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EP Sergio Salvador

‘Living on a different coast’ is my first project that will be released on 8th November 2018 in Café La Palma as en EP and a music video.

Sergio Salvador

A project of


Created in

From 1.600€
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View project in Castellano and Neerlandés

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My story:

My name is Sergio Salvador and I’m a Spanish/Dutch singer-songwriter. Music has played a major role in my life since I was little. It’s through music that I can express my concerns about certain topics, like migration, identity and social issues. I found my spot in Madrid, turning those concerns into lyrics, notes and rhythm. My roots find a way into my songs, which are intense and very personal, with folk influences.

The project:

It’ll be my first musical project, which captures all the nuances that features the way I express myself: a guitar, a voice and a clarinet. These are simple elements, with which I would like to reach deep into the listener.

The result of this work is that cultural diversity that has contributed to the project (Venezuela, Argentina, Africa):

Credits EP

Dieter Negrín and Víctor Bolívar (Producers)

Carlos Gutiérrez (Clarinet)

Víctor Bolívar (Piano)

Manu Clavijo (Violins)

La Vero Paz (Voices)

Efraïm Salari (Electric guitar)

Floris van Elderen (Drums)

Diana Monrod (Illustrations)

Adrián Martínez and Julio Johnson (Management)

Credits music video

Carlos Indriago Ledesma (Executive producer)

Julieta Zalduendo por Simbionte Films (Chief producer)

Carlos Indriago Ledesma e Igor Fernández (Script)

Igor Fernández (Director)

Jaime Roglá (1st Assistant Director)

Laura Suárez (2nd Assistant Director)

Ana G Blanco y Alba Engel (Art directors)

Fer Bonilla (Photography director)

Lucho Campos (Costume design)

Cristina Calavia (Make up)

Elias Miguez (Choreography)

Carlota Bujosa (Editing)

Ana Bokesa, Carlos Indriago Ledesma y Carlos Maza (Actors)

What will I realise with your contributions?

The goal is financing the entire project. With the amount from this campaign, I will be able to finance:

**- Printing the CDs;

  • A music video;

  • Artwork (photography and illustrations);

  • Merchandising;

  • The musicians that will accompany me live.**

My timetable:

The recording, mixing and mastering of the EP are finished.

Shooting the music video will take place halfway December.

Printing the CDs and merchandising will happen at the end of November.

The presentation of the EP is on November 8th, 2018 in Café La Palma, Madrid.

Between 20th December 2018 and 20th January 2019 I will send out the rewards*.

*Shipping costs only included for peninsular Spain.

More info:

You can follow my campaign on Facebook and Instagram.

Visit my YouTube page for more videos!

Or listen to my single ‘Eterna’ on Bandcamp.

Web: sergiosalvadormusic.com


There are none published yet.

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  • andrea


    about 6 years

    Qué ilusión de enseñárselo a mi madre!!! 😊❤

  • Nixon Martínez

    Nixon Martínez

    about 6 years

    Apoyar este gran proyecto de mi amigo Sergio

  • Nixon Martínez

    Nixon Martínez

    about 6 years

    Apoyar este gran proyecto de mi amigo Sergio

  • Juan


    about 6 years

    Maríbel y yo te deseamos mucha suerte y vendas muchos discos un beso y nos vemos el sabado

  • Eugenia Gutierrez

    Eugenia Gutierrez

    about 6 years

    ea ya queda menos¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

  • David Calpena Gomez

    David Calpena Gomez

    about 6 years

    Mucho ánimo Sergio, nos vemos el día 8

  • jaimepython


    about 6 years




Hoy tenías que haber recibido tu recompensa de mi crowdfunding, pero algo ha fallado en el proceso de fabricación.

¡Pero no os preocupéis, estoy trabajando en ello y pronto tendréis vuestras recompensas!

Mientras tanto podéis escuchar mi EP 'Living On A Different Coast' en las plataformas digitales (Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Deezer, etc.).

Un abrazo enorme,


**** ENGLISH ****

Today you should have received your reward, but something went wrong in the process of fabrication.

Don’t worry! I’m working on it and soon you will have your reward!

In the meantime, you can listen to my EP 'Living On A Different Coast' online, on your favorite digital platform (Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Deezer, etc.).

A big hug,


#01 / ¡Gracias mecenas! / Thank you patrons!


Habéis conseguido, entre todos, llegar al objetivo de este crowdfunding. ¡Por ello os doy MIL GRACIAS!

Es muy emocionante ver que tanta gente apoya un proyecto personal artístico.

Ahora para mí empieza una nueva etapa, la de la fabricación de las recompensas.

Tal y como puse en la descripción del proyecto, las fechas previstas para la entrega de las recompensas es del 20 de diciembre al 20 de enero. Más adelante, recibirás un formulario digital para rellenar los datos personales necesarios para la entrega.

¡Haré todo lo que está en mis manos para que lo tengáis lo antes posible!

Mientras tanto podéis escuchar el EP 'Living On A Different Coast' en las plataformas digitales (Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Deezer, etc.).

Un abrazo enorme,


**** ENGLISH ****

Together we've achieved the amount of this crowdfunding project. For that, I want to THANK YOU!

It is really gratifying to see that people support a personal artistic project.

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