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RASA's new album: Legados" (Legacies) - first studio album

Hopeful anticipation has kept us alive, and we could say that that dream that we began pursuing years ago, today, still maintains the same essence, and will finally unfold in our new album, "Legados". We need your help as patrons to make it happen. Thankyou!


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From 3.250€
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Hopeful anticipation has kept us alive, and I could say that we, as friends, began pursuing that dream, and it will now unfold in 7 songs that are a tribute to all we have lived until now. "Legados" is dedicated to old and new companions with which I started and have continued this project. Their participation has been, and is, a vital factor to me believing in my music, and to having created this voice that today is called RASA.

On the album, we will have the pleasure to have collaborations by:
Antonio Lizana, Alana Sinkëy, Lisandro Mansilla, Aboubakar Syla, Manu Rubio, Epi Pacheco, etc.

For those who don't know us:

RASA is a project directed by Leandro Bianchi that achieves a unique identity, influenced by Indian music, flamenco, Latin american,and other styles. Music is a limitless horizon...

That is what RASA feels as they dive into sound. The listener can distinguish cadences and timbres from different cultures that can induce deep atmospheres of trance and euforic moments of beating rhythm, without ever losing RASA's originality.

Members of the group:
• Aolani Shirin – Violin
• Jorge Lozano – Tablas
• Juan Carlos Aracil – Flute
• Mario Carrillo – Double bass and electric bass
• Iván Mellén - Percussions
• Leandro Bianchi – Guitars, voice, composition and musical direction

Why "Legados"?

It's called "Legacies" because the essence of this album is influenced by the inheritance of the experiences and musical encounters we've had.

How will your donations be used?

Your donations will be used exclusively to produce our album: recording, mixing and masterizing in a first class recording studio, printing cds and tshirts, designing, recording videos, and promoting the release of the album.

About the rewards

We're going to make tshirts with an exclusive design using the album's cover.

We will release the album in a concert in Madrid, with the intention of doing it in more cities.

How to make the contributions (explanatory video)

Time schedule

The album has advanced to the point that within approximately 3 months, once this campaign ends, we could be finished, and therefore begin giving the various rewards.

Approximate date: September 2017

Album release concert will be in October.

+ Info

Web oficial
Youtube channel

Here are some versions of songs that will appear on the disc

DVD "RASA live"


There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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#01 / Hola Mecenas!! tenemso una pregunta IMPORTANTE

Hola Mecenas!!! ya no queda nada estamos a punto de enviar a hacer las copias de los CD!!

Queríamos hacerte una pregunta IMPORTANTE que nos ayudará a agilizar el proceso de entrega, en dos formularios (exactamente la recompensa del CD de 16€ y el de CD con Camiseta de 25€, ambos con envio a ESPAÑA) se nos olvido agregar una pregunta:

"Sería de de gran ayuda si podemos entregarte la recompensa el día de la presentación en Madrid, estas de acuerdo? | It would be very helpful if we can deliver the reward on the day of the presentation in Madrid, you agree?"

Si vas a asistir al concierto de presentación te agradeceríamos si nos envias tu respuesta [email protected]

Ejemplo: Raul Sanchez: si
(si estas de acuerdo en que te entreguemos la recompensa el día de la presentación)

El concierto será el jueves 30 de Noviembre a las 21:00 en Café Berlin (c/Costanila de los Angeles 20)

Entradas anticipadas en ticketea

Saludos MECEANAS!!

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