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ARTCAVA's new Wine & Cava-Bar #MakeItHappen

It's time to put ARTCAVA upside down! Due Covid-19 we need to change our plans momentarily. Do you want to be part of it? Join us!


A project of


Created in

From 9.500€
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View project in Català and Castellano

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Queden 3 dies | 3 days left
Queden 3 dies | 3 days left

Wine & Cava bar by Artcava

** 2% of this project will go to the #JoemCorono COVID19 campaign *

This is a crowdfunding tool based on rewards, where you can get visits and workshops if you want to come back to visit us or give a present through a gift voucher, or we can send you Cava home (some of the rewards are made especially for our fans in the USA/EU).

This is what we want!
This is what we want!

We opened in 2004, since then we have had almost 100% international tourism, the strategy was correct, reaching 6,000 visitors per year, and invoicing due wine tourism, 90% of the winery's revenue, without any traditional distribution or marketing.

But the Covid-19 epidemic has totally broken our strategy, as international tourism is expected to return by mid-2021.

View from the winery
View from the winery

After almost 20 days of intense work by the entire Artcava team, we have detected 5 new projects for the winery, short-term and temporary, and one of them is the Wine & Cava bar in pop-up format, between vineyards, with the atmosphere of a food truck as if we were in a street market, so we can reach all of you easily.

One of the Wine-Bar models we have in mind
One of the Wine-Bar models we have in mind

This pop-Up format is achieved by restoring a 20ft shipping container, adapting it to a bar with terrace, and views to Montserrat.

And it will not only be a bar, but also an element of culture, with activities like these, arising from brainstorming with the whole team:

  • Vermouth concert

  • Sunsets with poetry

  • Story-telling with cava

  • Outdoor cinema

  • Role playing game

  • Stars observation

  • Stories for adults

  • Pack standard visit to the cellar with tasting & tapas

  • Live music, once a month special activity for children.

  • Music concerts by emerging artists

  • Food pairings

  • The alchemy of vermouth!

  • Sunday music-see-dumb!

  • Vermouth's time with music.

  • Old grape varieties, to recover it, try it.

  • One cava for each dish.

  • Around the world with tomatoes! Gastronomic workshop. The fruit that conquered Every corner of the world.

  • Activate your papillae !!! Activity to stimulate your tongue with flavors.

  • What peaches!!! Recipes to Enjoy this product of ours.

  • Meet the Winemaker, relaxed talks with the winemaker.

  • Meet the Foodie, relaxed talks with the winery's gourmet.

We are convinced that you already have the desire to come ...

Another option we have in your hands
Another option we have in your hands

ABOUT Rewards

There are two options with lots of discounts:

1.- For those who want to come to know us or meet us again:

(Option We will come)

2.- For those who want us to send you CAVA:

(Option Send us)



Visit the winery
Visit the winery

Participate in the Create Your Cava Experience
Participate in the Create Your Cava Experience

Or Enjoy Our Products
Or Enjoy Our Products

** Option We will come **

For those who want to come to the cellar
€ 15 | € 35 | € 50 | € 75 | € 100 | € 500 | € 1,000

** Option Send it to us **

For those people who want to enjoy our products at home
€ 60 | € 82 | € 160

** Shippings to EU & USA option **

For our international fans
€ 225 | € 215

Whichever option you choose, we will contact you at the end of the campaign to close the calendar or arrange shipments.


What? You haven´t heard of Artcava? Ok, so we may not be the most well known winery in the world, nor did we hire an internationally famous architect to design a mind-boggling modernist building. Our cava has never won prizes and most people have never even heard of us. We like to say we are the best kept secret in the Penedès region. So you are probably wondering what Artcava is. We are a small, charming winery located in one of the most important wine regions in Europe, The Penedès ( a mere 40 minutes from Barcelona). We make a modest 15,000 bottles of quality artisan cava a year with our own hands, adding nothing, no chemicals, no funny business, only love.

The project partners
The project partners

Why do we need this campaign?

To give us a hand to the present of the ARTCAVA project, the idiosyncrasy given by the affectation of the COVID-19 crisis, leads us to re-invent the project for the next 12-18 months.

It is expected that international tourism will not recover until 2021.

The 180º turn is to attract tourists and local visitors, adapting the offer and the project of the wine & cava bar is the one that fits us best.

This is a collaborative project where we put 50% and you help with the other 50%. Resilience!


• Maig 2020 - Campanya Crowdfunding (40 dies)
• Juny 2020 - Inici construcció del wine&cava Bar
• Juliol - Inauguració de l'espai, si ho permet la conjuntura

+ Info

Web Artcava
Facebook Artcava
Trip Advisor Artcava


  • Rewards, donations and your name on the wall of the Wine Bar?

    When the Verkami campaign ends, we will contact you personally and through a questionnaire, you will be asked if you want to make the reward effective, direct or gift voucher, if you want to transform the reward into a direct donation, and other things, such as indicating what name you want that comes out on the wall of our wine bar.

    The campaign will end on June 10, from 10/6 to 23/6 we will contact all of you personally, anything will be solved then.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.

  • Adrià


    over 4 years

    Endavant amb el projecte nois! Una abraçada!

  • Adrià


    over 4 years

    Endavant amb el projecte nois! Una abraçada!

  • Aina martin valls

    Aina martin valls

    over 4 years

    Mecenatge de Esperança Valls Palou

  • JSanmiguel


    over 4 years

    My love to Ramón and the rest of the ArtCava family. I look forward to returning soon. Salud!

  • Cristian


    over 4 years

    Endavant, sempre endavant!!! ;)

  • Jannettebritt


    over 4 years

    We are very excited for you! Happy to support in any way :)

  • Vicky Guglietti

    Vicky Guglietti

    over 4 years

    Espero nos veamos pronto! Ha sido una modesta aportación , es lo que puedo ahora ! Besos gigantes ❤️

  • Casa Mallarenga

    Casa Mallarenga

    almost 5 years

    We'll pick it up at the Masia, just let us know when 617 222 367 (Casa Mallarenga - Olivella)

  • Iván Ortega Díez

    Iván Ortega Díez

    almost 5 years

    Molta energia i sort en aquest fantàstic projecte!!

  • urpi


    almost 5 years

    Molta sort en aquesta nova aventura!! La Katerina i jo vam gaudir d'una estada a la tiny house pocs dies abans del confinament que va ser inolvidable i extremadament inspiradora <3 <3 i sobre el projecte que teniu entre mans, m'encanta la idea concert vermut!! Si necessiteu un grup venim més que encantats!! Us passo uns versos de La Troba Kung-Fú ^^

    "Ha esclatat la Ginesta al Can Batllé

    Canta la flor i ensenya el seu tresor

    Qui el pren sempre és presa del record

    Guany i condemna del curiós

    Ha esclatat el gessamí a cada cantonada

    I ha fet forats en les fosses tan enterrades

    La memòria del perfum és tan eterna

    Que qui la dóna sempre és fugaç per tornar a terra"




Bon dia,

Queden 3 dies de la campanya de micro mecenatge d’Artcava a Verkami, els que no sigueu mecenes encara, teniu la última oportunitat de formar part d’un projecte cultural únic al Penedès, i els que ja ho sigueu llegiu això:

Què passarà si no podem fer enrere aquest 2020?

I si el 2020 es l’any que estàvem esperant?

Un any indesitjable, dolent, penós, de fer caguera...

Però... que al final ens farà créixer.

*Un any que està fent molt de soroll *

*Però que al final ens despertarà de la ignorància que vivíem. *

Un any en el que acceptarem que necessitàvem canviar

Treballa per aquest canvi, crida que ens cal canviar, sigues el canvi...

El 2020 no el podrem fer enrere, però si que serà l’any més important de tots.

Sota aquesta premissa i de les paraules de Leslie Dwight a Artcava hem apostat pel canvi, vàrem crear la campanya #MakeItHappen a l’inici del Verkami i tot ha anat rodat.

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#07 / L'altre meitat | The other half

L'equip | The team


Ja fa 20 dies vàrem arrencar aquest Verkami, i el resultat ha estat molt millor del que esperàvem. En breu començarem la difusió del seguiment del projecte als nostres mecenes, comencem "les obres" la setmana vinent!

Però encara queden 20 dies més de campanya! Animo als qui encara no us hageu fet mecenes a fer-vos-en i encara que sigui l'aportació de 15€ ens ajudeu molt! Ens falta molt poc per assolir el segon objectiu de 15.000€ i fer encara un millor wine bar!

Us recordem que a les recompenses tenen un millor preu tant pel CAVA com el de les nostres EXPERIÈNCIES, si us falta CAVA o voleu regalar experiències, es el moment!

Moltes gràcies!


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#06 / Aprofita't d'Artcava 😉 | Take advantage of Artcava's Verkami crowdfunding 😉


Aprofita el Verkami d’Artcava per aconseguir una caixa del nostre cava al millor preu i alhora donar-nos un cop de mà.

L’inici de la campanya va ser excel·lent. En només 4 dies vam assolir el primer objectiu, 9.500 € que necessitàvem per iniciar el projecte Wine & Bar, ara tenim nous objectius:

Nous objectius!
Nous objectius!

Ara hem obert, per només 48h hores, una opció per aconseguir una caixa del nostra cava, amb un preu immillorable i que inclou una degustació virtual amb el nostre enòleg, l'Èric. Hi ha opcions d’enviament a la UE i als EUA. Cerqueu-los a la zona de recompenses:

Exemple oferta EU
Exemple oferta EU


Doneu-nos un cop de mà! Podeu gaudir dels nostres escumosos i, alhora, recolzar-nos en la nova iniciativa del nou bar a vins entre vinyes.

L'equip d'Artcava

Take advantage of Artcava's Verkami to get a box of our Cava at the best price and at the same time give us a hand.

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#05 / HO HEM FET! 9.500€ en 4 dies... ara tenim un nou objectiu! | WE DID IT! € 9.500 in 4 days... we have a new proposal...

Enllaç nou vídeo | New Video link


Gràcies, Thank you, Gracias, ευχαριστώ, Tack, Salamat, Merci, شكرا جزيلا, Спасибо!

Aconseguir l'objectiu en tant poc temps ens ha sorprès i ens ha animat a anar més enllà...

Ho hem fet! Però no ens conformarem amb el wine bar tant sols... Ara anem a per una sala de tast entrevinyes! #MakeItHappenAgain Ens ajudeu?

Poc a poc anirem descobrint aquest nou projecte...

Achieving the goal in such a short time has surprised us and encouraged us to go further ...

We did it! But we won't stop for just the wine bar... Now we go for a wine tasting room! #MakeItHappenAgain Would you like to you help us?

Little by little we will discover this new project...

L'Equip | Team - ARTCAVA

#04 / L'última empenta! | Last push needed! (#MakeItHappen)


Estem tan a prop d'aconseguir el 100% de la nostra campanya...

Només cal una última empenta!!!

Aquest inici ha estat realment encoratjador i ens ha fet pensar en col·locar un segon contenidor restaurat per a una sala de tast amb fantàstiques vistes a la muntanya de Montserrat. Ens ajudeu a fer-ho possible?


Mentrestant, us anem a presentar al nostre equip mitjançant diferents vídeos compartits a través de les nostres xarxes socials.

Aquí us deixem amb el capítol 1, amb l'Eric Enguita (CEO d’Artcava):

We are so close to achieve 100% of our campaign!

Just one last push is needed!

This start has been really encouraging and made us think about getting a second container for an amazing tasting room with fantastic Montserrat mountain views.


Meanwhile, we are going to introduce our staff by different videos shared through our social media. Will you join us?

Here is Chapter 1, featured by Eric Enguita (Artcava’s CEO):

#03 / Bon dia! Obrim de nou algunes recompenses! Ens queda molt i molt poc per assolir el primer objectiu!


Hem rebut desenes de missatges i correus demanant que obríssim més recompenses com les del taller de vermut i els nous ancestrals, aquí les teniu de nou! Només per les properes 72h.

Ens queda molt poc per assolir el primer objectiu, 9.500€, spread the word!!!

We have received dozens of messages and emails asking us to open more rewards like the vermouth workshop and the new ancestors pack, here they are again! Only for the next 72h.

We have very little left to achieve the first goal, € 9,500, spread the word !!!

#02 / Seguim al·lucinant amb la rebuda del nostre projecte


Un altre cop... GRÀCIES i mil gràcies! No arribem ni a 48h que comencés la campanya i ja hem assolit 6.500€, un 70% pràcticament. El repte ara es tenir el 100% abans de complir les 72h, demà dilluns a les 18:00. #MAKEITHAPPEN

Us deixem aquest vídeo per els encara indecisos, un video perquè NO us feu MECENES:

Again ... THANK YOU, thank you very much! We have not even reached 48 hours since the start of the campaign and we have already reached € 6,500, almost 70%. The goal is now reaching 100% before 72 hours of begining of the campaign, so until 6pm tomorrow monday. #MAKEITHAPPEN

We leave this video for the still undecided, a video so you do NOT become a PATRON.

#01 / Mai ens ho haguéssim imaginat! GRÀCIES!

GRÀCIES! Gràcies de debò, en tant sols 10h de campanya em assolit més del 30% de l'objectiu! Aquest recolzament es extremadament motivador!

Mai ens havíem imaginat aquest escenari, i ara l'objectiu serà arribar al 50% abans de les 72 primeres hores!


Una abraçada!

L'equip d'ARTCAVA

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