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PIMEÄ METSÄ - We need your help to release our second album!!

Pimeä Metsä will record their second album in 2016 and needs your help! After the very positive reviews of Legacy of the Heathen North, we don’t content ourselves. We want more! We want to offer you a more elaborated album, just what you and your support deserves!

Pimeä Metsä

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From 2.500€
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About us

Pimeä Metsä (finnish for Dark Forest) is a viking/folk metal band from Madrid, Spain. No Blood No Glory! will be our second album after the release of [Legacy of the Heathen North] in 2013 (https://pimeametsa.bandcamp.com/), which reached very positive reviews among the specialised media. It gave us the opportunity to go on the road and play it in various cities... in nights that you, our fans, converted into unforgettable! Moreover, tours supporting international bands, festivals, interviews with heavy metal media and... almost sold out in our gig of 26th November 2013 at We Rock! (Madrid), at home, with our brothers and sisters in arms!

With No Blood No Glory! we want to be one step forward. It will be much faster, more epic and richer in details than its predecessor. The experience we have been acquiring has allowed us to compose more elaborated songs, with more varied passages, but always keeping Pimeä Metsä's essence. We cannot wait for you to listen to it!

Our second LP will contain 9 tracks, one of them instrumental, and will be recorded, mixed and mastered at The Metal Factory Studios in Madrid by Alex Cappa, who has worked with really amazing Spanish heavy metal bands like Hamlet, Vita Imana, etc.

The objective of your contributions

We need minimum 2.500,00 € to fund the recording, mixing and mastering of the LP, design of the album artwork by a draftswoman and its release and promotion all around the world by the Italian label Wormhole Death (Ashes to Ashes, Barbarian Prophecies, Dunkelnacht, Napaln Storm, etc.)

Our second album approximate budget is:

Recording, mixing and mastering in The Metal Factory Studios: 4.600,00 €

Manufacturing of 1.000 CD's, album artwork printing, international distribution and promotion by Wormhole Death: 1.000,00 €

Design of the album artwork by a draftswoman: 400,00 € aprox

Total: 6.000,00 €

What if we go beyond our funding objectives?

We have some more things in mind: video recording, improvement of our stage atrezzo, advertisements of the release and the gigs in the media... We have also some more original merchandising products, not very often seen in a musical band (if you know us, you will know what we are talking about... but we think we will surprise you anyway!)

About the rewards

Your support is essential for us, it is the reason for the hundreds of kilometres that we travel for each show, the inspiration that helps us in our compositions and, in this case, the last impulse that we need to release our album! As you can see we have done the work and have look after every minimal detail, but... we need the money to do it!

Therefore, we had to give you the best, so we will offer can offer as reward: packs with our best merchandising products (some of the products are exclusive for the crowdfunding, and others are given at a very special price). Of course, we can offer, just for reading this words, a big Viking hug!

Items offered as reward:

Exclusive pick: You will receive an exclusive Pimeä Metsä pick with our logo.

Signed photo: We will give you a signed photo with the six members of the band. The photo was done by the photographer Cristina Gálvez.

Exclusive sticker: An exclusive designed sticker with the logo and name of the band. You can take us wherever you go!

Digital copy of the LP: You will receive a digital copy of the LP No Blood no Glory! some days before its international date of release.

International shipping costs: You need to add this supplement to any of the rewards if the shipment is outside Spain.

Physical copy of the LP: You will obtain a CD of our second album No Blood no Glory!

Physical copy of "LEGACY OF THE HEATHEN NORTH": CD of our first album LEGACY OF THE HEATHEN NORTH, qualified with an average of 8/10 by metal media.

Exclusive T-shirt: You will obtain an exclusive t-shirt of the band wit the design of our new album (you must select your size). The album artwork is being designed at this stage, so we can not show it yet but... you can trust us, you will like it!

Exclusive sweatshirt: You will obtain a sweatshirt with our logo and the size that you select.

Ticket for our show: We will need your name and ID to give you access to one of our shows. Festivals or shows where Pimeä Metsä is the invited artist of other band are not included in this reward.

Special mention in the Hall of Fame of the LP: Your name will be written in the exclusive "Hall of Fame" integrated in the album artwork, just to thank your generous contribution!

Exclusive handmade horn: You will obtain a replica of the drinking horns used by the Vikings in their glorious days, adorned with personalized Viking designs.

Inedit instrumental song: A new instrumental song from Pimeä Metsä (that will not be included in any other album)... it has been composed just for you!

Special mention of your name or brand in the Hall of Fame of the booklet, videoclips and LP and gigs posters. Promotion of festivals or shows where Pimeä Metsä is the invited artist of other band are not included in this reward.

Important comment: Shipping costs are included for Spain. For shipments outside Spain, Pack Drakkar must be included to any of the other rewards.

Planned timetable

The nine songs are ready and we are now finishing with its pre-production and closing their final arrangements and harmonies.

We will start its recording at the studio in September. According with the schedule that gave us from the studio, recording, mixing and mastering should be finished around October 15th when LP manufacturing and artwork printing would start. We estimate that by the end of November we will be able to release No Blood No Glory!, but it will depend on the agreement we reach with the Italian label... Anyway, we can assure that *as gratitude to your support, you will have the album as soon as we receive the physical copies, *, it has nothing to do with the official market release.

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English below:

¡¡¡¡Hermanos y hermanas!!!!:

Estamos muy contentos de traeros las noticias más recientes acerca de NO BLOOD, NO GLORY, que, gracias a vuestras aportaciones, será una realidad dentro de muy muy poco.

En primer lugar, deciros que la mezcla y el mastering han sido ya terminados. ¡¡El resultado es impresionante!! Ahora, el artwork (el diseño del libreto y todas las ilustraciones internas del CD) está casi terminado, por lo que el master será enviado a fábrica en los próximos días. Esto significa que recibiremos las copias a finales de noviembre.

La estrategia de promoción del disco está siendo diseñada por nuestro mánager y el sello discográfico, por lo que no sabemos cuándo será lanzado a la venta en todo el mundo. Pero, ¡¡no os preocupéis!! Como mecenas nuestros que sois, os enviaremos vuestras copias tan pronto las recibamos nosotros.

Y por último, pero no menos importante, aquí podéis ver portada y track list del disco. ¡¡Estamos seguros de que os encantará!!

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#04 / ¡¡Y llegó el día!!

Hermanos, hermanas ¡¡por fin el día ha llegado!!

Ayer, lunes 5 de septiembre, Pablo comenzó a grabar las baterías de NO BLOOD NO GLORY! y parece ser que las sensaciones desde el estudio no pueden ser mejores. Se ha conseguido un sonido que va a proporcionar al disco una fuerza y contundencia bestial...

Por otra parte, deciros que ya comienzan a confirmarse fechas de presentación en directo. Por ahora, podemos anunciaros que estaremos el 10 de febrero de 2017 en San Sebastián, dentro de la edición 2017 del Euskal Metal Fest, junto a bandas de talla nacional e internacional como los alemanes Finsterforst, entre muchos otros que se irán confirmando.

Atentos, porque ¡¡tenemos más conciertos de los que os iremos informando en los próximos días!!!

Eso es todo por el momento. ¿Es poco? sí... ¡¡pero es lo que hay!!

¡¡¡¡Seguid atentos y atentas!!!!!

KEEP ON VIKING!!!!!!!!!!


English below:

¡¡Hermanos y hermanas!! Estamos muy orgullosos de anunciaros que ¡¡la campaña de crowdfunding ha finalizado con éxito!! No sólo hemos conseguido llegar a nuestro objetivo de financiación, sino que nos hemos quedado ¡¡más de 300,00 € por encima!!

Y esto ha sido gracias a todos vosotros, a nuestros heramanos y hermanas del clan del Bosque Oscuro. De la manera más profunda, fuerte y estruendosa, ¡¡¡muchísimas muchísimas gracias!!!!!

Ahora, prometemos dar lo mejor de nosotros y trabajar todo lo duro que os merecéis para grabar un album de altísimo nivel No Blood no Glory! ¡¡Estamos segurísimos de que el disco y las demás recompensas os van a encantar!!

Pronto, muy pronto, volveremos para contaros nuestras últimas noticias, así que estad atentos por aquí y siguiéndonos en las redes sociales.

De nuevo y por siempre ¡¡muchísimas gracias!!


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#02 / ¡¡Así será la sudadera!!

¡¡Hermanas y hermanos!!

En agradecimiento a vuestra inestimable ayuda, hoy con orgullo os mostramos una idea de lo que será la sudadera exclusiva que podréis conseguir con algunos de nuestros packs... ¡¡Esperamos que os guste!!

Pronto volveremos con más sorpresas.

Gracias de nuevo e infinitas veces y...

KEEP ON VIKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#01 / ¡¡Cincuenta por ciento superado!!

Queridos mecenas, ¡¡queridas amigas y amigos!!

Informaros de que acabamos de atravesar el ecuador de la campaña y, gracias a vuestro increíble apoyo, ¡¡ya hemos superado el cincuenta por ciento de nuestro objetivo de financiación!!

Esto significa que vamos bien, que el ritmo es el adecuado, pero no podemos confiarnos. Es por eso que veréis que últimamente le estamos dando mucha caña a la difusión del proyecto a través de la red.

Si alguno o alguna de vosotras quiere colaborar con la difusión del proyecto, sabed que cualquier gesto, por pequeño que pueda parecer, nos es tremendamente útil. No obstante queremos insistir en esto, ¡¡con vuestro apoyo nos habéis ayudado más que de sobra!!

Por nuestra parte, deciros que pronto os traeremos algunas sorpresas, así que ¡estad atentos!

Un abrazo enorme!!!

Los dioses ya están apuntando vuestros nombres y preparando las celebraciones en vuestro honor en el Valhalla.


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