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Recording Second Album "El bar de los muertos"

We are The Buyakers. Help us to record our second album "El bar de los muertos"

The Buyakers

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From 4.500€
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On the road to the second record

Following a busy touring summer, The Buyakers put an end to their tour in September with a concert supporting Mojinos Eskozíos, after which they decided to take a rest and concentrate on songwriting for the new album. This will be recorded and produced by Miguel Ángel Hernando “Lichis”, and it is expected to be released in the spring of 2017. The album’s name will be “El bar de los muertos”, and the homonymous promo single has been recorded recently at La Cochera Studio. This song is intended to help the band promote their crowdfunding campaign, which is being launched in December 2016.

Our previous album

If you have not listened to it yet, you can do it [here].(https://open.spotify.com/album/6HGP0Du0uiaAk57g20sbbr)

If you have not watched our music video “No somos Tarantino” yet, you can check it out here.

Your contributions will help us to

  • Record and master the album.

  • Press CDs and produce rewards for patrons.

  • Promote the album.

About the rewards

  • Single Pre-release: patrons will receive a pre-release of the single via email once the crowdfunding ends and if the goal has been achieved. This single was recorded last November at La Cochera Studio. Your feedback is very much appreciated, as this song will be recorded again and your opinion may help us improve it.

  • Digital download: it will be available for patrons before the release date.

  • T-Shirts and mugs, only for patrons: their design is unique, and won’t be available later on.

  • Postcards: 10-12 postcards illustrated with pictures designed by Chema Gallardo and that will be included in the booklet.

  • International Pack: covers the costs of international shipments within the EU. This pack must be acquired along with the pack of your choice.

  • Private Concert: we attend requests from anywhere in mainland Spain. These concerts are to be held only on Saturdays, and the date must be agreed with the band in advance.

Planned schedule

  • Recording: February 2017

  • Mastering: First week of March

  • Replicates and Rewards: Between the middle of March and the beginning of April

About us

The Buyakers was originally born as a duo in Boston in 2003, after Víctor Mohedano and Sergio González met during the very flight. All they had by then was a guitar and a dream to bring the greatest hits of Spanish Rock & Roll to the international public. This idea eventually developed into a series of concerts in the following years, performing both in the USA (Boston, New York) and in Europe (England, the Netherlands) for a wide array of people and literally anywhere (a house, a pub, a camping site or even in the foyer of a hostel). It was all about having fun and enjoying music. After this tour, in 2007 they decided to move their project to Spain to show their newly acquired skills, combining good vibes on stage with music from different decades. Encouraged by the good reviews and strong support, The Buyakers decided to welcome a new member, the extraordinary musician and trumpeter Jonathan Blanco. At that point in time they began to write their own songs as well.

But it was not until 2010 that The Buyakers established as a regular band, joined by drummer Raúl Giménez and bass player Fernando Ortega. This led to a large number of concerts all around Spain, as well as a couple of shows in France. In 2013 Raúl Giménez left the band due to professional reasons, and The Buyakers decided to take a rest. After this period of reflection, The Buyakers resumed their activity with renewed energy, joined by drummer Gregorio Merchante, lute player Carlos Mazoteras and trombonist Fernando Fernández. With this new line-up and a more mature musical project, they went into the studio to record their first single, **‘No somos Tarantino’, and in August 2014, barely one month after getting their project back in motion, the band managed to return to the stage on a large scale — The Buyakers supported the well-known Spanish singer and songwriter Loquillo in Ciudad Real in front of 4,000 people. They also revamped their songs and the entire show concept. This renewed enthusiasm, along with the unexpected success achieved during the first months, translated into numerous concerts, which led them to finally record their first album between November 2014 and February 2015 at VillarMusik Studios in Jaén. During the recording, mixing and post-production, the band also offered several concerts. And before the official release of the album, they were joined by keyboardist **Pablo Cobos, which completed the current line-up of the band. The album ‘Empieza la función’ was presented on June 27, 2015 in Puertollano in front of a large audience. It was also greeted with enthusiastic reviews by the music press, such as MariskalRock, HeavyRock or Rock Estatal. This was the starting point of the band’s new tour in support of their latest album, which saw them touring all around Spain, both at music clubs and festivals, including ChooRock and ManzanaFest. The Buyakers also won other acclaimed festivals, which allowed them to play at “The Juerga’s Fest 2016”, “QuixoteFest 2016” and “Viña Rock 2016” together with local and international bands, where the band showed its talent and attitude towards music in front of a large crowd of music fans.

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#04 / Nuevo crowdfunding!!!

Volvemos al estudio! Volvemos para grabar nuestro cuarto disco!! Y volvemos de nuevo de la mano de nuestro productor Lichis!!

Un disco que verá la luz después de verano, que será tan Buyakero como el que más y en el que hemos dedicado mucho tiempo, muchas ilusiones, muchos sudores y a veces hasta muchos momentos de crisis... pero que será el mejor de todos!!

Para poder sacarlo, necesitamos de vuestra ayuda, como tantas ocasiones en el pasado (sois nuestros ángeles de la guarda). Por eso volvemos a lanzar una campaña de crowfunding, como hicimos con nuestro anterior trabajo de estudio “El bar de los muertos”, para conseguir un pequeño porcentaje de la cantidad total que la grabación de este disco nos exige.

Para los que estén crowfundidos y no sepan muy bien que es eso; una campaña de crowfunding, mecenazgo o "financiación… read more


Muchas gracias de nuevo mecenas!!! No sabemos qué haríamos sin vosotros!!

Como lo prometido es deuda, tras haber superado el segundo objetivo de 5000 €, vamos a regalar una púa conmemorativa del segundo disco a todos los mecenas.

Pero lo mejor está por venir. Ahora tiramos la casa por la ventana y nos marcamos dos objetivos nuevos:

  • Si llegamos a los 5500 € os prometemos una fiesta privada dónde os invitaremos a todos los mecenas a cerveza, refrescos, canapés... y así aprovechamos y os entregamos las recompensas y quien quiera se las puede llevar firmadas. Aún no sabemos fecha para este evento, os avisaremos con tiempo para que os podáis acercar, pero seguro será antes del concierto de presentación. Para los que no podáis venir igualmente os podremos enviar los discos firmados y en el próximo concierto os invitamos a una!!

  • read more


Hemos superado el primer objetivo de 4500€!!

Sin vuestra ayuda y confianza no lo habríamos conseguido. Nos sentimos profundamente agradecidos. Y más sabiendo que muchos de vosotros nos habéis ayudado a conseguir más mecenas compartiendo nuestras publicaciones.

Pero aquí no acaba la cosa. Aún se puede seguir aportando al Crowdfunding hasta el 30 de Enero y si llegamos al segundo objetivo de 5000 € regalaremos una púa con un diseño nuevo referente al segundo disco, para TODOS los mecenas!!! (Y posiblemente alguna sorpresita más)

A por ello!!!!

#01 / Empezando con la producción

El día 29 de diciembre fue un día importante para nosotros. Tuvimos una primera jornada intensiva de ensayos con Miguel Ángel Hernando "Lichis", el que fuera cantante y creador de La cabra mecánica y el que será productor de nuestro próximo disco. Fue una primera toma de contacto muy productiva. Salimos muy contentos y con la ilusión cargada al 100%. Aún nos queda mucho trabajo, pero nos morimos de ganas de enseñaros nuestro trabajo. Un abrazo Buyakeros!!!!

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