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Bee the Planet - A sustainable alternative to plastic film

Welcome to a Zero Waste life! Say goodbye to the plastic with the Bee the Planet wraps. Do not do it alone for the planet, do it for you.


A project of


Created in

From 2.000€
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View project in Castellano

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Why the Bee the Planet wraps?

It is estimated that a person uses more than 180 square meters of plastic film per year.

Bee the Planet offers a sustainable and reusable alternative to eliminate the single-use plastics in your kitchen and in your daily life.

What are the Bee the Planet wraps?

A Bee the Planet wrap is a Tupperware lid, a sandwich wrapper, a bag to carry your dry fruits or to buy in bulk. It is a way to keep your vegetables fresh for a longer time...

· The wrap is a fabric that is moldable. Using your hands you can get the desired form and use it for any purpose that substitutes the plastic film and the aluminum foil.

· 100% organic cotton fabric treated with ecologic apiculture beeswax, sweet almond oil and pine resin. All of our raw materials used for the waxing process are from Spain.

How to take care of the Bee the Planet wraps

The wraps can be washed after each use, always using cold water. If you want to, you can use neutral soap. Let them dry and they will be ready to be used again.

Storing meat or fish is not recommended.

Look for a reachable drawer; roll the wraps on the recycled cardboard of the kitchen paper or put them inside of a pot. Make them reachable, above all. In this way, we will avoid resorting to the plastic!

How long do they last?

Their lasting depends very much on their care. Washing them in hot water and subjecting them to high temperatures should be avoided. This is why it is recommended to let the bowl cool before keeping it in the fridge.

Once every two months, it is advisable to put them inside of the oven for 3 minutes at 100 degrees. Place your wrap on a baking tray covered with parchment paper. Then, take the tray out of the oven and let it air. Once this is done, it will be ready to be used.

If you look after your wrap, it will last up to one year! Later, you can extend its life one more year with our DIY kit. Just grate a bit of the mixture over the wrap and put it inside of the oven for 5 minutes at 100 degrees. Once it is dry, it will last one more year!

Once the wrap's main function is over, remember not to throw it away! It is 100% cotton and you can reuse it for anything you want: napkins, kitchen towel... You can even compost it!

The Bee the Planet wraps

The Bee the Planet wraps come in a pack of 3 different sizes:

· S size (16cmx22cm approximately) Ideal for small foods we keep in the fridge, such as half an avocado, half a tomato...

· M size (26cmx33cm approximately) Perfect for sandwiches or bigger foods.

· L size (33cmx33cm approximately) Do you want to keep leftovers in a dish or in a bowl? This is the size you were looking for!

These are the different prints. You will be able to choose the one you like best once the Verkami is finished.

Moreover, as most of the times we forget what we keep inside of the bowls, we have designed some labels you can cut and use so as to know what you have inside of them.


Who are we?

We are Miriam and Natalia. We are sisters, and ever since we were little, we loved doing things together. One day we started questioning ourselves our living habits in relation with the consumption and the amount of waste we generate. It was here where we decided we wanted to do something significant to achieve a change. It was here where Bee the Planet was born.

Miriam and Natalia
Miriam and Natalia

Our goal is to offer a chance to take part in a real change that is born within each one of us; a change of consciousness that will improve all the aspects of our lives.

Coherence, minimalism, consciousness and respect are the fundamental pillars of our lives and of our project.

Where will your contributions go?

We want the Bee the Planet wraps to be made of local raw materials.

In order for our project to become a reality, we need to start the manufacturing process with a minimum of 200 units, which will cost 2000 euros. You can see the breakdown in the following chart:

Planned timetable

We are very eager to mark the beginning of it, and to do so we are already working on it.

Once the campaign in Verkami is finished, we will contact the patrons in order to know the desired print in the wraps.

We will send all your rewards within a month.

+ Info

You can follow us through our social media in Instagram


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  • beetheplanet


    over 5 years

    ¡Muchas gracias a todos!

  • Monica Pino

    Monica Pino

    over 5 years

    Enhorabuena por este gran proyecto!!!! Granito a granito conseguiremos una montaña!!! 😉

  • Enrique Martínez

    Enrique Martínez

    over 5 years

    Moláis 1000. La valentía se premia: ¡enhorabuena!

  • Leticia


    over 5 years

    Excelente iniciativa!! Besotes

  • mribe


    over 5 years

    Cuidemos a las abejas. Ellas cuidan de nosotros y del planeta

  • El árbol verde

    El árbol verde

    over 5 years

    Suerte en este proyecto. Granito a granito conseguiremos el cambio💚

  • Felicidades por el proyecto. Todo lo que sea cuidar la Tierra es querernos más. Gracias. Álvaro @biciclown

  • beetheplanet


    over 5 years

    @Citysens es un plaer que projectes com el vostre formin part!! Moltes gràcies!!

  • beetheplanet


    over 5 years

    @Rafa28 Muchísimas gracias!!!

  • beetheplanet


    over 5 years

    @Oihane Muchísimas gracias por formar parte! Un abrazo!

#04 / ¡Recompensas en camino!

Muchas gracias a todos los que habéis contribuido en el proyecto, sin vosotros esto no podría haber sido una realidad, por eso la semana que viene estaréis en un apartado de agradecimiento en nuestra página web.

Por otro lado os queríamos informar que vuestras recompensas están de camino y deberían de llegar a vuestras casas la semana que viene, si tenéis algún problema con ellas no dudéis en escribirnos a [email protected].

Recordaros que nos encantará ver vuestras recompensas por las redes sociales y que si lo hacéis, ¡no os olvidéis de etiquetarnos @beetheplanetofficial!

De nuevo, ¡muchas gracias a todas y todos!

#03 / ¡Casi listo!

Estamos acabando de recibir todos vuestros formularios.

¡Recordad que tenéis que elegir un estampado por cada pack de 3!

¡Tenemos muchas ganas de que podáis tener la recompensa en casa y recordar que por haber alcanzado el segundo objetivo todxs recibiréis un wrap XS de regalo!

¡Seguimos trabajando!

#02 / ¡Wow!

¡6 días y hemos pasado de los 5.000€!

Estamos súper agradecidas de todo el soporte que estamos recibiendo.

Viendo todo vuestro apoyo hemos querido marcar un tercer objetivo que nos ayudará a poder hacer la producción mucho más eficiente y por consiguiente sostenible.

Además como recompensa queremos ofreceros la posibilidad de participar en un taller online (para que todxs podáis ser partícipes) sobre Zero Waste.

Queremos aprovechar para felicitaros las fiestas y recordaros que una Navidad Zero Waste es posible.

Un abrazo


#01 / ¡Muchas gracias! ¡Seguimos!

¡Wow! Solo tenemos palabras de agradecimiento a cada mecenas que ha confiado en el proyecto.

¡Hemos llegado en 9 días no al 100% si no al 141% de nuestro objetivo!

En Bee the Planet queremos seguir evolucionando, creciendo y aprendiendo por eso queremos marcarnos un segundo objetivo que nos ayudará a una producción más eficiente del producto.

¡Además si llegamos a los 5.000€ todos los mecenas os llevaréis un pack XS además de la recompensa que hayáis elegido!

Y por último y escuchando vuestras aportaciones hemos añadido una nueva recompensa en la que podéis conseguir el pack de 3 Wraps y el kit DIY.


¡Feliz fin de semana!

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