LEdGO is the first shape-limitless lamp. Imagine you can choose the configuration you like for the lamp in your living room or bedroom. Like in a construction game, on the basis of universal mechanism and rotation system, you can create the object with the shape you prefere. And what if that shape you chose, you don't like it anymore? Disassemble and mount it again!. Possibilities are infinite!
LEdGO is composed of these geometrical pieces: hexagon, pentagon, square and triangle.
These pieces are made of plastic, and will be constructed with special molds plastic inyection. There is no limit in colors.
The lightness of the product and its easy assembling system, makes it a product for both adults and children (supervised, of course).
LEdGO: designed by Emanuele Terracini. Polychrome plastic parts.
Each box contains:
-8 triangles;
-8 squares;
-12 pentagons;
-20 hexagons;
-2 special pieces for the lamp-holder (one hexagon and one pentagon);
I Light It, do you light it?
I Light It was born in 2016 from the idea of creating decorative luminairesfor domestic use that could be easy mounted.
In February 2016, as part of the project La_B Marmita, we started to create the first Ideas, developing the first Prototypes and creating the third product, LEdGO , that later on would be our flagship product, with the intention that the client could set up the shapes he likes the most, in an easy way.
Who am I
I Light It is a personal project developed by Emanuele Terracini, Architect and Lighting Designer, born Italian and Spanish foster.
Our products' values are:
-High quality in Materials, Finishes and Mechanisms
-Easy to mount Systems
-Creativity stimulation
-High Quality Design
The products we have developed are:
CD3: designed by Alberto Troconis Dittmar (Ingeniero Eléctrico y Diseñador de Iluminación) and Emanuele Terracini. DM Wood laser cutted. Dimensions when assembled 20x20x20cm
PersonaLED: designed by Alberto Troconis Dittmar and Emanuele Terracini. DM Wood laser cutted and printed parchment screen.
Dimensions when assembled 20x20x20cm
How we are going to use your contributions
The contributions will be used to order the Inyection Molds to build in greater scale all the pieces needed for the luminaire. Each mold costs us 3000€ and we need from 5 to 8 units. In case we could reach the top target 24000€ we could charge all the molds. After that, all we could reach will be used to develop new materials to offer other kind of pieces (transparents and translucid).
About the rewards
Rewards goes from a personalized "thank you" in our website www.ilightit.com in LEdGO section together with a pin with our logo, to one of our lamps I Light It, CD3 or PersonaLED. The biggest rewards are the final object LEdGO. Don't waste the opportunity, as the sell price of LEdGO will be 150€!!!
For the smaller rewards, as the pins or the luminaires CD3 or PersonaLED, the scheduled time of invoice will be between 3 weeks and a month. For the LEdGO and his extension pack, depending on the manufacturing timing for the molds, it can oscillate between 2 and 3 months (aprox.).
For more information about I Light It:
Facebook I Light It
Twitter I Light It
The music in the video is "Rainbows" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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