Micropatronage to recover a key archaeological site in Villajoyosa.
The Tellerola Project, formed by a group of young researchers in history and archeology, has just launched a crowdfunding campaign that would allow obtaining the necessary funds to proceed with the excavation of the eponymous site. This archaeological site, located at the top of a beach near the coastal Torres hill, can be crucial to recover a part of the history of ancient Iberian town of Villajoyosa which until now was unknown. Its excavation constitutes a priority because of the structures of the site are at ground level. In addition, the erection of a spontaneous memorial on the site has favored the removal of some stones from its walls. Therefore, the purpose of the project is to carry out the excavation of the main structure of the settlement so as to guarantee its protection and conservation. On the other hand, if sufficient funds are collected, restoration and enhancement of the site will be engaged. The project has the advice of the Municipal Section of Archaeology and Ethnography Museum of Villajoyosa.
In fact, the scientific interest of the Tellerola does not lie in the pieces which may be found and which are likely to be very common and humble, but rather in the fact that their structures might correspond to those of a coastal watchtower from Iberian or Ibero-Roman era . This working hypothesis is motivated by the privileged strategic position of the site, which controls both the sea and the road running along the coast of the district of Marina Baixa. The visual control of the territory could explain the function of this building. According to the date of the found materials, it may be one of the Turres Hannibalis ( "Hannibal Towers »), Carthaginians fortified enclosures erected on high hills in times of the 2nd Punic War, at the end of the third century B.C.; without excluding the possibility that it may be a control tower Iberian coast, or part of the system of military forts of Sertorian Wars (82-72 B.C.) as recently proposed by the University of Alicante. The site, of course, does not seem like the religious coastal sanctuary Malladeta in Villajoyosa- or a domestic rural settlement.
The campaign is carried out through the Verkami platform. Their goal is to achieve at least 2,100 € for the project implementation. They have 40 days to achieve that objective.
"We believe that with the cooperation of everybody is possible to recover one of the strategic fields of Villajoyosa. We are totally open to patrons and both individuals and corporate sponsors to help us make this possible. In return, we offer guided tours, project t-shirts, etc. All rewards are detailed on Verkami website. With very little you can build a lot "- says Antonio Sellés, archaeologist and developer of the project, who will submit the obtained funds to the regional administration for approval.
If the working hypothesis of the research team are confirmed, Villajoyosa could have a new BIC (Bien de Interés Cultural, site of Cultural Interest), meaning a heritage listed with the highest degree of protection that can be granted, since castles and similar structures possess this status automatically. To contact the team, you can refer to [email protected], by phone at 618 970 103 or by going directly to the website of the Verkami platform (http://www.verkami.com/projects/14627).
[email protected]
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Proyecto Tellerola
Hola María Ángeles, en los próximos días o quizás como muy tarde durante la semana que viene os ofreceremos todas las novedades al respecto.
María Ángeles Cabeza Llorca
Quería saber cuándo se van a llevar a cabo las visitas guiadas al yacimiento y mi hermana, Ana Cabeza,pregunta si se sabe algo de la camiseta.
Proyecto Tellerola
Por supuesto.
Marcos Bella
He visto con atencion este proyecto y he hecho una pequeña aportación.
Me pregunto si puedo hacer una aportación en nombre de otra persona, es decir, pago yo, pero esa otra persona recibe la recompensa.