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What would happen if winter and summer were neighbours? Solstice is a 3D animation short film that describes the way to maturity with unique sensibility.

Ana Eiras

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Created in

From 2.500€
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1. What is SOLSTICE

2. Synopsis

3. Characters

4. Settings

5. Music recording in Austria

6. How does Verkami work

7. Planning

8. Our team

9. Rewards

10. More information about the project


What would happen if winter and summer were neighbours? Solstice is a 3D animation short film that describes the way to maturity with unique sensibility. It has no dialogues, this means that music and sound effects play an essential role in the story. Are you also tired of listening to Vivaldi whenever the four seasons are spoken about? Help us do something different!

We would love that you took part in the project. We need to receive 2.500€ in 40 days to record the short film soundtrack in Austria and finish the story as it deserves.

The director Emilio Enigma starts the adventure of creating his first animation short film surrounded by a great team of professionals and the experience of Mago Production. Carlos Rodríguez is the promising director and composer who will create the soundtrack and conduct the Symphony Orchestra of Graz (Austria) with more than sixty musicians.

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The Solstice garden is separated by a wood fence. There are two very different areas. One of them is full of snow and there is an old but resistant house. The other one is bathed in warm sunshine. Winter, a lonely and grumpy old man, lives in the first one. His daily routine is working so that the entrance of his little house is always clear of snow. The arrival of a new neighbour, the young Summer, will change the habits and peace of the neighbourhood.

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Young Summer is full of life and eager to build a new house for himself. Funny, gentle and naïve, he is actually a determined boy.

Winter is a lonely old man who lives quietly at the twilight of his life. He is grumpy and picky although he hides a great heart under his old body.

Spring is a tender childish innocent girl. She is still fascinated by the world opening to her. Spring represents the flair of childhood.

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Summer´s House

Winter´s House

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Music recording in Austria

When we had the project started and presented our characters in the social networks, a young composer contacted us. Carlos Rodríguez Rodríguez is a promising conductor from Salamanca who was finishing his studies in the prestigious university of Kunst (KUG) in Austria. He went there to enjoy the opportunity of studying with Gerald Preinfalk.

Just like him, we could not miss this opportunity. Carlos was so excited about the project that he offered to compose the soundtrack and record it in a studio with the Symphony Orchestra of Kunst (Austria). Now our aim is to get the money to pay the studio and go there so as to complete the year’s cycle. It is winter now, we need to see the sun and spring coming.

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How does Verkami work

Verkami is a platform whose goal is giving birth to new ideas thanks to many people’s collaboration. Thanks to your collaboration we will be able to record Solstice soundtrack and, besides, you will get exclusive rewards. How does it work? We will tell you.

  • Firstly you must choose your reward.

  • Then you pay the pertinent quantity.

  • If we reach 100% the quantity will be paid and the reward will be sent to you.

  • If we don’t the quantity will not be paid, but there will be no rewards.

So we will really thank you if you can give financial support, or just sharing the campaign, all matters!

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How will the collection be distributed?

Money will be used to pay the rent of the sound booth and the trips of the musicians. Our estimation is the following

  • 525€ for the 21% of taxes from the rewards.

  • 175€ which is the 7% de commission of Verkami and the payment system.

  • 250€ for sending the rewards

  • 1.550 € that we need to record Carlos’ soundtrack.

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Our team

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More information about the project

If you want to know more about our project, you can find us in.

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#04 / Gracias a todos vosotros....¡¡¡Nos vamos a AUSTRIA!!!

Hola a todos,

queríamos volver a daros las gracias por vuestro apoyo en el proyecto. Este fin de semana ¡NOS VAMOS A GRABAR LA BANDA SONORA!. La orquesta ya está preparada, Carlos está afinando la batuta y en la universidad de KUNT (Austria) nos esperan con los brazos abiertos (o eso esperamos).

Ya estamos preparando las maletas y esta tarde cogemos el avión. SOLSTICE está cada vez más maduro y nosotros muy contentos de el éxito y agradecidos por todo vuestro apoyo.

Pronto os mandaremos noticias sobre cómo ha ido el viaje.

abrazos y besos!

El equipo Solstice


Muchas gracias a todos los que habéis hecho posible que SOLSTICE pueda viajar a Austria.

Pero la cosa no queda aquí, nos hemos propuesto un nuevo reto y queremos hacéroslo llegar:

Si llegamos a 5000€ recaudados, todos aquellos que hayáis comprado una recompensa igual o superior a 25€, recibiréis junto a vuestra compra, un DVD con el cortometraje, la banda sonora e imágenes exclusivas. Así que ya sabéis, ahora es labor de todos que podamos cumplir este nuevo reto.

Ayudadnos a compartir la campaña en redes sociales y contadle a todo el mundo que ya formáis parte del proyecto SOLSTICE.



#01 / Ya lo hemos conseguido!!! Muchas gracias a todos!!!

Gracias a todos vosotros hemos superado los 2500€ recaudados en sólo 4 días. Sólo queríamos daros las gracias por vuestro apoyo. Ya podemos crear la banda sonora que Solstice merece.

Os animamos a que compartáis la web de Solstice en las redes sociales para dar más difusión al proyecto.


Nosotros seguimos exhibiendo Solstice en el Salón del cine de Barcelona por si queréis pasar a saludarnos. Pronto anunciaremos novedades.


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