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BRIGADE (comic)

BRIGADE is an Enrique Fernández´s comic book project. A series of fantasy/epic/medieval stories. 46 pages, hardcover, 19X27cm. ( three language versions: spanish, english, french )

Enrique Fernández

A project of


Created in

From 39.000€
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View project in Castellano and Français

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BRIGADE is an Enrique Fernández´s comic book project.

A series of fantasy/epic/medieval stories.

46 pages, hardcover, 19X27cm.

Three language versions: Spanish, English, French.




just go here



New award on the list! See blog entry for more information.


Thanks to all of you we reached the simbolic sum of 11700€, the 30% of the whole budget. In reward, ALL YOUR NAMES WILL BE FEATURED ON THE PRINTED BOOK!!


The veteran captain Ivvro has been recruited again, to command a hard convicts' squadron, in the long war against the black elfs.

During the battle a mysterious fog traps them on a chaotic strange land, where they will have to fight another war, this time to survive as group.

Lost and spread in this new land, they´ll try to regroup to find the way back home, but it will not be easy: the strange mist that surrounds them ,also changes everything on its path, making impossible any attempt of creating a map, and carrying inside creatures of other worlds, so lost as them, who also will try to survive in this hostile land.

This creatures won´t be the only ones the Brigade will face.

During ages creatures of all kind have been dropped here on this strange limbo.

And some of them, like the human ones, seem to have adapt well to this environment, creating solid groups of population that the destructive mist seems to respect and leave intact.

If the key for survival in this land would be the strenght of the group, captain Ivvro will face a hard work, and will need alliances even with his most fierce enemies.


As a comic book artist, this is a profesional step I´ve been wishing to do for a long time : self-edition. It´s great to have the chance of producing one work, managing it from beginning to the end, made in a way that could go directly from my desk to your hands, the reader.

And this crowdfunding method could be the perfect way. I wish it is! Because this way I also can offer you a lot of additional stuff (storyboards, roughs, etc) that usually get forgotten in a box.

I´ve been doing my best so this work would be the most affordable I can. That´s the reason of the price of the book. It´s the same or even cheaper than the one you could find on your usual bookshop, but with the advantage of being send directly to your home.

¡And for some little more you can add a lot of extras that I hope you will find interesting!

Lowering that much the price of the book makes the initial investement to be that high (a higuer print to reduce costs).

To achieve that initial investment the publicity of the project has to be as big as posible, and that´s why I ask you that, if you like my work, spread the word and help the project born.

On my side I´ll keep adding promotional stuff and updating the site frequently.

______________ ¡¡¡ MAKE YOUR CONTRIBUTION NOW !!! ________________

¡Thanks a lot ! ¡Muchisimas gracias!


I´ve prepared some extra stuff I wish you may like.

Make any combination that you want with them, but please note that ONLY THE PDF AND THE BOOK CAN BE SOLD ALONE.

The rest of the items are sold as a pack, starting with the PDF or the BOOK + the extra you prefer.

Digital version of the comic on PDF. The 46 pages plus covers. Digitally sent to you by wetransfer.

The base of the whole project. A hardcover book, full color, 46 pages, 19X27 cm.

52 pages, soft cover, 21X15 cm. The complete storyboard plus extras as preliminary designs, roughs,etc.

The storyboard is the master key of every one of my works, and I take good care of it, as you may check if you take a visit on my blog. Is where the comic comes to live!

And it has a life on its own that you shouldn´t miss.

A 4Gb pen drive USB, personalized with the "Brigade" design.

Includes the PDF with the 46 color pages, the storyboards and extras.

I want this book to come to you with my written gratitude, signed to every one of you.

But if you also want a small drawing on it, please add this option to your reward.

One of the jewels of the crown!

One good reason to make the book funded this way is the chance of creating an incredible exclusive resin miniature sculpture, 12 cm tall (9cm the figure+ 3cm the base), of one of the main characters of the book, ERWIN.

It will be made by the great sculptor Fausto Gutiérrez, from Yedharo Models.
( visit also his new blog here )

Completely mounted and painted !!

NOTE: we can not start the work on the sculpture until we get the complete funds, but we want to grant you the top best quality of this work, from design to modeling and painting.

We show you a pic with the pose we will use, and we are completely open to any question you may have about this reward.

-The colors of the final painted item will be the ones shown on the book.-

An A4 (21 X 29,7 cm) original artwork of a Brigade character made on demand!

*This one will be an exclusive reward of the Verkami edition!

(When the funding ends, I will contact those of you who asked for this reward, and we´ll talk about what you may want on it)


There are two types of rewards: Including shippings for Spain or Rest of the World.

Choose the one that suites you!


This budget is made to cover all the print costs, creation and basic sending of all the items, and my salary during the months I will be creating the book exclusively.


There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.

  • Ainhoa Perez

    Ainhoa Perez

    about 10 years

    Hola, quiero saber si es posible comprar los comic, ahora o en caso contrario, donde se pueden comprar?

    Muchas gracias

  • the Red Wings jersey

    the Red Wings jersey

    over 10 years

    Buy Suns home jersey For Kids And Women

    the Red Wings jersey http://harrybellmusic.com/images/04bgc.htm

  • one.rivas


    almost 11 years


    I was wondering where I could purchase the first volume?? I can't find it online. I pledged for #2 the art book and the USB. If info a second pledge for #1 and #2 is there anything I can substitute the second #2 book with??



  • organizedchaos


    about 11 years

    Hello! I never received my copy of the book and I just recently moved. Is there any way to have this issue resolved?

  • david lopez

    david lopez

    about 11 years

    Hola Enrique, nunca recibí mi ejemplar de Brigada. ¿Me lo podéis enviar? La verdad que me había olvidado totalmente de este tema y ahora he sabido que todo el mundo tiene ya su ejemplar desde hace meses.

  • jordi ignasi

    jordi ignasi

    about 11 years

    oye, que hay de lo mío?

  • Carta Gráfica

    Carta Gráfica

    over 11 years

    Buenas tardes

    Soy Juan José Franco de Carta Gráfica, dedicada a la impresión de libros y posicionamiento en redes sociales , blogs, tiendas online…….

    Nos ofrecemos para presupuestar futuros proyectos.

    Un saludo,


  • Tenpel


    over 11 years

    Hola, hice la aportación en el nombre de otra persona y creo que no te ha facilitado los datos para el envio. Te va a enviar un correo a [email protected], ¿es correcto? Lo mismo te puede llegar a la carpeta de spam...

  • Tenpel


    over 11 years

    Hola Enrique, me gustaría saber cómo puedo hacerte llegar mi dirección de envío del paquete. Un saludo y enhorabuena tiene una pinta increíble!

  • Enrique Fernández

    Enrique Fernández

    over 11 years

    Por favor envianos un mail a [email protected] con la nueva direccion.

    Muchas gracias.


¡Hola amigos!

Hoy lanzo de nuevo una campaña de crowdfunding para financiar el siguiente tomo de Brigada :


¡Y de nuevo os pido vuestra ayuda para que sea posible continuar la serie!

He intentado que sea lo más atrayente posible, aprendiendo de mis errores en la campaña anterior: añadiendo contenidos extra, reduciendo costes de algunos productos y preparando los envios con agencias internacionales, para que en cuanto esté todo preparado llegue en muy pocos días a vuestra casa y en perfecto estado.

Al igual que la otra vez no os pediré que participéis más allá de lo que os apetezca, pero si me gustaría recordaros que la ayuda más importante que puedo recibir es la difusión del proyecto en vuestros canales sociales habituales (facebook, twiter, foros, ¡bares!, etc)

¡ Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo !
¡Que paseis Felices Fiestas, un abrazo!

Enrique Fernández

Hi my friends !

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[ Castellano ]

¡ Hola a todos y feliz 2013 !

Recibo constantemente preguntas sobre el avance del proyecto, fecha de salida,etc. Para intentar que os llegue de nuevo a todos la informacion, creo éste post (que debería llegaros a todos los mecenas sin falta )

Desde que el proyecto finalizó con éxito, creamos el BLOG para que todos pudierais estar informados de su progreso.

La dirección del blog está en LA PÁGINA FRONTAL del proyecto en Verkami, es ésta:


El libro avanza segun el ritmo previsto, y saldrá de imprenta en Septiembre.

Os irá llegando a medida que vaya realizando las dedicatorias (más de 360 )

Muchas gracias a todos!

[ English ]

Hi everyone and happy 2013 !

I constantly receive mails asking for the progress of the book.

To make the info available to all of you, I make this new post, who should reach all of your mails.

Since the project ended succesfully, we created the BLOG so you could check all the updates of it.

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Thanks to my friends Sebas from Wacom Spain (who allowed me to play with the AMAZING Cintiq24HD) and his lovely Talia who did the hard work, here you can see a speed painting of one of my Brigada characters.





Las bases son muy sencillas:

Enviadnos vuestros FanArt de los Enanos de La Brigada a @WacomSpain incluyendo #wacom_LaBrigada hasta el 10 de Agosto. El mejor de todos se lleva otro premio de LIBRO + MAKING OFF + FIGURA !! Y se podrá ver su trabajo en mi página deviant art .

Los envíos deben realizarse primero al twitter de Wacom, desde donde los redirigiremos a Deviant. Por favor no enviéis nada a éste facebook ni al de Wacom Spain,porque será inmediatamente borrado.

Todo ésto es el resultado del anterior concurso de Brigada pidiendo nuevas ideas, y el ganador es: "Daniel" !! Felicidades ! (nos pondremos en contacto contigo a traves de los datos de Verkami)

Y recordad: éstos premios sólo se podrán llevar a entregar en caso de que se llegue a realizar el proyecto, así que MÁXIMA DIFUSIÓN! QUEDAN SOLO 12 DÍAS!!

Suerte a todos!



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#16 / PACK 10 LIBROS - 10 BOOKS -10 LIVRES


Hemos creado un pack económico a partir de 10 ejemplares, con un ahorro de tres euros sobre el precio por ejemplar.

En éste pack los libros no incluyen ningun otro extra, como el nombre del mecenas ni dedicatoria. Igualmente es combinable con el resto de extras, aportando 100 €+ el extra que queráis.
Éste pack tambien surge en respuesta al interés de pequeñas librerías, que ayudarán a la promoción de la obra.


We have created a new reward, an economy pack of 10 books, with a saving of four euros per book.

On this pack the books doesn´t include any other extra, as the name of the contributor nor dedicated signing. On the other hand you can combine this pack with the rest of the extras making the sum of the contributions.

This pack has born as an answer for the interest of small bookshops who will help promote the project.


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#14 / Concurso! Contest! Concours!


En breve realizaremos un concurso, cuyo premio será un ejemplar gratutito del comic + making of + figura!

La base del concurso será bien sencilla: dadnos la mejor idea para una nueva recompensa que añadir a las ya existentes, o una idea genial para promocionar el proyecto.

La semana que viene más informacion. Id calentando la cabeza! :)

Y recordad: sólo quedan dos semanas para hacer vuestra aportacion si aún no os habéis decidido.



Soon we´ll launch a contest. The award would be a free pack of the book + making of + figure!!

The rule of the contest is very easy: give us the best idea for a new reward or a briliant idea to promote the project.

Next week will tell you more about it. Shake and struggle your brains! :)

And remember: you have only two weeks to make your contribution if you still haven´t done it yet.



Nous von lancer a concours. Le prix serà un pack gratuit: livre + making of + statuette!!

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Something like this would be featured on the making off.

El making off será algo así.

On pourra voir choses comme ça dans le making off.





Una oportunidad única de convertirte en guionista de una página completa de Brigada!! Tú escribes la historia!
Ésta página no estará incluida en el libro, será única porque será tu guión, tu historia, en base a los personajes del libro.

Si lo tuyo es escribir, ésta es una oportunidad de oro de mostrar de lo que eres capaz!

Entrega de la página impresa en alta calidad y en formato digital, el "original".

-La realización de ésta página puede hacerse después de entregado el libro, para que podáis tener una idea completa de la obra y sus personajes-


A once in a lifetime chance of being scriptwriter of one complete page of Brigade! You write the story!!

This page won´t be included on the book. It will be unique because it will be your script, your story, based on the characters of the book.

If you ever wanted to demostrate your skills on scripwrtting, this is the golden chance!

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BRIGADA est un projet de BD d’Enrique Fernández.

Une série fantastique épique-médiévale.

46 pages, format européen (couverture rigide), 19x27 cm

Trois versions : espagnol, anglais, français


Une fois de plus, le bon vieux capitaine Ivvro se voit embrigadé dans une nouvelle aventure. Cette fois, il doit diriger un escadron de forçats, dans une longue et périlleuse guerre contre les Elfes noirs.

Mais en pleine bataille, un mystérieux brouillard enveloppe et transporte nos héros vers une terre chaotique, dans laquelle ils devront livrer une autre guerre. C’est la survie du groupe qui est maintenant en cause.


Éparpillés et perdus au milieu de nulle part, ils tenteront de se regrouper et de trouver un moyen pour revenir chez eux. Mais cela ne se fera pas sans mal ; car l'insatiable brouillard recouvre tout sur son… read more

#02 / 3000!!!

3000 euros en menos de doce horas, muchas gracias a todos!!! Habeis hecho feliz a un enano. :)

3000 euros in less than twelve hours, thank you very much everyone!!! You make a dwarf smile. :)


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