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Orange Broek, new album in 12" vinyl and CD.

Orange Broek are a synthpop duo from Barcelona and we want to release our next album on 12" vinyl and CD, but we need you. Help us to make it possible!

Orange Broek

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From 1.989€
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Thank you all! In just 10 days we have achieved our goal and we can edit our next LP on vinyl, CD and CD Special Edition . We still have 30 days to go further and grow our Verkami.

We open a new goal: reach the 2500€ to finance the videoclips of our next LP singles.

And we launched a new reward: ANALOGUE PACK. An exclusive pack only available in Verkami including an autographed 12" vinyl and a cassette edition of our album '89. Hurry! We will publish only 10 copies!.

Project description

Since the launch on cassette and CD of the album “Orange Broek” in 2014 - funded with your appreciated donations - this electronic music project has evolved from a solo into a synthpop duo with the addition of Arnau Feixas. During this two years we’ve performed in festivals such as the ArteNOU or the Eufònic or clubs like La 2-Apolo; Depósito Legal or La Casa de la Bomba in Lleida. We’ve also had time to compose new songs that will be part of our new album.

We’re really excited to get into the studio and record the new songs, but something’s missing, and that’s you. We need your help for the 12” vinyl edition; CD-Digipack & Special Edition CD being a reality.

The New LP >> ‘89

Our next album will contain 9 original songs composed both by Arnau Feixas & Pere Jurado which are sung in Catalan, Spanish and English plus one instrumental track. The recording will be supported, on the artistic direction and production, by Santi Capote, a composer from Madrid who’s nowadays living in Barcelona. Santi has 17 years of music career full of success.

The album goes with the release of 3 singles and a B Side track. The first Single Song is called “Cada Vez” and you can listen to it here:

What are the contributions for?

If we reach our own target, money will be used for the edition of the new album on the following formats:

  • 12” and 150 gr. numbered Vinyl

  • CD-Digipack

  • Special Edition numbered CD

The new record will be available on the main online pusic platforms for downloading and streaming play. We will also finance the mastering of the tracks at The Punch Studio (Barcelona); the release of a video clip and the Artwork conception and design as well as the rewards and the postal shippings.

The Artwork will be performed by Vicent Almiñana, a graphic designer from Xàtiva settled in Barcelona, who performed the artwork of our previous music album and the one from the debut record from Siberian Wolves, amongst others.

What happens if we outreach our target?

We will consider adding new rewards, like editing a fanzine or release more copies. We are creative fellas, we’ll sort something out.

What happens if we don’t reach the target?

If the campaign deadline arrives and we don’t get to the target, your contributions will not be charged; we won’t send any reward and we would not be able to carry on with this project.

Expected Calendar

The new album songs will be recorded at MandarinaEstudi (Barcelona) during the summer of 2016. Once mixed, they will be sent to The Punch Studio for the mastering process. The Vinyls and the CD will be produced at the end of summer.

The appearance of ’89 will be during the autumn 2016.

Rewards and dealings.

  • 12” Vinyl, CD-Digipack & Special Edition CD: these are the 3 physical that we want to publish and we will send them signed or with a personal written dedication. If you want them unsigned, please, just let us know.

  • Special Edition CD: this is an special edition of the album and it will include extra contents such as demos, remixes, B-sides and other rarities. This version will be limited and numbered.

  • Digital Downloading: the patrons will receive a link and a code to download the album from our Bandcamp page a few days before of its release.

  • Merchandise Pack: it includes a tote bag; an Instax Photograph (Polaroid picture like) of the band and a promo badge.

  • Presentation Concerts: We’d like to do a presentation concert coinciding with the launching of the new record. But we expect to present it in many other cities during 2016 & 2017.

  • Private Concerts: please, send us an email for any inquires.

  • Postal Shippings: national and international postal expenses are included in the crowdfunding target.

Do you have further questions? Please, write us at [email protected]

When will the rewards be received?

Wherever possible, the rewards will be sent coinciding with the launching of the new LP, expected for the autumn 2016. The first thing all patrons will receive is the digital version of the new album by email.

We will inform all patrons of the production status during all its phases (recordings, mastering, production and shippings) via E-mail.

We will conveniently inform to all our patrons on the case of an incident or incidents during the records and packs production or shipping processes.

Who we, Orange Broek, are?

On its origins Orange Broek started in 2010 as a solo project by Pere Jurado, but in September 2014 it expanded with the addition of Arnau Feixas on the guitar; bass and percussions. Arnau has given a more introspective and darker sound to the duo.

As a synthpop duo, Arnau and Pere have released the EP “Silencio” (December 2014) and have remixed music bands such as Ellos, Carlos Berlanga, Salvador Tóxico o Monsieur Cactus. Besides, during they’ve played various live concerts which included performing in festivals like ArteNOU; Bis Festival; Electrovinyes or Eufònic Festival.

Follow us!
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¡Gracias a todos! En sólo 10 días hemos logrado nuestro objetivo y podremos editar nuestro próximo LP en vinilo, CD y CD Edición Especial. Aún nos quedan 30 días para hacer crecer aún más nuestro verkami.

Abrimos una nueva meta: llegar hasta los 2500€ para financiar los videoclips de nuestro próximo LP.

Y lanzamos una nueva recompensa: Pack Analógico. Un pack exclusivo en Verkami con el que podréis conseguir el vinilo de 12" firmado y la edición en cassette de nuestro álbum '89. ¡Corre! Sólo editaremos 10 copias!

#01 / Primera semana!

Han pasado sólo 7 días y hemos superado el 75% del objetivo y esperamos llegar al objetivo pronto, muy pronto. Gracias a todos por vuestras aportaciones!!

En paralelo hemos lanzado nuestro nuevo single, que de hecho es el adelanto del LP cuya edición financiaremos con este crowdfunding. La prensa musical independiente se ha hecho eco de este lanzamiento. La primera noticia llegó de la mano del veterano blog Astredupop, en donde 'Por cada vez' entró directo al #15 de su lista PopIN del indie español.

El blog Musikorner incluyó a su vez nuestro último single entre las 10 canciones que no puedes perderte http://musikorner.com/2016/04/08/10-canciones-que-no-te-puedes-perder-2-8-de-abril/

La Fonoteca nos incluyó en su especial 'Bis Festival' en el programa semanal que podéis escuchar en Scanner FM http://www.scannerfm.com/especial-bis-festival-artista-revelacion-la-fonoteca-barcelona/

También se hicieron eco de nuestro lanzamiento los siguientes blogs
Sonido Indie, Movies4Indies, read more

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