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Debut Album by Gaia

Gaia - Karol Green's artistic name - is setting out to record her first album. Music to celebrate life.

Karol Green

A project of



Created in

From 4.000€
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About me

I am Karol Green and I have been involved in live music for 18 years. I have sung, I have danced, but above all, I have enjoyed music as if it were a light that has guided my life

After conducting gospel choirs and collaborating with a whole bunch of extraordinary musicians, I have now felt the growth of a musical project of my own.

The project

Gaia is its name. 10 songs that come from my pop and African roots and have been tinted with the light and the colours of nature that have always accompanied me.

Nature has inspired my life, and I want my music to inspire listeners to love nature too. It's a round trip on the path of love and music!

My fellow travelers are Arnau Figueres, a production artist who is helping me to get the most out of my songs, and Dave Bianchi, a sound alchemist who is putting order in Gaia's sound space.

Do you want to join me?

This adventure would be impossible without your support. If you want to join me, you can collaborate by buying the disc in digital format or in compact format in advance, obtaining tickets for the concert presentations of the album or even request an 'à la carte' concert in small format or with the entire band.

The calendar

What will I spend the money on?

-Production, recording, mixing and mastering

-Manufacturing of CDs

-Graphic design of CD cover and booklet



There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • Paula Dominguez

    Paula Dominguez

    about 6 years

    Just to give you support, darling!

  • Claret Papiol

    Claret Papiol

    about 6 years

    Molts ànims Carol, endavant amb el projecte!!

  • Tina Torroella

    Tina Torroella

    about 6 years

    Enhorabona per aquest gran projecte! Molta sort!

  • Carles Bartolomé i Freixa

    Carles Bartolomé i Freixa

    about 6 years

    Que arribis a tots els cors possibles Karol!!!

  • Francesc


    about 6 years

    Moltes felicitats per aquest disc, quines ganes d'anar al concert!



    about 6 years


  • Mari Carmen

    Mari Carmen

    about 6 years

    Hope you fly high!❤

  • Mari Carmen

    Mari Carmen

    about 6 years

    Hope you fly high!❤

  • Mari Carmen

    Mari Carmen

    about 6 years

    Hope you fly high!❤

  • Núria Fontcuberta Solà

    Núria Fontcuberta Solà

    about 6 years

    Molta sort ! De ben segur que la tindràs. Una abraçada !

#07 / CDs are on their way! Estàn de cami!

Recycling the boxes the CDs came in for the packages to send them in! Love it!

And the CDs are sent off!


Reciclant les caixes dels CDs per fer els paquets per enviar! M'encanta!

I ja estàn enviats!


#06 / 2n Concert de Presentació, aquest diumenge!

14 juliol a les 19h al Teatre Pare Casals a Sant Esteve de Palautordera

Hola mac@s!!

Aquest diumenge, fem el segon concert de presentació del disc! Serà amb tota la banda i sorpreses inclós! Ho petareeeem :)


Val 10 euros anticipat i 12 a taquilla. Les anticipades NOMÉS es poden comprar a Sant Esteve PERÒ m'han dit que si les voleu reservar a 10 euros, truqueu a la Mireia al 938 48 20 08 que us reservarà entrades.

Serà preciós i espero veure-us allà!

Una abraçada molt gran


#03 / Recta final!!!

Hola! Hello!

I am so happy about the number of people that have joined me and am feeling all the encouragement from all of you! If I manage to achieve the goal, it would not be without any of you, so I would like to let you know that if this CD becomes a reality, all of your names will be in the booklet!

Merry Christmas everybody! LOVE!

Estic molt feliç de la quantitat de persones que us heu unit amb mi i sento l'encoratjament que em transmeteu. Si aconsegueixo l'objectiu, seria gràcies a vosaltres, així que voldria fer-vos saber que, si aquest CD es converteix en realitat, tots els vostres noms aniran al fullet!

Bon Nadal a tothom! AMOR!

In case you haven't seen these beautiful videos my friends made for me:

Per si de cas no heu vist aquests videos bonics que m'han fet els meus amics:
video 1
video 2

#01 / Ja hem arrencat!! This is happening!!

Gràcies als primers 10 mecenes, ja hem pogut arrancar!! MOLTES gràcies per la vostra aportació!!

Thanks to the first 10 patrons, this has already started!! Thanks SO MUCH for your contribution!!


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