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Pocket Songs : the first album of Carola Zafarana & Karim Habib El Fakih

"Pocket Songs" is a covers album by Carola & Karim where they offer a journey of selected songs, transforming them into voice and guitar. Those songs that you take with you in your luggage.

Carola Zafarana

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Created in

From 5.000€
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Pocket Songs

"Pocket Songs" is a covers album by Carola & Karim where they offer a journey of selected songs, transforming them into voice and guitar. Those songs that you take with you in your luggage.

It all started with a single song, a song that we both knew and always wanted to sing. A song that led to us sharing an afternoon together with instruments in our hands and coffee on the table. We knew right away that something was happening, the song wasn't the same anymore, its colour and shape changed and it transformed into a different song. And this led to the next song and our frantic journey of singing and playing began.

We discovered songs that had always been there, in the voice of Bowie and Jobim, in Chet Baker's trumpet or in Rosa Passos' guitar. Now they are in our hands and with your help we can record these beautiful songs. Intimate and simple versions, with a little bit of humor and most of all with lots of love.

Who are we?

Carola Zafarana is an actrice and singer, born in The Netherlands and living in Barcelona since 2004.

Karim Habib El Fakih is a Venezolean musician and composer, studied in Chile and living in Barcelona since two years.

How does it work?

Very simple!

  1. Pick the reward that you most love.

  2. Create an account in Verkami (easy!).

  3. You are now part of our proyect!

We have exactly 40 days to reach our goal. Once we have reached it, Verkami will charge the amount from either your card or bank account.

We will respond to all your doubts/questions. Just send us a message through Verkami, e-mail or Facebook (see link at the bottom of the page).

Through Crowdfunding you will be part of the creation of our album! You, dear patrons, will be part of Pocket Songs and we love it!

During the campaign we will keep you informed about everything that is going on and give you updates via the Verkami blog and Facebook.

Please share our campaign on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, e-mail wherever you feel like sharing it! Tell everybody about it, your friends, neighbours and family! This is what will make the difference for us!

Thank you very, very much!!

How will we spend the money?

Recording studio The Room BCN.

Mixing the album

Cover licenses.

Art and design.

Fabrication of the CD's.

Video's and photography.

What happens if we receive more than 5.000?

We will have the chance to masterize the album and we will be able to record more covers (we will be able to buy more licenses for covers).

About the rewards

Besides copies of Pocket Songs, digital and/or physical, we have thought of some excited pledges like for example a private mini concert via Skype (could be a wonderful gift!), a guitar lesson with Karim or a singing lesson with Carola, assist to a rehearsal or come to a recording session in the studio or a concert in your house and a lot more!

We are also excited to announce a private and free concert exclusively for our patorns (in Barcelona), where we will have the chance to get to know us personally, share our stories and experiences of the creation of Pocket Songs.


Recording of the CD: April

Mixing/Masterizing: May

Printing of the album: June

+ Info



There are none published yet.

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#06 / Invitación al lanzamiento de Pocket Songs

Queridos y queridas mecenas,

Algunos de vosotros ya lo recibieron pero aquí os mandamos la invitación para nuestro concierto de lanzamiento de Pocket Songs, el viernes 26 de enero a las 20.00 en Laboratorio Escuela.

El aforo es algo limitado, por eso es importante para nosotros de reservar lo antes posible y si al final no podeís venir, avisarnos también.

Muchas gracias de nuevo por el apoyo y estáis invitadísimos, o sea, mecenas entran con invitación, la entrada para los demás es 10 euros con reserva y 12 en taquilla.

Un abrazo y nos vemos el 26, habrán sorpresas!

Carola & karim

#05 / Pocket Songs

Os presentamos el fotógrafo de Pocket Songs!
Os presentamos el fotógrafo de Pocket Songs!

Queridos mecenas,

Este sábado 19 de agosto daremos un concierto íntimo en gastrobar Frufru (metro Lesseps) a las 20.30. La entrada es gratuita y llevaremos unos cuantos Pocket Songs para entregaros vuestra copia personalmente!

Mientras tanto recibiréis recordatorios de Verkami para rellenar el formulario con vuestra dirección postal, si ya sabéis que nos vamos a ver personalmente, pues no hace falta poner la dirección pero pon algún mensaje o saludo para que Verkami no os sigue mandando recordatorios :)

Un abrazo y hasta pronto!

Carola & Karim

#02 / ¡Quedan nueve días! Nine more days to go!

(for English, scroll down!)

Querid@s mecenas,

¡Estamos ya entrando en la última fase de nuestra campaña, faltan nueve días para finalizar y todavía nos falta! Pero estamos contentos e ilusionados y sobretodo con muchas ganas de ir al estudio para grabar Pocket Songs en la semana del 10 de abril. ¡Ya os contaremos todo!

Anoche dimos un concierto en la sala de la Escuela Laboratorio con unos músicos y un poeta invitados, vino mucha gente y conseguimos con la taquilla inversa un dinero para el Verkami y la verdad que muy bien, ¡estamos super agradecidos!

Seguiremos informando sobre todo el proceso y pedimos una vez más de ayudarnos a correr la voz, a compartir el link, ¡si puede ser con algún mensaje personal, funciona muy bien! Cualquier duda o pregunta, escríbenos por aquí, por facebook, por e-mail, por whatsapp...

¡Un abrazo a todos y todas!

Carola & Karim

Dear mecenas,

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#01 / 30%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(English below - Voor Nederlands naar beneden scrollen!)

Querid@s mecenas,

¡Estamos muy agradecidos y contentos que hemos llegado a 30% del objetivo para hacer realidad nuestro querido Pocket Songs! Muchísimas gracias por apoyarnos con tanto cariño y alegría!

Es muy importante para el proyecto seguir compartiendo el link de Verkami (está traducido en: castellano, inglés, neerlandés e italiano!), ¡sobretodo por las redes sociales como Facebook!

Un abrazo!

Carola & Karim

Dear mecenas,

We have reached 30% of our goal in Verkami crowdfunding and we are very happy!!!! Thank you so much for your support!

It's very important for us to keep moving and sharing the link, especially on social media like Facebook! Our campaign is available in Spanish, English, Dutch and Italian! With your help, our Pocket Songs album will become a reality!!

Lots of love from Barcelona,

Carola & karim

Lieve mecenas,

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