Remember when you learned to ride a bicycle? Is surely one of the most endearing memories of your life.
Well, surprisingly, 1 out of 6 women in Catalonia between 12 and 79 years not have this record or have never experienced that feeling because they have never learned to cycle. In the older they are familiar phrases as "If you do not bike staying pregnant" or "this is for men".
This is part of the historical legacy that has lived the culture of cycling our towns, cities and roads of Barcelona, Catalonia.
We, the Bicicleta Club de Catalunya (BACC), one of the biggest local NGO's, work to restore the culture of cycling in Barcelona and Catalonia. One of our most innovative projects is biciescola surprisingly, that is, getting people to learn to ride a bicycle.
When we started with biciescola even we thought no one would come, but after 10 years, we have tough to ride a bicycle to almost 5,000 people, 85% women, average age about 45, although we have had women of all ages, from 18 to 81 years.
The biciescola is located in Barcelona. This is practically the only and largest existing in Catalonia and Spain. People come from everywhere and many adults think that it is never too late to learn to ride a bicycle.
Enter enlaira't Movement and the more you know biciescola and all the emotions generated by learning to go cycling in adulthood.
We now propose to build together a future for biciescola
The project is financed biciescola 30% by the Government. This year, the public contribution fell 6.000 euros and we need those resources to continue to keep the project alive.
Our goal is funding through the patronage of 3,300 euros. The rest of the funding we need, look through the corporate sponsorship and foundations.
With this money, we rented bicycles, which includes the storage and maintenance of them, students will use this summer and fall.
That's why we ask your support and commitment to the use and access to cycling for everyone.
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
Quesera saber si aún se hacen estos cursos para enseñar a ir en bicicleta a gente adulta. Tengo 58 años y me encantaría aprender y quitarme el miedo a circular por la ciudad.
Esperanza Quevedo
Soy de Barcelona, tengo 49 y estoy decidida a aprender a montar en bici. Por favor enviarme información. Gracias
Juana cadenanas
Hola soy una mujer de 58 años y me gustaría aprender a ir en bici . podría informarme sobre los cursos ; gracias
Lila Centeno
Tengo 61 años y no he tenido la oportunidad de aprender a andar en bici y me encantaría, ¿podrían enseñarme?
javi 37
Me llamo javi 37 años me gustaría aprender a ir en bicicleta me podéis ayudar cuando seria me interesa bastante
Quisiera saber si puedo aun inscribirme en alguna biciescuela para aprender a ir en bici, ya que tengo 60 años y aun no ando en bici.
Tengo 34 años y nunca aprendí a montar bici, quisiera aprender. Cuanto cuesta el curso?.. estoy viviendo cerca de Barcelona
Tengo 41 años y quisiera aprender a ir en bici, quisiera información de cursos.
Me he enterado recientemente de la biciescuela por un amiga. Tengo 45 años, no se para nada andar en bici y me gustaria mucho aprenderlo. Teneis cursos en otoño? Muchas gracias de antemano. Saludos, Alma
estoy interesada en los cursos pero he llegado tarde.
Por favor, me podriais informar de si va a haber mas cursos y cuando??
muchas gracias, enhorabuena por el proyecto