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Blanc Trencat (TV series pilot)

Elisabeth refuses accepting her divorce. Àlex is afraid of relationships. They're mother and daughter. And yes, they're Wedding Planners!

Blanc Trencat

A project of


Created in

From 3.000€
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A woman who refuses to overcome her failed marriage and a daughter who panics about love relationships, will become Wedding Planners: wedding planners, the most cloying event in the world. Mother and daughter will have to learn to live and work together. Even if their characters collide, they will end up realizing that they are not as different as they thought.

On the one hand, Elisabeth will have to face her divorce and give up the false hope of returning to Luis. She will begin to see that life offers many more opportunities and that it is never too late to start again.

On the other hand, Alex will face his fears of stable relationships that provoke strong hallucinations and will consider his professional future. Bored of always taking the same photographs of boyfriends posing in front of the camera, she will want to become a different photographer, although this means making a project, secretly, on the hidden face of weddings... hidden from her mother.

Elisabeth (played by Fina López) is a 50-year-old woman who is very sure of herself, believes herself to be an influence, a fan of healthy life and capable of being the soul of the party. She tries hard to keep up appearances and give a successful woman image.

Alex (played by Irene Miras) is a 25-year-old girl who became independent as soon as she could: she knew she would never be able to meet her mother's expectations and couldn't stand the pressure. She's a girl who has built herself, created her own rituals, is very open and doesn't mince her words.

For Blanc Trencat (Broken White) to become a reality and be seen on screen, we need your help!

We would like to thank you, first of all, for having read us so far. Now that you know about our project, we encourage you to be part of it. How can you be part of this madness? We'll explain it to you - there are as many ways as there are shades of white!

We want to propose something to you! Yes, we want to make you a proposal as if it were a wedding... May you be our sponsor!

Being a sponsor of Blanc Trencat (Broken White) means making a financial contribution to finance this project. Each contribution has its reward, designed and made with much love.

The Verkami system is 100% safe: you can select the amount you want to contribute and you will only be charged if we reach our goal.

And that’s it! We can go to the altar together!

We launch this Verkami to finance our project. Any contribution will be very helpful. And to thank your support and collaboration you will have a reward for each contribution you make. So exciting!

The rewards are cumulative, meaning that the more you donate the more rewards you’ll have. And this will depend on how you want to marry with the project. Let’s see what you can get:

Low Cost Wedding

Contributing 5€ your name will be on the credits. But you will also have an invitation to the pilot’s release.

Essential Wedding

Contributing 10€ you will have all the previous rewards, plus A Digital Poster of the series. Who doesn’t want “Blanc Trencat” to be its screen background?

Trendy Wedding

Contributing 20€ you will have all the previous rewards, plus a Tote Bag of the series. Show off your good looks!

Chic Wedding

Contributing 35€ you will have all the previous rewards, plus A personalised Wedding Invitation from “Celelistina Weddings”. Don’t worry, we can put whoever you want on the card ;)

Classy Wedding

Contributing 50€ you will have all the previous rewards, plus A Signed copy of the Script and The online link of the tv series. You’ll be able to see the episode as much as you want!

Fancy Wedding

Contributing 75€ you will have all the previous rewards, plus a personalised digital drawing, Artwork. And that’s not it! We give you the opportunity to spend A Day in our shooting, and even to do **be an extra!*

Silver Wedding

Contributing 100€ you will have all the previous rewards, plus A Photoshoot and Exclusive content of the series.

Gold Wedding

Contributing 250€ you will have all the previous rewards, plus “A Dinner with the team”. Let’s go party!

High level Wedding

Contributing 500€ you will have all the previous rewards, plus… (drum roll) A Real Wedding Planner!. We organise you your wedding! But not only that, you will be the project’s Associate Producer. Yes, I do!

Not bad, huh?


We are 6 students of Audiovisual Communication at Pompeu Fabra University. We are very excited for this project and love what we do. Each one of us is interested in a different field among this sector. We have teamed up because we have a lot to tell you. We’ve learned from the best and now it’s our turn to show what we are capable of. Do you wanna join us?

  • Jordi Balló - Teacher at UPF and writer, La llavor inmortal

  • Elena Serra - Script Writer and y story editor, Romasanta, la caza de la bestia

  • Aitor Martos - Director of Production, Entre dos aguas

  • Carlos Marqués - Director, 10.000km

  • Roser Aguilar - Script Writer, El millor de mi

  • Marc Crehuet - Script Writer and Director, El rey tuerto

  • Jonás Trueba - Director, Los Ilusos

  • Carla Simón - Directora, Estiu 1993

To give you an idea of what we are going to invest your contributions in, we'll tell you a little about what you see in this cake.

Good cakes need a strong basis and in this case is the technical equipment. This is how the 47.5% of the budget goes to essencial material to make this project real. We are talking about camera, lighting, sound…

Has it ever happened to you that you haven’t eaten and you don’t have strength to do anything? Well, the actors and actresses and our crew will have the same problem. A shooting is hard and we need to be on fire! That’s why the 22.5% goes to feed every single person behind the scenes who will make the project possible for you to see and enjoy.

But of course, Doraemon’s magic door hasn’t been invented yet so, unfortunately, public transport is also included. The 15.2% of the budget will be destined to get every crew member to the shooting.

Once we have all this, we need to add some retouchings! Canvas are the same until the painter makes the first brush-stroke. That’s why the 11.4% goes to set design, which will allow us to give the episode our personality.

And last but not least, let’s talk about what we are really interested in. The 3.4% of the budget will help us send you the promised rewards to thank you extremely your help. We want you to be a part of Blanc Trencat!

As you can see we've been working on this for a long time (and what's not written) so that it's perfect. For this we have this production calendar, which we try to follow closely... Although sometimes it's difficult!

You know that feeling when you work but there’s always stuff to do? That is the essence of this calendar: work, work and more work.

They say every effort has its reward. That’s why we are pleased to work so you can enjoy this project with us at the premiere. Do you want to help?

We plan on starting to deliver the reward in July. Just a little bit of patience!

If you want to know at all times what we are up to, follow us on:

Instagram: blanctrencat

Twitter: blanc_trencat

If you want to contribute more or you have any questions, you can contact us via e-mail [email protected]


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  • Nina Pons Marquès, David Sabater Mercadal i David Sabater Pons

    Nina Pons Marquès, David Sabater Mercadal i David Sabater Pons

    almost 6 years

    Ja tenim ganes de veure el resultat

  • Maria i hernandez socorro

    Maria i hernandez socorro

    almost 6 years

    Os deseo mucha suerte en este proyecto

  • Belen almenara

    Belen almenara

    almost 6 years

    Us desitjo tota la sort del mon!!

  • Laura Díaz

    Laura Díaz

    almost 6 years

    Excelente idea y seguro que una excelente película. Mucha suerte . Laura Díaz

  • Jordi i Ro

    Jordi i Ro

    almost 6 years

    Molta sort en aquest projecte tant xulo!!! 😘

  • José Vicente

    José Vicente

    almost 6 years

    Suerte y a por todo!!!

  • Patricia Moreno

    Patricia Moreno

    almost 6 years

    Molta sort!! Pinta molt bé :D

  • Imma Lopez

    Imma Lopez

    almost 6 years


  • Oscar Hernández

    Oscar Hernández

    almost 6 years

    Molta sort, noies. Sou les millors.

  • Olga Garcia

    Olga Garcia

    almost 6 years

    Molta merda !!!!!!

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