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The Four Nuts Gang's First LP

The Four Nuts Gang is starting to record the first LP. Swing And Rock&Roll Baby. Help us to go ahead!

The Four Nuts Gang

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From 3.500€
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The Four Nuts Gang

What if the great Duke Ellington had a chance to play music with the legendary Chuck Berry? The Four Nuts Gang is imagining what that would sound like, experimenting with the rage of Rock&Roll and the elegance of Swing.

Our project started in 2014 by vocalist Marta Cabanas, double-bass player Ignacio Sabadell, and guitarist Xavi Casanueva. Drummer Manel Priego joined us a little after. The wind section is composed by alto saxophonist Abert Abad, bariton saxophonist David Mallo, trumpetist Raül Gallego and our latest inclusion, trombonist Miguel Moisés. And our spiritual guide Chingjua, adding strength and color to the whole ensemble.

Our Album

We are currently recording our first album. We’ve put ourselves in the hands of experienced producer and engineer Marc Molas (Tostadero Records) who promised to take personal care of whole production to ensure it comes alive.

Twelve songs –combining classics from our favourite genre, personal covers and songs of our own– will come to live physically. We’ve been playing them for more than a year in Barcelona and beyond.

On top of the recording, the mastering and the producing of the album, your contributions go to producing a video, designing the album art, taking photographs...and that’s just the tip of the ice-berg of an extra-long list that can make this happen.

About the rewards

‘The best possible reward is music’ – thanks Marco Boi, for your words!

Our main reward will be a CD of our album, along with a HQ digital download.


You can also get an LP vinyl record. We can either ship it to you, or if you live near Barcelona, we can bring it to you and take you out for a drink!


You will also get tickets to our album release party, or arrange to have us play a private concert at your place!


• HQ digital download - January 2017
• CDs and vinyl records - February 2017
• Album release party - March 2017

+ Info


[Thanks to Hell and Danny for their translation revision]

Salut i Música!!


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#05 / We made it! (english version)


Hi everyone!

We would like to thank you all for having helped us, beared with and tolearated! They have been 40 really intense days and after a couple of chill out days we are already working on the CDs, the LPs, etc.....

The record is in it's final stage of mixing and we hope to have the master by mid February. The CDs will be in our hands halfway March along with the t-shirts - if everything goes well! The LPs will take a little longer due to waiting time in the production plant. We will keep you updated. We are also confirming some collabs, looking for a cool place to present our album with your invitations.

For those who are in Barcelona or surroundings, we count on you next Sunday 22nd at La Volàtil! Our shelter and place where we will have a concert to celebrate the Verkami accomplishment and see your faces - which we are eagerly expecting! Thanks for your patience and your support,

Salut i música!

Thanks Chingua for translation!

#04 / We got it!!!!! Concierto Final de Verkami en La Volàtil!


Moltes gràcies!

Muchas GRacias!

Eskerrik asko!


Thanks a lot!!!!

Gracie Mile!!!
ευχαριστώ πολύ!!

Queremos agradeceros a todos vosotros por habernos ayudado, aguantado y soportado!! Han sido 40 días muy intensos y después de un para de días de relax ya estamos trabajando en los CD, Vinilos, etc....

El disco está en la fase final de mezclas y esperamos tener el Màster a mediados de febrero. Los CD´s estarán en nuestras manos si todo va bién a medidados de marzo junto con las camisetas. Los vinilos tardarán un poco más debido al tiempo de espera en la fábrica de producción. Os mantendremos informados. También estamos por confirmar algunas colaboraciones en el disco, buscar sala molona para presentar disco con vuestras invitaciones (y hasta aquí podemos leer).

A los que estéis por Barcelona o… read more

#02 / Sesión de Fotos!

Aquí teneis para vuestros ojos peaso de sesión de fotos que nos hico Samuel Flores Sánchez en Poblenou! Alcanzamos casi la mitad del objetivo mínimo. Es algo alucinante.... Muchas muchas gracias a todos Vosotros: familia, amigos, Seguimos adelante. En breve os presentaremos la portada a cargo de un gran amigo, mecenas también de este proyecto Álex Gordo.

Salut i música!

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