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JoJo's Fanzine Adventure

Preorder for JoJo's Fanzine Adventure, the zine dedicated to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure by Spanish and Latin American artists.


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From 400€
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View project in Castellano

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JoJo's Fanzine Adventure is a project dedicated to JoJo's Bizarred Adventure by Hirohiko Araki. This zine is a collection of full-color illustration by thirty-five artists from Spain and Latin America, inspired by the first five archs of the saga. Free of spoilers and for all audiences.

It's a fifty pages A5-sized zine, and with a beautiful bright pearly paper for the cover. All the copies for this preorder will include a set of postcards as a gift. Now, thanks to you, the zine will have perfect binding instead of saddlestitch.

Also, a percentage of each sale will go to help a local LGTB organization.

Preview, illustration by Jeannette
Preview, illustration by Jeannette

About the rewards

You can help us print and fulfill this project in different ways, and there are several rewards for that. You can buy JoJo's Fanzine Adventure as a digital or as a physical copy. If you finally go for the physical copy, all the zines include a set of postcards and you can also get extra items by several of our artists.

Prints and postcards with the art of Jeannette, Kouyiart, Siplick, AkiraPantsu and Mariló Delgado. Set of stickers by Estrella Rivas
Prints and postcards with the art of Jeannette, Kouyiart, Siplick, AkiraPantsu and Mariló Delgado. Set of stickers by Estrella Rivas

Examples of traditional works by Toñi Gil (left) and Mariló Delgado (right)
Examples of traditional works by Toñi Gil (left) and Mariló Delgado (right)

From January 27th, no more names will be added to the credits, since the zine is already being printed.

IMPORTANT! If you live abroad Spain, please do add the International shipping reward, only shipping to Spain is included in every tier.

About us

JoJo's Fanzine Adventure is a project founded by Toñi Gil and Mariló Delgado, two illustrators who became a little bit obsessed with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. They decided to search for other artists who were huge fans as them of Araki's work and start a fanzine together.

Apart from giving exposure to Spanish-speaking artists and share our love for the Joestar family, we also wanted to go an extra mile with this fanzine and so we decided to donate a percentage of every sold copy to an LGTB organization. We were incredibly luck and many amazing artists took an interest for this project, which allowed us to count with the talent of these thirty-five illustrators:

Preview, WIP by Noiry
Preview, WIP by Noiry

Preview, WIP de Loreneas
Preview, WIP de Loreneas

Where is the money going

The big chunk of your contributions will serve t print the physical copies of the zine (which will have 50 full-color pages, with a thicker pearly paper for the cover). The rest of the money will allow us to print the extra material and pay Verkami's and Paypal's percentages for this campaign.

If you help us to reach our goal, we've also prepared several stretch goals so our JoJo's Fanzine Adventure can go even further!

  • 400€: We reached our goal, thank you very much!
  • 450€: We'll have a raffle for all our contributors (digital copies included)
  • 500€: We'll be able to print more copies of the zine!
  • 550€: We'll have a second raffle for two original illustrtions!
  • NEW 600€: The zine will have perfect finding!
  • NEW 900€: All rewards with a physical copy will include a set of magnets as an extra gift!

...As the campaign goes on and we unlock the extra goals, we'll reveal two surprise stretch goals, so stay tunned!

Preview, WIP by Brighan Cernunnos
Preview, WIP by Brighan Cernunnos


JoJo's Fanzine Adventure will be out for Madrid Japan Weekend on 16th and 17th of February. Several of the artists from the zine will assist as visitors or with their own booth, so you can meet them and get them to sign your copy if you plan on going!

The following week (18th-24th of February), we'll start to prepare all the packages and ship them, so you'll be receiving your copies on the first weeks of March. If there were any incident we could't foresee about our calendar, we'd let you guys know at once and keep you informed..

Preview, illustration by Rubellus
Preview, illustration by Rubellus

And that's all, folks

Thank you so much for reading this far! We hope we encourage you to help us print JoJo's Fanzine Adventure and tease you to get your copy asap!

You can also keep tabs with the project and see more samples of the work of our artists on our Twitter or Instagram. If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact us on our social networks or via [email protected]


  • How will you send the physical copies?

    Once the campaign is over, we'll send a form to all the backers who contributed in rewards with physical copies. This way we'll collect the personal data and addresses for each of you. It is important to remember that, if you live outside of Spain, you must contribute in the reward called "International shipping" as well.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


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  • JoJoZine


    about 6 years

    Thank you so much guys! <3

  • Ghoul


    about 6 years

    Welp I did the thing 💖

  • Luisetex


    about 6 years

    Even Speedwagon is supporting this!

  • Minouze


    about 6 years

    This project seems AMAZING! Good luck guys 💞💖

  • Ro Alonso

    Ro Alonso

    about 6 years


#05 / ¡Japan Weekend de Madrid!

ESP - ¡Feliz lunes, usuarios de Stand!

Os hemos mandado un correo para informaros de que estaremos este fin de semana (16 y 17 de febrero) en la Japan Weekend de Madrid. Si pensáis asistir, como visitantes o con stand propio, podéis saltaros la espera de correos y recoger vuestro zine y sus extras durante el evento en el stand no comercial 129. Solo necesitamos que reviséis vuestra bandeja y nos digáis si queréis recogerlo allí.

Os dejamos más abajo el mapita de dónde estaremos. Si no podéis asistir, ¡que no cunda al pánico! ¡Ya estamos preparando todo para que podáis recibir vuestra copia de JoJo's Fanzine Adventure lo más pronto posible!

Mientras tanto...¡Stand Proud!

Mapita de la Japan, y el makeover de Toñi y Mariló
Mapita de la Japan, y el makeover de Toñi y Mariló

ENG- Happy Monday, Stand Users!

We sent you an email to tell you we're attending Japan Weekend in Madrid next weekend (16 and 17 of Februaryread more

#04 / ¡Ya están aquí!

¡Buenas tardes, Morioh!

Ayer llegaron los fanzines de la imprenta y estamos muy felices con el resultado. ¡Tenemos muchas ganas de que los tengáis en la mano y podáis disfrutar del resultado!

Muy pronto empezaremos a enviar todo, así que estad atentos al correo para cuando os pidamos las direcciones. También anunciaros que asistiremos a la Japan Weekend de Madrid la semana que viene, ¡así que si no queréis esperar podréis recogerlo en persona durante el evento!

De nuevo, muchas gracias por vuestras aportaciones y apoyo. Stand Proud!

Good afternoon, Morioh!

The fanzines arrived yesterday and we're very happy with the result. We can't wait for you guys to have it in your hands!

We'll start to ship everything very soon, so keep an eye on your inbox because we'll be writing to ask for your addresses. We'll also be attending Japan Weekend in Madrid next week, so if you don't want to wait you can pick up your copy during the event!

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#03 / ¡Más metas y regalitos extra!

ESP - ✨¡Buenas tardes, Morioh!✨

Hemos pasado la despampanante cifra de 800€, más del doble de nuestro objetivo inicial. ¡Muchísimas gracias por vuestro apoyo! Por fin podemos desvelar nuestra segunda meta extra: ¡a 900€ todos los packs con copias físicas del zine incluirán un set de imanes de regalo!

También recordad que si residís fuera de España, debéis añadir también el envío internacional, ya que solo incluimos el envío nacional.

Podéis seguir las noticias y ver las previews de las ilustraciones en nuestro Twitter e Instagram. ¡Muchas gracias de nuevo! 💖

ENG - ✨Good afternoon, Morioh!✨

We're past 800€, twice our original goal - thank you so much for all your support! We can finally announce our second stretch goal: at 900€ all the rewards with a physical copy of the zine will include a set of magnets as an extra gift

We're also reminding you that if you don't live in Spain, you need to add the international shipping tierread more

#02 / ¡Nueva meta desbloqueada y primer objetivo extra desvelado!

ESP - ¡Buenos días, usuarios de Stand!

¡Muchísimas gracias de nuevo por ayudarnos a llegar tan lejos! Ya hemos conseguido desbloquear una nueva meta al alcanzar los 550€ por lo que realizaremos un sorteo de dos originales entre todos los participantes en la preventa.

Ya podemos desvelar nuestra primera meta sorpresa, para la que queda tan poco, que es llegar a 600€. Con este dinero podremos imprimir el zine en encuadernación fresada y darle un acabado aún más bonito.

¡Gracias de nuevo por todo el apoyo y amor que nos estáis dando, Stand Proud!

ENG - Good morning, Stand Users!

Thank you so much once again for help us get this far! We've already reached another goal at 550€, so we'll have a second raffle of two original drawings for all the contributors.

We're also revealing our next surprise goal, that is extremely close: reaching 600€. With this money we'll be able to give the zine perfect finding and an even more beautiful finish.

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#01 / ¡Objetivo conseguido y primera meta desbloqueada!

ESP - ⭐¡Buenos días, Fundación Speedwagon!⭐

¡Es un placer para nosotras anunciar que conseguimos nuestra meta base en apenas unas horas! Muchísimas gracias por vuestro todo apoyo hasta ahora, por vuestras aportaciones, por el movimiento que habéis generado en redes, y por todo el amor que hemos recibido desde el primer momento con este proyecto. JoJo's Fanzine Adventure es ya una realidad. 💖

También es un gustazo poder anunciar que hemos logrado nuestra primera mini-meta extra, por lo que realizaremos un pequeño sorteo entre todos los participantes (copias físicas y digitales) para celebrarlo. Elegiremos tres ganadores aleatorios y cada uno de ellos recibirá una impresión en tamaño A3 en papel de alta gama de su ilustración favorita del fanzine. Si aún no habéis contribuido, aún tenéis tiempo de participar, este sorteo se llevará a cabo al finalizar la campaña, pero los treinta primeros participantes contarán con el doble de papeletas. 😉

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