We are Guies d'Arrel an inclusive mountain guide project, Where we offer mountain experiences for people with reduced mobility, blindness and deafness regardless of their capacities.
Today the chances of people with functional diversity/disabilities going to the mountains are very limited. We believe that everyone must have the same rights, so we want to break with these barriers and make the mountain a place for everybody.
Joëlette Chair is a mono-wheel chair that makes it possible to accompany people with reduced mobility. With this chair we access to places where with a conventional wheelchair we could not reach it.
About rewards
You'll find from rewards where you will collaborate with a small help up to large amounts.
You can make yourself with a T-shirt or a mountain buff inclusive of Guies d'Arrel.
If you want to enjoy nature in situ, you can get an entire day guided experience or a two-day trip, wherever you want from Berguedà.
The big reward is a experience guided on the trek of Cavalls del Vent, for 5 days, a spectacular trek that connects the refuges of the Natural Park of the Cadí-Moixeró.
Discover the Berguedà, land of coal and dinosaurs, paths full of history, gastronomy and much more, feeling it with all 5 senses.
Who are we
We are the Angels and the Victor, we are middle mountain guides, officially qualified. We specialize in mountain guides for the blind and with reduced mobility.
The love and gratitude we feel for this environment makes us think that there can be no limits when it comes to enjoying it. It is for this reason that we fight and work from and for the inclusion of people in this environment. We are dedicated to bringing nature closer to you, so that through the senses you can feel a greater connection and live a unique experience.
What we will use your contributions for
The money raised will go towards the purchase of a Joëlette chair.
In case of exceeding the set goal, the money will go to an electric motor for the Joëlette chair.
Scheduled schedule
T-shirts and buffs will be shipped between one and two weeks after the campaign is over.
The guided experiences will take place during this summer 2020 and the dates will be specified with the patron.
+ Info
If you want more information about our project you can visit our social networks:
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
Miriam perez
que siguin 2 buffs
Miriam perez
molt bona feina
Quant d'amor en aquest projecte!!! Quina tasca més bonica!!! Felicitats!!!
Casa i Colla, allotjaments
Endavant, farem la vida més bonica a tothom!
Isidre Junyent Sonet
Feu una bona tasca, endevant
Guies d'Arrel
Mil gràcies Joan!!!
Joan Gascuenya
Avant i muntanya amunt!