula!

  • Rosa Ramírez

    Rosa Ramírez

    over 4 years

    Ánimo, el proyecto es increible!! Mil gracias por hacernos partícipes!!

  • Maria Valero

    Maria Valero

    over 4 years

    Tiene pintaza el proyecto!!!

  • Manuel89


    over 4 years

    Ánimo! Con ganas de que llegue ya!

  • nnana


    over 4 years

    Muy chulo el proyecto, iniciativas asi merecen la pena

  • robermola


    over 4 years

    Quiero la de la peonza! :)

  • robermola


    over 4 years

    Go for it guys! :)

  • María Teresa Pérez González

    María Teresa Pérez González

    over 4 years

    Go for it!

  • angilander

    [email protected]

    over 4 years

    Maravilloso proyecto, yo también soy mínima wander

  • DLHoz


    over 4 years

    I will wear them with pride! Best of luck to both of you :)

#03 / ¡Empiezan los envíos!

Hola, ¿Cómo estás? :)

Queríamos pasarnos por aquí para decirte que ¡Tu recompensa está en camino!

Hemos empezado a realizar los primeros envíos y deberías recibir la tuya en los próximos días.

Muchas gracias una vez más por confiar en nosotros.

Si tienes cualquier duda o comentario déjanos un mensaje a través de Instagram en @minimalwanders.

¡Esto sigue!

Un abrazo


#02 / ¡Ya casi está todo listo!

¡Hola a todxs!

¿Cómo estáis? Queríamos pasarnos por aquí para poneros un poco al día. Seguro que estáis deseando que os llegue vuestra recompensa...¡Estamos en ello!

Teniendo en cuenta la situación actual (seguro que estáis hartxs de escuchar esta frase) estamos haciendo todo lo que podemos para que tengáis todas vuestras recompensas pronto. Nuestro objetivo es que las podáis disfrutar lo antes posible.

Tanto la guía como los packs Eco-Friendly están listos y han quedado súper chulos, creemos que os van a encantar :) Las camisetas nos están haciendo sufrir un poquito más.

Para hacer la espera más llevadera, a lo largo de los próximos días empezaremos a enviar los packs Eco-Friendly y os haremos llegar la guía.

¡Os vamos contando! ¡Ah! Os dejamos una foto de cómo ha quedado el packaging:


Un abrazo,


#01 / Entramos en la recta final ¡Sólo quedan 10 días!

Muchísimas gracias a todos los que nos habéis apoyado hasta ahora por haber confiado en nosotros. Estamos muy ilusionados de estar tan cerca de conseguir nuestro objetivo, y además de poder hacer realidad este proyecto en el que creemos tanto.


Entramos en la recta final de nuestra campaña con mucha ilusión, ganas, y emocionados por lo que está por venir. Tenemos un montón de ideas que queremos traeros y no paramos de trabajar y buscar las mejores alternativas para avanzar en sostenibilidad y hacer de este planeta un lugar mejor.

Todavía podéis ayudarnos a llegar a nuestro objetivo, compartiendo nuestro proyecto en redes sociales y enviándoselo a todo aquel que pueda estar interesado. Ya sabéis que estamos en instagram en @minimalwanders y recordad que quedan sólo 10 días para que finalice la campaña.

Un abrazo

Marina & Carlos

Minimal Wanders

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