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RÍO, the book by Andrés Medina. Publish by Urbanautica Institute. Comes from an enormous photographic archive of a five years' work.

Andrés Medina

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'Río', the book, comes from enormous photographic archive of a five years' work. The project began in early 2011, when I started taking pictures near the Tagus river, through the town of Aranjuez, Spain. All that time I was living very close to that area and I enjoyed walking around and exploring this territory.

Book cover. Size 20x30,5 cm.
Book cover. Size 20x30,5 cm.

Then I began to feel very much connected with nature and the landscape, inwardly, from a poetic sense. Very often I found myself walking for four or five hours, deep into the land and melting with the surroundings. I was really longing to become part of it.

A few months later, I decided to find more places, locations along the Tagus, from Guadalajara to Madrid's Community, ending in the Province of Toledo.

Insert with texts.
Insert with texts.

Further on in 2012, I was conscious that the project was far beyond only one river, deepening on the universal meaning of the "river", as an idea or concept. I felt the need to explore the river landscape in a wider sense. So I moved to others rivers, the Manzanares, Jarama, Eresma...

Full page picture inside the book.
Full page picture inside the book.

From 2011 to 2015 I kept on taking pictures. Then, only in 2015, I began to make several dummies, with the idea of making a book with the project.

Black and white picture.
Black and white picture.

In 2016 I contacted the editor and Art critic Steve Bisson and we began working together in order to publish the book.

Andrés Medina

'Río' has been featured in the following online and offline publications:

Der Greif Magazine

Phases Magazine

Poética fotográfica, by Llorenç Raich

Clavoardiendo Magazine


Actual Colors May Vary


Author: Andrés Medina

Published by: Urbanautica Institute

Edition: 150 copies, hand numbered copies

Pages: 48 + insert with texts

Size: 20 x 31,5 cm

Paper: Symbol Tatami White of 135 grs. inside, and 250 grs. on the cover

Binding: Singer sewn binding

Singer sewn binding.
Singer sewn binding.


Andrés Medina (Madrid, 1978)

Photographer and designer.

Works as graphic designer and photographer. He had studied HND Multimedia and Design in ESI, in Madrid.

He has been worked in advertisement agencies and he has a broad experience in publishing design.

As photographer, his works has been shown in exhibitions, specialized reviews and magazines or can be purchased in international galleries.

His work in photobooks deals with a wide range of subjets: self publishing, edition-publishing curator, blogger or being published by others.

So, in 2009 he created Seeking Magazine, a blog showed contemporary photography projects and intereviews with autors.

In 2010 he made the curatorship, editing and publishing of 'Here Comes The Night' along with Mikel Aramendia. A photobook of nocturne photography, showed selected works of authors from diferent countries.

The Velvet Cell Books published in 2011 a limited edition photobook of his series ‘Nêbula’.

In 2013 he self-published a photozine ‘Tránsito’, quickly sold out after three editions. This work has been finalist too in Rock Your Dummy! Show & Awards within Le PhotoBookFest 2013.

He collaborates as guest blogger in 2014 with the german photomagazine Der Greif Magazine.

His last published work from now (2014) is ‘L’autre Paris’. This photobook has been selected in the Athens Photo Festival 2015 photobook’s exhibition and also has been selected by Artbook exhibition in Embarrat Festival de Creación Contemporánea 2015.


The book 'Rio' will be published by Urbanautica Institute, an independent publisher mainly working on visual anthrophology and cultural landscape.

Since 2010 the Institute has collaborated with cultural institutions worldwide on exhibitions and educational activities.

Famous for its Journal, which has enhanced worldwide a critical thinking about photography.

Urbanautica Institute has recently launched a new bookline 'Urbanautica Books'.



The requested amount in Verkami will go entirely to cover the printing costs and to send the rewardds.

If the crowdfunding campaign is successfull, the book will be published in Italy by Urbanautica Institute and printed in september 2017.

We will present the book during next Paris Photo in november 2017.


The book is scheduled to be printed in september, as well as the prints for the rewards. We think the books will be ready to be sent mid october.

Full page picture inside the book.
Full page picture inside the book.


Follow us on Urbanautica, on Facebook and Instagram. We will keep on posting news, new pictures, and maybe some videos...



There are none published yet.

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  • Juan Crusoe


    over 7 years

    He venido asombrándome con algunas fotografías de Río desde hace años; me alegra mucho poder disfrutar ahora de ver ese proyecto convertido en libro.

  • bill_purvis


    over 7 years

    If not the book a signed postcard - looks good.

  • Xabat


    over 7 years

    Cruzando el RIO !

#04 / Envíos de los libros y recompensas

Buenos días mecenas,

Ayer lunes 23 de octubre se realizaron los envíos de libros y recompensas, incluidas las fotografías y postales (con destino dentro de España). Los envíos al resto de países se harán en los próximos días.

Los paquetes se han enviado mediante correo certificado por Correos. Llegarán a vuestras casas este miércoles o jueves.

Si alguien necesita el número de seguimiento de su paquete, por favor, que se ponga en contacto conmigo por correo electrónico, y se lo facilito.

Aquí os dejo algunas fotografías que hice antes de enviar los libros y las recompensas.

¡Muchas gracias a todos por apoyar el proyecto!

Los libros de RIO listos para el envío.
Los libros de RIO listos para el envío.

Una doble página del interior del libro.
Una doble página del interior del libro.

Fotografías 25x20 cm., junto con su certificado de autenticidad Hahnemühle, firmado y numerado.
Fotografías 25x20 cm., junto con su certificado de autenticidad Hahnemühle, firmado y numerado.

Las postales, que irán firmadas.
Las postales, que irán firmadas.

#03 / Noticias sobre el proyecto

¡Saludos a todos los mecenas!

Debido a la programación del trabajo de producción de la imprenta donde se van a imprimir los libros, aún no hemos empezado con la impresión del libro.

El próximo día 27 de septiembre será cuando empecemos la producción de "RÍO".

Nuestra intención es, cuando llegue la segunda semana de octubre, comenzar a enviar los libros, así como el resto de recompensas (postales y fotografías).

Disculpad por el retraso en las fechas. Seguiremos informando de las novedades.
¡Gracias por la paciencia!

#02 / Fin de campaña / End of campaign

¡Fin de campaña y objetivo conseguido gracias a los 96 mecenas que han apoyado la publicación del libro Río!

Esta semana vamos a imprenta y empezamos con la producción de los 150 libros. Las recompensas (postales y fotografías) se empezarán a imprimir más adelante.

En breve recibiréis un formulario para que confirméis la dirección postal donde queréis recibir el libro, y en su caso la postal o fotografía.

El proyecto empieza a tomar forma.
¡Gracias a todos!

It’s the end of the campaign and the goal is achieved with 96 patrons who contributed to the publication of Río! We are going to the print next week to begin the production of the 150 books. The rewards (postcards and prints) will be printed later on.

You will receive very soon a contact form in order to confirm the postal address where you want the book or postcard or print to be sent.

The project is beginning to take shape.

Thanks a lot to all of you!

#01 / ¡Hemos publicado un vídeo sobre el proyecto!

¡Hola mecenas!

Hemos publicado un nuevo vídeo sobre el proyecto 'RÍO' en Vimeo:

Ver el vídeo

Con este vídeo vais a poder conocer más detalles del proyecto y lo que será el inminente libro.

El pasado lunes conseguimos el objetivo del crowdfunding, recaudando el 100% de lo que necesitábamos para la producción del libro y las recompensas.

De todas formas, todavía se pueden adquirir copias del libro. ¡Sólo quedan 3 días para que finalice la campaña!

Gracias a todos por estar ahí, apoyando y compartiendo el proyecto.

¡Pronto tendréis más noticias!

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