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Danny Rodeck - Debut EP: STARGAZE

My upcoming EP STARGAZE is a combination of cosmic pop with funk influences and heartfelt reflections. Help me bring this dream to life!

Danny Rodeck

A project of



Created in

From 3.000€
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Hi! I'm Danny Rodeck: singer, songwriter, and dreamer. I've always longed to be a singer, and through the years, an immense passion for music grew in me. I've been growing as a musician since I was a teenager in Bogotá, and the last 4 years in Barcelona, I've met amazing people who have inspired me to take the next step.

I have a lot of stories to tell and I want you to make part of this!


STARGAZE is an EP of 6 songs that started a year ago, I've had the help of many talented and lovely musicians and producers such as: Kena Toledo, Jason Praut, Xavier Miró, Daniel Valladares and Jzeline. This work has pop songs with electronic atmospheres, funky bass and guitar lines, and lyrics that show my reflections of the universe and life itself.

STARGAZE will be a trip to a new galaxy where in every planet, you'll explore different sensations. You'll reflect about our interior and the bonds we make. It's a journey where you'll want to dance, cry, take and take risks! I'm putting all my effort in this so that you get to feel with my music from euphoria to melancholy.


There are rewards for all tastes and budgets!

✧Shipping costs are included in Spain.

✦The CD is being designed, and will be made with a lot of care. It will come with a booklet with the lyrics and the names of the patrons in the acknowledgements.

✧The concert will be in July in Barcelona, but don't worry! If you're unable to attend, you will get exclusive professional footage of the show and you'll feel like you were there!

✦The CDs will be given on the day of the concert in Barcelona, and other pick-up dates and points will be established.

✧Starting from the 35€ pack on, you'll always get the CD, the digital download, & the concert ticket/video. From the 50€ Pack on, you'll always get the magical booklet.

✦The private concerts from the highest rewards can be wherever you want in Barcelona, or through Skype with a HQ connection. You can also add the transport fees and we'll go!

✧For Bogotá, pick-up points and dates will by established by the end of the year, in case you don't get the international shipping add-on.

I NEED YOU: What is the money for?

The process has been long and full of motivation and challenges. But I need your help to finish this! Every contribution will help cover part of the expenses in: mixing, mastering, music video, graphic design, distribution and promotion.

♢ IF WE REACH 3500€: The live show will grow even more! It'll be in a bigger venue with better lights and effects, and backup singers will join!


The concert will be in the first half of September

The remaining vocals and instruments will be recorded in June and beginnings of July, and once it's done, the mixing and mastering will begin. The first single is expected to be released by the end of June, and the whole EP during the summer of 2019. All the rewards will be delivered at the latest in September. I will keep you informed of all the creative process through social media. Remember you make part of this journey!

Help me fulflll this dream and give birth to a project full of daring, love, passion for music, and a big will to fill your hearts with stellar light. Now, more than ever, I want to give all of me to accomplish this. Dream along with me!


Keep up with all the process, I will be constantly informing and updating you with all the news about the project, specially through Instagram :)




This Verkami is possible thanks to:

Valentina Guzmán (graphic design), Miguel Venegas (video production), Jason Praut (creative co-producción), Xavier Miró (creative co-producction), Daniel Valladares (mixing and mastering).

Thank you so SO much!

With love,




  • When will I be charged for the bundle I chose?

    You'll only be charged by the end of the campaign (July) only if the goal is achieved, otherwise, no one will be charged.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • Oriol


    over 5 years

    putoooo ya lo tienes !!!!!!!

  • Marcell Stefano

    Marcell Stefano

    over 5 years

    Felicitaciones Danny! Siempre orgulloso de ti. Te quiero mucho, Marcell

  • Jason Praut

    Jason Praut

    over 5 years

    Eres un maquina sigue así bro ♥️

  • Camilo martinez

    Camilo martinez

    over 5 years

    Ese es ese es!

  • guillem


    over 5 years

    mucha suerte churro

  • Andrea Reyes

    Andrea Reyes

    over 5 years

    Con todo Dani💜

  • Mate.gomez


    over 5 years

    Muchos éxitos Danny!!

  • Cesar Finol

    Cesar Finol

    over 5 years

    Pa lante Danny, te deseo mucho éxito!!!

  • Migdalia De Finol Silva

    Migdalia De Finol Silva

    over 5 years

    🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻Muchos éxitos...!

  • Juan c gutierrez

    Juan c gutierrez

    over 5 years

    Éxitos en el proyecto y nunca dejar de soñar, un fuerte abrazo desde Colombia .

#02 / Sueños Perseguidos

Esto es algo que nunca olvidaré.

Después de 40 días de campaña intensa, me alegra profundamente decir que lo logramos! ¡LO LOGRAMOS! 82 personas se tomaron el tiempo de escucharme, leerme y creer en mi, y eso me llena el corazón. Nunca me había sentido tan bendecido y agradecido.

Para mi, la música siempre ha sido mi manera de endulzar la realidad, de sentirme vivo, presente y viajante. La música me ha hecho soñar, transportarme y ser quien quiero ser. Y con Stargaze quiero transmitirles esta libertad, historias y sueños. Quiero que por 6 canciones nos olvidemos del presente y nos vayamos a otro lugar. Para hacer esto posible trabajaré muy duro cada día hasta obtener el resultado que merecen. El impulso que necesitaba ya me lo han dado. ¡GRACIAS POR SIEMPRE!

En cuanto a las recompensas: la entrega prevista de todo se ha visto retrasada por… read more



Me quedo sin palabras al pensar que tanta gente se haya tomado el tiempo y esfuerzo de hacer parte de esto. Familia, amigos, conocidos y desconocidos! Lo que en un momento comenzó como una fantasía, está muy cerca de volverse realidad, ya vamos el 82%! Falta solo un último empujón! Si estás aquí pensando en participar, ¡ánimo! Será un EP que no te defraudará :)

Durante todos estos días de campaña no he dejado de trabajar en Stargaze y de planear todo lo que se viene! Estoy lleno de ilusión y ahora más que nunca me siento muy acompañado. Planear el concierto ha tenido complicaciones por disponibilidad de salas, además he recibido muchos mensajes de gente que no estará este mes. Estos dos factores me han llevado a tomar la decisión de mover el concierto de presentación a la primera mitad de septiembre. No se hará en agosto ya que… read more

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