First of all, Thanks for being interested on our Project ! After a very succesful Verkami last year, we’ll love to see you again for a new videogame batch on different platforms; Nintendo NES, Sega Mega Drive / Genesis and Sinclair Spectrum.
1985 Alternativo and the Mojon Twins have already published a lot of games. Since 1985 Alternativo birth on 2012, all of these projects have been self funded. But after our succesful first crowdfunding campaign, we want to count on you again, in order to continue offering videogames without any delay, and improving every possible bit.
What we do with your pledges
The funds collected from your pledges will be used to cover the manufacturing of cartridge cases, PCBs, cassettes, dies and printed materials.
We are working to enhance the quality of our NES cases with new materials, and if we reach a higher goal, we are thinking on replacing our current Megadrive cartridge cases and PCBs completely.
On the other hand, our cassette duplication machine "Manolita" has left us forever. We are sad about this, but she was old and passed away doing what she did better: giving the best of herself. We need a new duplication machine to keep up with demand.
We are asking for your help in order to publish the following titles:
Uwol has starred in a wide array of games for a bunch of systems. But in Super Uwol, the third chapter, we’ll reach a new level...Literally! New levels, 2-player modes: versus and cooperative! Find a friend and collect all the coins!
These are the available awards for our supporters:
Get the cartridge: Get the complete NES game, with box and booklet. NTSC/PAL compatible.
Your name on the game: Put your name or nick on the game booklet.
The game poster: Get a poster made by Ferry Hardest
Personalized game: Become the main character or change him with whoever you want, selecting the personalized game reward
Ninjajar is one of the most expected and amusing games from Mojon Twins! This game brings the Alex Kidd in Miracle World look and feel from the Master System to the Spectrum.
These are the rewards for this title:
The game: The game for your Sinclair Spectrum in tape format, including cover, booklet...
Your name in the game: Put your name on history!. We cannot put every backer name on the manual, but selecting these reward you’ll help us and you’ll go down to posterity.
T-Shirt: Receive a wonderful Ninjajar T-Shirt!. We'll ask you for your prefered size when the reward is reviewed. We’ll be able to prepare them faster! :-)
Cheris is one of the most beloved characters on the retroscene, and this is one of the most awaited games for Mega Drive / Genesis.
(Compatible PAL / NTSC).
These are the available rewards:
Your name int the game: Put your name in the game and the booklet.
Game for Mega Drive / Genesis: Get the cartridge, box and booklet for the Sega 16bit. As all our games, is suitable for both PAL and NTSC.
Game and Mojon Twins T-shirt!: Did you miss the Mojon Twins T-shirt? This is your chance to get it!.
Be the main character!: You’ll replace Cheril and we’ll create a character following your guidelines. It can be yourself!
Many years ago, the golden era of Spanish videogames came to an end, sweeping away dreams and illusions. Many new games, some of them almost finished or ready for being launched, were canceled and never released. This is the case of Prayer of the Warrior, a game by Restos Soft, a team formed by brothers Francisco Javier and Emilio Serrano García.
This game was about to be published by Zigurat, but never saw the light. With the endorsement and under direct supervision by its creators, we officialy launch The Prayer of the Warrior, just 25 years later!
Help us correct history and make this game see the light. We want to bring you a very special edition with a special care for detail, as a tribute for this jewel.
Thanks to you this game from 1991 will be officialy lauched!
After Jet Paco and Sgt. Helmet: Training Day for the NES, the Mojon Twins bring you a new side-scrolling game with lots of fun and a series of rewards to match up.
This is a brand new, remastered version of Sir Ababol, correcting mistakes and glitches, enhancing visuals, and complete with a new engine which enhances playability. Much more fun than the original! Reject imitations from the chinese flea market!
This will be the first 1985 Alternativo release with numbered copies. Each cartridge will have a unique issue number. The first six copies will be quite special. Those are the rewards for this game:
Your name in the greetings: get your name in the game printed manual.
Get the videogame: Complete with cart, box and printed manual.
Limited edition: The first six copies of Sir Ababol (Remastered edition) will be quite special, as they will come in blue cartridges and two bottles of blue wine Gik Blue, so you can enjoy a glass of fine wine while you play.
We have been talking about this game by our buddy Leander since some time ago. With music of our own Murcian David Sánchez, cover art by Daniel Nevado and printed arts by Felipe Monge, Mega Mindtris aims to get puzzle games to the next level thanks to the innovations by our pal Alfonso, with a polished finish which surprise you - for the good! You'll become addicted! Lots of action and fun for your Megadrive. Challenge your opponent and don't let him overcome you! Dare you?
Apart from the previous games and rewards, we have collected some of your proposed rewards. We hope you’ll find them interesting!
1985 Alternativo Music CD: Get this campaign exclusive CD with selected tracks from 1985 Alternativo games, composed by our Murcian David Sánchez.
Fase Bonus T-Shirt: You’ve been demanding this for a long time! Finally, you can get our FaseBonus T-shirt, the best choice for retroevents and for your bathroom selfies. Don’t forget to tell your prefered size!.
Take part!
Our experience with the former campaign was awesome, except for some problems with PayPal (if you can avoid that payment method we will be thankful!) The way you have taken part, get involved, and became a part of it has been quite gratifying. We want to keep building on this counting on you.
To achieve that, from now to the moment when every reward has been delivered, we will do our best to maintain an open communication channel so you can give us feedback, ask us questions, make suggestions, or give ideas. You can write us to [email protected]
If you want to opt for several rewards, have anything to ask, want to combine items in a way we haven't thought of or want to choose a different payment method, you just have to write us. We will do our best to help you and inform Verkami so every contribution is registered.
We have calculated about four months since the campaign ends; nevertheless part of the goods will be ready before.
+ Info
You can stay in touch with the project from our Twitter accounts: @fasebonus @mojon_twins @1985alternativo
And, obviously, from our websites:
Don´t hesitate to write an email for any question or suggestion. It’s a pleasure and we’ll try to answer you in the shortest posible time: [email protected]
If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
Gabriel Mendez Graña
Por la tardanza y de no ser posible el envio de los juegos financiados no me importaria recibir algunos de esta campaña por valor similar. Deciros que confio en vosotros y que el problema sin duda no es responsabilidad de vosotros. Saludos.
Gabriel Mendez Graña
Hola! Os escribo para comentaros que aun no he recibido los videojuegos de Nes( Jet Paco y demas) que financie con 100 euros. Me podriais informar de la situacion de mi pedido y si aun me es posible recibirlo? Os agradeceria informacion. Gracias!
Hey how come there are limited copies of each game? "Mega Cheril" is sold out and there is no way to pledge funds towards the project. Are you going to add a tier so that we can obtain a copy of the Mega Drive game?
Martin Gamero Prieto
Y otra pregunta, de NES tenéis estos dos, el JetPaco, y uno de sargentonoseque o algo así, hay más juegos de NES vuestro? Vais a poner el sargentonoseque en este verkami? un saludo PD: Os dejo esto para las fundas:
Fase Bonus
¡Hola! No existe ninguna diferencia, simplemente nos lo pidieron por comodidad usuarios de otros países. Respecto a los otros juegos que nos consultabas, no podemos poner los de la anterior campaña en la actual, disculpas ;(
Martin Gamero Prieto
Hola!! Según veo en este verkami habéis puesto de NES el SIR ABABOL: Remastered Edition y el SUPER UWOL. Hay alguna diferencia entre comprar los 2 por 35€, y el pack de 70€ (Sir Ababol: Remastered + Super Uwol, cartuchos completos). un saludo
Fase Bonus
¡A las buenas! Sí, así lo haremos. ¡Esperamos no ver ese primer juego por eBay! Que alguno nos ha comentado de pillarlo en azul para costearse el resto de juegos de la campaña xD
Hola, me gustaría saber si en el SIR ABABOL Edición Especial se asignarán los números de serie por fecha de aportación, mas que nada porque creo que fui el primero y seria gracioso tener el numero 1 xD
Fase Bonus
¡Buenas! La talla te la preguntaremos al finalizar y hacer los preparativos, descuida ;)
Hola, ¿donde os puedo indicar la talla de la camiseta?. Y una petición, el otro día pusisteis el cartucho de watman en una imagen, ¿pondréis algún watman en el verkami? Muchas gracias.