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The LAND ART GAME. A game to create art in and with Nature

We would like to make this amazing game that fosters creativity and the appreciation of nature come true.


A project of


Created in

From 2.640€
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View project in Català and Castellano

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"The LAND ART GAME" is a game that introduces you to LAND ART, an artistic movement that uses natural elements such as leaves, trunks, stones, water... to create works of art playing with materials, shapes, textures and colors.

With "The LAND ART GAME" you will convert any field trip in a creative, fun and enriching experience.

It is for all ages from the smallest to the eldest. And it is an ideal game for families or groups of friends.

It can be a tool to explore creativity for artists, designers, architects, etc. as for anyone who loves art and nature.

Work by Mies Heerma
Work by Mies Heerma

Work by James Brunt
Work by James Brunt

How does it work?

There are 4 categories: Matter, Shape, Action and Play with. The game consists in choosing between two and four random concepts/words from those presented in each category and creating your intervention by combining these elements. Suppose, for example, that you have: "stones", "join" and "circle". You will have to create your work by creating circles joining stones, joining circles with stones... or combining these three elements as you can imagine.

How will the game be?

The game consists of 64 cards held together so you do not lose any.

The size (14 x 5 cm.) is perfect for taking it in your pocket when you are on field trips. It is printed with ecological inks (with vegetable solvents) and on recycled 350gr paper.





The game unfolded
The game unfolded

The special cloth cover included with the 25€ reward
The special cloth cover included with the 25€ reward

What will I do with your help?

Your contributions will go entirely to produce 500 units of the game (cost of printing) in Catalan-English and Spanish-English, besides covering the expenses of the rewards and the shipments.


We want you to have the "THE LAND ART GAME" as soon as possible, especially for those who want it as a gift this Christmas, so the design is ready to go to print as soon as the campaign is completed, meaning you can have it in your hands before December 25th (at least those who live in the Peninsula and the Balearic and Canary Islands).

Who am I?

Hello, I am Lluís Sabadell Artiga, an artist specializing in Art and Ecology and co-creation. Art and Creativity are two of my main passions that come together in Cuscusian*s, the tiny publishing house I created in 2015 thanks to a crowdfunding campaign and with which I publish creative games and object-tales that want to take care of imagination and creativity.

I have created games like noHaiku. Minipoetry creator (with Marc Castelló), the card game Pillut (with my mother); books-action such as Quadern 3615. 11 artistic actions from Joan Miró (co-created with the Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona) and object-tales such as Words. A story hidden in an alphabeth soup or COMB. Infinite Visual Poem.

+ Info

- Cuscusian*s Edicions

-CoCreable: My co-creation work


  • How will we choose the language of the game?

    The game will be published in two languages: Catalan-English and Spanish-English. When the Verkami campaign ends and we have achieved our goal, we will send you a form so you can choose the language of the game or your rewards.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • Cuscusian*s


    about 7 years

    Hola María José,

    muchas gracias por tu comentario y por ayudarnos. Para Reyes seguro que lo tendréis si no hay ningún contratiempo. Espero que os guste mucho.
    ¡Ya casi lo hemos conseguido!

    Un abrazo

  • María José Muñoz

    María José Mñz

    about 7 years

    Hola Lluís, enhorabuena por tu trabajo, parece muy divertido y creativo!. Ojalá lo puedas editar a tiempo, pues me encantaría regalarlo para Reyes en español-inglés!

  • Cuscusian*s


    about 7 years

    ¡Muchas gracias María José!

  • Un proyecto precioso, para disfrutar aún más de la Naturaleza, muchas gracias!

#05 / Ganador del sorteo // Guanyador del sorteig

Muchas felicidades a DORIEN JONGSMA (alias HACEDOR) de Madrid ya que ha sido el afortunado ganador del sorteo del lote de 10 juegos y cuentos cuscusianos!

¿Cómo lo hemos sorteado?

Cada uno de los miembros de la familia Sabadell-Grau ha dicho un número al azar, los hemos sumado y el resultado ha sido 139. El mecenas número 139 ha resultado el ganador.


CAT _____________________

Moltes felicitats a DORIEN JONGSMA (àlies HACEDOR) de Madrid ja que ha estat l'afortunat guanyador del sorteig del lot de 10 jocs i contes cuscusians!

Com ho hem sortejat?

Cada un dels membres de la família Sabadell-Grau ha dit un número a l'atzar, els hem sumat i el resultat ha estat 139. El mecenes número 139 ha resultat el guanyador.


#04 / I ara què? // Y ahora ¿qué?

En breu rebreu un correu amb el formulari per indicar-nos l'IDIOMA en què voleu el joc i el mètode de RECOLLIDA o l'ADREÇA d'ENVIAMENT i el DIA que el necessiteu (NADAL, REIS...).

La forma més ràpida serà recollir el joc directament a GIRONA o BARCELONA, ja us indicarem a partir de quin dia i a on.

Si tot va bé, tindrem el material d'impremta aquest proper divendres 15 de desembre. Tot i que amb cert retard sobre les nostres previsions, farem tot el possible per que el tingueu a temps pel 25 de desembre, al menys que estigui pel màxim de persones possibles. Penseu que un cop rebut el material ens toca preparar-lo: cosir les caixes, alçar totes les cartes (96.000!) i posar els cargols. Una feinada! Així que us demanem paciència. Si algú es vol apuntar a ajudar-nos, nosaltres encantats! (ho farem a Girona i us pagarem amb espècies cuscusianes :-) Contacteu amb mi al 661792750.

Apali, seguim!

Us deixo amb algunes imatges de l'imprenta:

CAST ____________________________________

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#02 / Pruebas de la caja de cartón // Proves de la caixa de cartró

Comparto algunas imágenes de las pruebas de la caja de cartón que van a incluir todas las recompensas con el juego. Es un prototipo y aún está en fase de diseño, o sea que va a cambiar sustancialmente, pero tenia ganas de compartir el proceso con tod*s vosotr*s.

Muchas gracias y un fuerte abrazo cuscusiano!

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