Welcome to Clotsy Brand. If you've made it this far, it means there's something inside you that's driving you to be the change. It's time to stop looking the other way. Our T-shirts take care of the planet in a very special way, cleaning the seas. Are you in?
You've probably tried to be a little more "green" some time but never found the right time. Now you have a new opportunity with Clotsy Brand.
Our goal is to make sure that people like you can have clothes made from recycled fabrics, because our planet offers finite resources and we can't continue to exploit them as we have done up until now.
Fast fashion is not sustainable and that is why Clotsy Brand has decided to make a commitment to a change towards sustainability. We need a timeless fashion, and of good quality and durability.
Why support this project?
It's simple, we know that taking the step and going "green" overnight is complicated. We want to help you make this transition a little easier. Let's act now, together.
Changes must be present in every aspect of our lives: from organic food, to green transport, to sustainable fashion that allows our planet to breathe.
Your Clotsy Brand t-shirt: before and after
Before showing you our designs and before you can choose your future unisex shirt, let me put you into context.
What used to be plastic bottles on the bottom of the sea will now be the t-shirt you wear. It's made from recycled cotton and polyester, and best of all, it's as good as the fabrics you're wearing for the first time.
Therefore, a CLOTSY BRAND t-shirt is sustainable at a higher level:
You decide which side you're on, save the planet or ignore the problem and let it get worse?
Here are the 8 unisex models you can choose from if we get enough support from patrons like you. We have 40 days to make these designs a reality.
The ideal complement for your day to day
Speaking of helping you, we also have the perfect complement to your daily routine. We are sure that it will be good for you to take your Clotsy Brand bag with you.
Stopping using single-use plastics is difficult, but with our bag it won't be so difficult. We have made this exclusive design for the crowdfunding campaign. This bag may not last 400 years as a plastic one, but it will last as many years as you take care of it.
Exclusive t-shirt for this campaign
We wanted to create an exclusive design that will only be available during this crowdfunding campaign. After that, it will not be available in our online store.
Like our oceans, and in particular the Great Barrier Reef of Australia this t-shirt is limited time only. Let's take care of what we have, now.
- All our patrons will be mentioned in a very special section on our website.
Shipping costs
For mainland Spain: free. Included in all rewards.
Outside mainland Spain and the rest of Europe: €10.
All of our shipments are made by land avoiding air transportation to try to reduce our ecological footprint as much as possible.
Campaign goals
What are your contributions going to be used for?
We can't reveal everything now, because we want you to enjoy the first taste of the packaging once your Clotsy Brand t-shirt arrives home. But you must know something...
Planned schedule
Within two months you will receive your t-shirt at home with all the extras included in our packaging.
If the project goes ahead, we will contact you to choose the model and size of the t-shirt. As well as giving us your address and other details for the delivery.
Remember that you will not be charged your reward until we reach our goal and the 40 days of the campaign are over. If we don't reach our goal, you won't be charged at any time. :)
- We would like to ask you a small favor and that is that you make sure to give us an email that you use frequently because then there could be problems to send you your reward :)
CLOTSY BRAND is made up of a team of 3 people very aware of the cause: Alfonso, Ángela and Reme.
Traveling through different countries each one of us, over the years, we have become aware and have been able to learn a lot. This has led us to start a learning process to try to find a life with less waste.
We have realized the need to move towards a more sustainable world. And fashion cannot be left behind in this revolution.
Reme is a fashion designer, she loves to illustrate everything she sees and imagines, and there is no one better than her to illustrate our sustainable ideas. She has also studied marketing and economics.
Alfonso and Angela have both studied telecommunications engineering. However, faced with the need for a change of direction in their lives, they have decided to use their love for the planet and build a brand based on sustainability and transparency.
At Econic Brand we produce everything on the mainland to support local trade.
We need you!
Making this project a reality now depends on you, without your help we can't make these shirts and save the planet. For this we have created this crowdfunding campaign, where you can choose one of your favorite rewards and get us a little closer to achieving this goal.
Remember that the planet cannot wait, get your t-shirt!
If you want to keep up with everything that's going on around here, you can follow us on our social networks:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clotsy.brand/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clotsy.brand/
You can also get to know us better by gossiping about our blog articles at www.clotsybrand.com.
If you have any questions, suggestions and want to contact us you can do it at [email protected] or through our social networks.
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
Quines ganes de veure el projecte fet realitat!! 😍
Ojalá se pueda hacer realidad este bonito y necesario proyecto
Carla Ballester Garijo
Enhorabuena! Hacéis un trabajo brillante! Ojalá poco a poco empresas y consumidores nos conciéncienos.
Javier Mtnez Carreño
Suerte con vuestra nueva aventura!
Genial iniciativa!
Me parece un proyecto muy interesante, ojalá lo consigáis, tenéis mi apoyo! Entre todos conseguiremos reducir al máximo los residuos de plástico.
Ana y Diego
¡Mucha suerte! 🍀
Ana y Diego
Gracias por contribuir a un desarrollo más sostenible. Esperamos poder disfrutar mucho tiempo de vuestros productos.
Encantada de colaborar con un proyecto así. Os deseo lo mejor!
Again!! 😍