About the project
Warrior Women is a rich tasty salad of history, art and archaeology - a fertile mix of rigorous science, design and artistic expression, collected in a book in which the narrative and illustrations of each team member reinterpret this research.
The unique format of this book expresses out love of craftwork and hand made artifacts. Additionally we have designed and made useful and sustainable rewards:tote-bags, notebooks and small brooches.
Everything has been designed to be 100% handmade.
About our motto
Tired of being left behind, we want to recover from history those women who thought and fought for themselves. Women were a vital part of History and certainly contributed to its development. In general apart from roles as wives and background characters women are almost entirely missing from history, and we have all suffered for their absence.
At school age, many of us did not even imagine that a woman could think by herself in the Ancient world. The texts refer to man and his conquests, which supposedly includes women also but many factor so-incide to make us feel less included, the verwhelming prevalence of male names in History, grabbed our attention and made us doubt.
Why have not women's names been highlighted? Were we not as good as the men? What is the real story?
Women like Marga Sánchez Romero, archaeologist and co-author of the website "Pastwomen", Sandra Ferrer, historian and author of the website "Women in History" and Ana López Navajas, author of the thesis "Women who are missing" , have been our main references in order to devise this project.
Women have been always here, in the world, on Earth. We have always lived, fought and thought side by side with men. We want to stop being excluded from primary and secondary textbooks, we want women to assume as a truth that their past, present and future voice has strength and relevance.
This book is a effort to redress that imbalance providing material about seven famous famale warriors from ancient and prehistoric times.
About the book
" Warrioresses comes up one morning on the train. An idea stored in the drawer waiting for the right moment to develop. At that moment, based on references I had been saving for years, I decided to send certain messages to the people I thought could help me."- Project coordinator Monica Revenga explains to us.
Monica is the founder of Estudio Omapora. She uses graphic design, editorial and data visualization as tools to transform people into more curious and creative minds by spreading knowledge, fostering ideas and promoting initiatives. She is dedicated to what she calls Conscious Design.
"We got in touch with people who were willing to investigate, ask and collect the answers we were looking for": What was the role of women in Prehistory and Ancient Times? Why were all those characters only men? At what moment in history did the archaeological and historical investigations take place? Did the people who made them manage to be objective and narrate their findings through the scientific method? given that humanity is constantly learning and evolving both socially and technologically, have these conclusions been revised?
The objective was to distribute the tasks as much
as possible so that it would be a cooperative and diverse work, unified under a powerful and determined image.
Historians, archaeologists and psychologists gave us the information we needed to get started.
Well-known and emerging writers, after reading carefully and critically the information gathered, reconstructed the stories of these women.
Therefore, they let their imagination run free and with their texts they have taken us to seven locations in this first volume: Sumeria, between the Tigris and the Euphrates, present day Iraq and Iran; Ancient Egypt, on the banks of the Nile; Saba, kingdom divided by the Red Sea, area of present-day Ethiopia and Yemen; The Greek Arcadia, by the Mediterranean Sea; the south of the Italian Peninsula, what is nowadays called Calabria; Anatolia, next to a sea of islands in the Aegean, part of modern Turkey; and Illyria, a region in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula.
Places that we will know through the stories of seven women whose lives passed in the shadow of myths like that of King Solomon or Moses, famous philosophers and thinkers like Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato, statesmen like Pericles and Justinian, kings like Sargon of Akkad, pharaohs like Tutmosis or emperors like Cayo and Lucio.
We have the beautiful work of several illustrators to represent these female characters from the real events that we have found and from the narrations of the writers.
We have had the support of historians, archaeologists and literary advisers to conclude the editorial project and ensure the quality of the contents of the book.
In addition, we have asked all of them to gather the bibliography used, which we will add at the end of the book so that you can compare the data mentioned in the narrations and you can better understand the context that each of these women lived, beyond fiction or imagination of the corresponding writer.
The book will be around 120 pages and it will be printed with materials that are as respectful as possible to the environment
About the rewards
A una cara, probablemente contamos con los primeros retratos que existen en la historia de muchas de estas mujeres. En la otra, escribimos un resumen del relato de su historia. Las tenemos ya listas como pequeños estractos de lo que te puedes encontrar dentro del libro.
Firmadas con la autoría, su tamaño es 15x21 cm y están impresas en papel verjurado de 200grm
You will not find such a brooch anywhere! Why?
Because these brooches are handmade! Safety pins, cloth, thread, ink and a sustainable metallic finish.
Difficult decisions between practicality and sustainability. Finally we found the answer and the steps were linked one after the other until we decided on what you will soon touch with your own hands: wood, ink, hemp thread, linseed oil and a metal safety pin.
It is designed to be recycled by separating the different materials very easily, not like normal buttons and badges.
From large sheets of fiberboard box-cut, stamped with
traditional press carved relief, we hand folded the paper and sewed it with hemp thread. We have as a result these beautiful notebooks that will be perfect to record your warriors thoughts and feelings. They are A6-size and totally handmade with love.
Cloth bags
These bags have been conceived to improve the concept of traditional fabric bag or tote bag. They are made of glasilla fabric (cotton) with canvas reinforcement, which has been used to make a second pocket. Designed and made to take full advantage of materials without leaving fabric remains. Sewn and hand-printed without labor exploitation and paying a fair price to the artisans who produce them. They are silkscreened with the image of our motto: on one side "We’ve been always here" and on the other "we’ve been always warriors"
All of our items, including the book have been created and conceived with love and respect, for women, men and the natural ecosystem. We hope that you will support us to create a world that is more fair and sustainable for everyone. Please consider contributing to our crowdfunding effort, talk about our project, and share on facebook, twitter etc.
Warrior Women team
The Team
Mónica Revenga
Estudio Omapora – Diseño consciente
Coordinación general del proyecto, Dirección artística y Diseño gráfico
facebook: Omapora
Izaskun Camarero
Realizadora, Editora y Postproductora Audiovisual
Coordinación de contenido Audiovisual y RRSS
Ana Palacios – La Consuelito
Diseñadora Gráfica y Fotógrafa
Vídeo, Fotografía y Gestión de RRSS
Amalia Ugarte Gozálvez
Autora del prólogo
Raquel Martínez García
Psicóloga, estudiante de Postgrau de Gènere i Igualtat de la UAB
Investigación inicial
instagram: mamarrachx
instagram: rraqe
Lorena González Ruiz
Ilustraciones de Hatshepsut y Carmenta
Enrique Gutiérrez Vitores
Ingeniero y Profesor
Autor del relato Hatshepsut
Mónica Di Francesco “Guacharaka Vil”
Diseñadora, Ilustradora y Bruja
Ilustración de Carmenta
facebook: Arriba las Brujas Tienda Taller
instagram: guacharaka_vil
Carmen López Segura
Profesora jubilada
Autora del relato Carmenta
Elena Raposo Pérez
Artista plástica e ilustradora
Ilustración de Teano de Crotona
Licenciada en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Salamanca, con otros estudios en el bolsillo. Siempre estoy sumergida en el mundo de las Artes Plásticas, ya sea creando, investigando, teorizando, pensando, compartiendo, aprendiendo...
Mikel Rey Fernández
Proyeccionista de Cine y Escritor
Autor del relato Teano de Crotona
facebook: Michael King
Ganador de varios premios literarios, crítico y jurado en concursos. Autor de la novela “Artífice” y de varios relatos en antologías.
Mónica del Campo Crespo
Maestra de primaria e ilustradora
Ilustración de Aspasia de Mileto
MariJose Pérez Moracho “Satya”
Integradora Social
Autora e ilustradora del relato Aspasia de Mileto
Escribe y pinta. Utiliza el arte para descubrir lo que a veces no nos muestran y para metabolizar y comprender lo que vive.
Juanma Durán
Motion Graphics – Animación, ilustrador
Ilustración del relato Enheduanna
instagram: durangraphics
Ana Enguita Hernández
Autora del relato Enheduanna
twitter: @laEngui
instagram: anaenguither
María Maranya
Ilustración del relato Enheduanna
instagram: mariamaranya
Mikel Erkiaga Herrán
Artista Visual
Ilustración del relato Makeda
Se apoya en la pintura para entender su contexto. Aunque a veces busque en otras disciplinas, siempre vuelve a este lenguaje plástico.
Lander Maguregi
Autor del relato Makeda
Alba Gutiérrez Sainz
Técnico en prevención de riesgos laborales
Autora del relato Teuta de Iliria
Lucía Cervantes
Tatuadora y Artesana
Ilustración del relato Teuta de Iliria
facebook: Area 13
instagram: luciacervantes.area13
Teresa Revenga “Teatrela”
Creativa textil y patronista
Producción artesanal de las bolsas
Patronista y confeccionista de vestuario para espectáculos. Crea producciones textiles artesanales.
Javier García Clavel
Asesor literario
Corrección de los textos
Joakin García
Artista y artesano de la madera
Producción de los broches
Fermin Lezaun
Serigrafista artesano
Estampación de las bolsas de tela
¿Cómo funciona Verkami?
Verkami es una plataforma de micromecenazgo: una alternativa para financiar sus proyectos con la suma de aportaciones individuales.
Cada proyecto tiene un objetivo de financiación, establecido por el creador, y 40 días para conseguirlo. Finalizado el plazo existen dos escenarios:
Que no se haya recaudado el 100% del objetivo de financiación. En este caso no hay ningún tipo de transacción monetaria y los compromisos de aportación de los mecenas quedan anulados.
Que se haya llegado al 100% del objetivo de financiación o se haya superado. En este caso se realizan los cargos de los compromisos de aportación en las tarjetas o cuenta PayPal de los mecenas y el creador recibe el dinero recaudado.
A qué destinaremos vuestras aportaciones
Lo que más nos importa es que aprecies nuestra manera de trabajar.
Valoramos la artesanía, la calidad, la creatividad, el cuidado de cada una de las partes del proceso creativo. Las aportaciones se destinarán a cubrir los gastos en concepto de materiales, mano de obra, creatividad, diseño, fotografía, producción, postproducción, impresión, encuadernado, envío...
En definitiva, cubrir los costes que honestamente nuestro trabajo cuesta, sin cachés ni auto-explotación.
Calendario previsto
Actualmente estamos terminando la producción y los contenidos. Estimamos que lo tendremos todo perfectamente preparado al cabo de un mes y medio, que es el tiempo de imprenta, único paso que no podemos adelantar.
Entretanto, presentaremos el proyecto en varios puntos de la geografía española. Tendréis que daros prisa en hacer pedido, ya que todos los productos que hemos preparado son de tirada limitada.
¡En caso de superar el umbral del dinero necesario, éste se guardará para el próximo volumen de Guerreras!
+ Info
Para estar actualizada, síguenos en:
envíanos tu comentario, duda o sugerencia a:
[email protected]
y ven a las presentaciones que haremos en distintas ciudades de España. Toda la info en Facebook.
¡Muchas gracias!
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Biba zuek!!!!
Aitziber Irigoien
As boas ideas merecen saír adiante!
Qué ganas de tenerlo! A por todas!!! 😃😃