Hyedra is a post-rock band from San Sebastián (Basque Country, Spain) looking for some funding so that we're able to edit, publish and promote our recently recorded last album. The release will consist of 250 vinyl records, 300 CDs, 100 t-shirts and other apparel plus marketing costs.
The band just got out of the recording studio where we finished producing our third album, but that's just the beginning of the journey. Now's when you get to take part in it!
We already have recorded, mixed and mastered our album with the best engineers and equipment available. All that's left is publishing in various physical formats and some marketing and promotion to be able to reach all of our fans worldwide.
With your support we'll be able to make it, releasing CDs, vinyls and various merchandising products and apparel. Besides being very very grateful and offering you our eternal love, you should know there are also a sh*t ton of cool rewards ;)
About Us
Hyedra is an instrumental post-rock band formed in San Sebastian in 2012 by members of various other bands which already were making some noise in those previous years. We have always followed instrumental genres, from electronic music to more rock and metal. Bands such as Russian Circles, Mogwai or 65daysofstatic are very present in our playlists and influence our own original music.
We released our first demo in 2013, self-recorded and produced algongside a handmade edition which was very well received by our city's local scene. Later, after a couple of years of touring and composing new stuff we released our first proper album "Hyedra", once again self-published.
And now, with our last album recently recorded we want to take a step forward into a more professional looking physical release, with a publishing date in mind around summer, both in physical and digital formats.
What will we use your contributions for?
As we have already said, we finished recording the album from which you can soon hear a preview and some other news in our social media. Recording and studio hours have been financed by the band, that's why:
All the funding in this campaign will be destined to the release of a physical edition consisting of vinyls, CDs and new t-shirts and merch, as well as all the marketing and promotion needed to distribute and announce the release of the album.
About the rewards:
There will be both a vinyl and CD edition of this album. We have artists working on all the awesome new artwork which will be soon revealed.
The album will have an official release date but we will provide download links for all backers who purchase pre-release vinyl or CD editions.
We will also release double sided printed t-shirts (front and back). Designs will also be revealed close to the albums publishing date.
You can choose reward packs as you wish, we have different tiers of funding and loads of surprises.
We are hoping to publish the album in summer 2020, both in physical and digital formats. Touring will start in fall that same year.
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Daniel G. Valero
Muero de ganas de escuchar este DISCAZO. MUCHO LOVE.
Mucha suerte con el disco y el futuro
Borja el colega
Esperamos el bolo!
A por todas, mucha suerte
Mario Alejos Martin
Espero que lleguéis, abrazo desde pucela
Christian Villar
Mucha Suerte, vamos que sale adelante. Saludos
Luis Ullán
¡A por ello! <3 Grandes!!
Laida Goenaga
Fucking awesome band!