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BCP Symphonic

New recording project by Barcelona Clarinet Players with commissioned works for clarinet quartet and wind band.


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From 5.000€
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Barcelona Clarinet Players has initiated an innovative project to create new works for clarinet quartet and wind band and they has trusted the commissioned works to the composers Óscar Navarro, José Rafael Pasqual Vilaplana, Jesus Santandreu, Luis Serrano Alarcón and Salvador Brotons.

It's planned to record the entire project for 2019 with the Lone Star Wind Orchestra (Dallas, Texas), the North Texas Wind Symphony (Denton, Texas) and the prestigious conductors Eugene Corporon and Salvador Brotons.

Who Are

Barcelona Clarinet Players is a clarinet quartet in which concepts such as innovation, fusion, interdisciplinarity or pedagogy are the terms that best define the creative line of the group.

They have a close relationship with the Auditorium of Barcelona (L'Auditori), ​​and they work closely with musicians from the category of the pianist Marco Mezquida, the flamenco singer Pere Martínez, poet Arnau Pons, Clown Leandre Ribera, or the prestigious dancer Sol Picó. In addition, they have worked with composers such as Joan Magrané, Enric Palomar or Raquel García-Tomás, among others.

BCP maintains the commitment to be a fully integrated training in society, responding to its needs and its time.

Your contributions

All the financial contributions received will help us to cover part of the editing costs, both for commissioned works and CD's production costs.


The recording process will be at the end of March 2019 and the beginning of April 2019. The rewards will be delivered once the production process of the CD has been completed, estimated for the last quarter of 2019.

+ Info

• Barcelona Clarinet Players
Web, Facebook, Youtube.

Eugene Corporon
Salvador Brotons

Lone Star Wind Orchestra
North Texas Wind Symphony

Óscar Navarro
José Rafael Pasqual Vilaplana
Jesús Santandreu
Luis Serrano Alarcón


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  • Barcelona Clarinet Players

    Barcelona Clarinet Players

    almost 7 years


  • Fans #1 BCP's

    Fans #1 BCP's

    almost 7 years

    👏👏👏 ánimo que falta poco!!! Que vagi molt bé!!!

  • Oliver González Alvir

    Oliver González Alvir

    almost 7 years

    Mucha Suerte!!!😜👍

  • trakeoto


    almost 7 years


  • Fans #1 BCP's

    Fans #1 BCP's

    almost 7 years

    Fet !!!

#06 / Last 10 days!

¡Aún estás a tiempo de formar parte de nuestro proyecto! Conócelo a través de nuestro nuevo vídeo en este enlace. Gracias por tu aportación.

Encara ets a temps de formar part del nostre projecte! Coneix-ho a través del nostre nou vídeo en aquest enllaç. Gràcies per la teva aportació.

You're still in time to join to our project! Know it through our new video at this link. Thanks for your contribution.

#05 / Oscar Navarro - "THE MUSKETEERS" (Making of)

Making of "THE MUSKETEERS" (Oscar Navarro)
Making of "THE MUSKETEERS" (Oscar Navarro)

Ensayos y entrevistas previas al estreno de "The Musketeers" con el cuarteto Barcelona Clarinet Players y el compositor Oscar Navarro.

Assajos i entrevistes prèvies a l'estrena de "The Musketeers" amb el quartet Barcelona Clarinet Players i el compositor Oscar Navarro.

Rehearsals and interviews before to the premiere of "The Musketeers" with the clarinet quartet Barcelona Clarinet Players and the composer Oscar Navarro.

#04 / The composers!

Salvador Brotons, Luis Serrano Alarcón, Jesús Santandreu, Óscar Navarro and José Rafael Pasqual Vilaplana.
Salvador Brotons, Luis Serrano Alarcón, Jesús Santandreu, Óscar Navarro and José Rafael Pasqual Vilaplana.

#01 / New Video!

¡Aún estás a tiempo de formar parte de nuestro proyecto! Conócelo a través de nuestro nuevo vídeo en este enlace. Gracias por tu aportación.

Encara ets a temps de formar part del nostre projecte! Coneix-ho a través del nostre nou vídeo en aquest enllaç. Gràcies per la teva aportació.

You're still in time to join to our project! Know it through our new video at this link. Thanks for your contribution.

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