ANG (Associació de Naturalistes de Girona - Nature Association of Girona) is a non profit organization acting in the region of Girona (in Catalonia, Spain). Our main goals are environmental awareness and sustainable land use advocacy. ANG currently exceeds 30 years in history, evolving from a nature club in its beginnings to a conservationist and protesting environmental movement. More than 300 affiliates and a network of volunteers contribute in the development of this task. In the aim of increasing environmental care we conduct a large variety of educational activities for citizens of all ages. The members of ANG recognize ourselves as free and equal people united in a common cause in favour of peace, social justice and the right to live in harmony with nature, both us and the future generations.
For the celebration of the 25 edition of the Nature Photography Contest we'd like to publish a book with the best pictures received since its start. In this 25 years the contest has earned a name here and abroad, as the national and international participation figures show year after year. In its last opening (2011) 729 contestants took part with 1832 photograps, delivering images of excellent quality from all over the World. Moreover, the contest jury is composed by highly qualified professionals from the photography sector -Tino Soriano, Maria Rosa Vila, Eva van den Berg, Albert Masó, Iñaki Relanzón, Oriol Alamany, and from the conservation world likewise - Joan Rot, Martí Rodriguez and Teresa Montràs, among others- in order to determine the technical and artistic value of the images, as well as the singularity and vulnerability of the photographed species and places.
We are very concerned of humanity's drift to consumism and ecological collapse. Thus, we consider vital to raise awareness, care and respect for ntarue.
The spirit of the Nature Photography Contest is to enhance the natural World in any aspect. The Nature Photography Contest is a tool of enormous impact in order to introduce nature as a value for the society, and in beneffit to a larger number of people every year.
After 25 years of the Contest, we believe that the best images should become a public showcase to the amazing natural diversity of the Planet in a book. Your contribution will deliver the publishing of 500 (DINA4) full colour and 48 page copies of this retrospective book. Each page will include information about the author, photographic techniques, place of shooting, as well as notes about the species and landscapes showed.
Publishing this book we also want to acknowledge all those amateur and professional photographers whose pictures bring us closer to the living richness of the Planet Earth and its fragility. Knowing and admiring the beauty of these photographs is a great vehicle for fostering environmental sensitivity of the society, and hence to help improve the conservation of nature.
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Je croyais, plbraboement e0 tort n'e9tant pas un scientifique, qu'un des rf4les du chercheur est de produire de la connaissance. Je suis d'accord avec vous qu'il faut que le chercheur se pose des questions concernant les implications de sa recherche. Mais ne faut il pas plutf4t compter sur l'e9thique des scientifiques que sur la coercition. C'est un vision plbraboement un peu libe9ral du monde que de croire au sens des responsabilite9s de chacun. Peut eatre que faire un peu plus de philosophie et d'e9piste9mologie e0 l'universite9 permettrait de de9velopper ceci.N'e9tant pas un scientifique, je croyais qu'on ne pouvait pas pre9juger des re9sultats des recherches avant de les avoir mene9es. J'avais l'impression que watson, crick et franklin pouvait difficilement pre9dire les retombe9es de la de9couverte de la structure de l'ADN. Il me semble que la biologie mole9culaire n'a pas que des effets ne9fastes. J'avais l'impression que c'e9tait un outil pour mieux comprendre le vivant. Mais je dois me tromper.
ANG (Associació de Naturalistes de Girona)
Benvolgut Pere,
ara mateix estem intentant arribar a més persones per aconseguir l'objectiu però necessitem molt de suport, sobretot de difusió. Creiem que 10€ és una xifra realment econòmica per un llibre com aquest i que si arribem a un gran número de persones ho aconseguirem!
Gràcies per la teva preocupació.
Pere Antoni Bennàssar
Hola, com va el projecte? me sembla molt interessant. Sort i salut!